Sacred Devil

Chapter 1305

A person is quietly suspended in the dark, around him is a piece of white, but this white is particularly dazzling, on the contrary, the dark seems to be a little soft, and this person more match.

Time has passed countless years, and he has been stuck here for a long time.

He thought that the darkness was everywhere in his heart, even though there was darkness in the dark world, the reason for his choice was that there was darkness in the dark world.

He likes the wider world. As for the so-called justice and evil, it is nothing to him. Is it right for a just person to kill evil, and is it wrong for evil to kill justice?

embraced his thoughts, and he fell into the dark world. He felt that he had found a new world, and soon became a dark high priest. He looked at the so-called bright world in the dark, and he felt the ugly side more and more.

Therefore, in the dark world, he is more happy. The paper man is his best friend. They are simple and loyal. The creatures in the dark world are also very suitable for him. If the enemy is killed, he will be killed. No one will blame you on morality, or even gather most people for this reason.

It was a wonderful life. The high priest lived happily. His dark world was getting bigger and bigger. One day, he felt as if he had realized something.

Does the dark world exist only in the realm of practice?

No, where there are human beings and creatures, there must be darkness except for the paper man.

So he began to spread his dark world with all his strength, beyond the realm of cultivation, tearing up the space, until he reached another world, which was a new world.

He found a new force in this world, the power of divine text, which made him very happy. So he became more interested in the world, and he began to develop his own dark world and dark forces here.

Maybe one day, the dark world will cover this place, and everyone will face the ugliness in their hearts. In this way, the dark world may become stronger and stronger, and one day, even the Xiuzhen world will be covered by the dark world.

This is his lofty idea, the idea of putting into action, and he has been working hard for a long time, but everything dissipates on that day, and any lofty ideal is nothing.

The big world is not a good thing. Is the dark world a good thing? The high priest had never thought about it before. If he met someone saying these words, he would kill them mercilessly, even because they were killed in the dark world without complaining.

Look, what a wonderful world it is.

As for now, the high priest was sitting cross legged. At this time, he slowly stretched out his hand and touched the dazzling white world, and then he bared himself

He quickly retracted his hand, looked down and found that his hand had been burned.

He looked up and looked around. He found that the dark world which was nearly several meters around was smaller. Besides sitting, he could only stand. As long as he walked a few steps, he would encounter the white reality, which would burn himself.

"The real world, the dark world, is just the world!" The high priest growled, and his voice fell through the darkness into the white and melted.

It's like flame falling into water, like ice falling into magma, which is completely immiscible.

The high priest was very angry. He also hated how he degenerated so thoroughly and became a creature of the dark world. He had no resistance to the real world. But now he thought that the dark world everywhere was about to disappear.

"What light and dark, this is just a different form of the world, there is no difference at all!" Said the high priest in a low voice, but he did not know who he meant to speak to.

"I was wrong! I'm wrong He said it twice in a row, but there was still silence around him, and only the dark world was getting smaller and smaller.

This is an interface war. The dark world, as an external world, can not withstand the remnant world after all, and is being melted a little bit, and the high priest has no way to deal with it.

"Who will find those paper men, who will come to save me!" The high priest sighed in a low voice, and since that day he had been sent here, habitually integrated into the dark world. Then I found that my luck was really good. I found the core of the remnant world directly, which is the best place to erode the world.

But unfortunately, he was horrified to find that the remnant world was also interested in his dark world, or hostile, and was surrounded before he began to erode himself.

He even thought at that time whether the so-called transmission was deliberately done by the world? After all, it is very possible that everything in this world belongs to this world.

The high priest has thought about these things countless times, but this is bound to be a thinking without any way. The high priest was already desperate. He did not know where this remote place was. Just left some paper people, and then hid in the dark, did not expect the result is slowly waiting for death.

Maybe you shouldn't hide in the dark, then you may be directly killed by the light of the real world? The high priest found that he seemed to have no choice. When he came to the world and was determined to erode it, his fate might have been doomed."The spirit of the world here, I swear here, as long as you let me out, I swear that I will never let you leave a trace of dark power here, and will not let you be invaded by other darkness, and never degenerate into darkness or light from now on!"

The high priest roared. He was trapped by the remnant world and educated here for so many years. He had long been convinced. He did not know how many similar vows he had made, but it seems that the spirit of the remnant world has not received it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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