Sacred Devil

Chapter 1312

"Ten thousand arrows!" The second master's face became colder and colder.

All the Shenwen arrays on the old man are lit up. Even if you are outside, you can see all the blood vessels on the old man. All the channels inside are destroyed. This is Shenwen wanjian array!

The fog on the old man was getting heavier and heavier. Jiang Hao felt a bit of something bad, but he hesitated for a moment, or said nothing, but stood in the same place.

The second master glanced at the old man and felt how much breath he had lost. He said faintly: "death is not worth cherishing. If there is an afterlife, don't be enemies with Lulin clan."

Then he turned to go.

After the Shenwen wanjian array was over, the old man fell heavily on the ground.

"Cough, cough, cough."

Suddenly, a burst of coughing sounded. The second master suddenly turned around and found that the old man had got up again. Then he was staring at himself. There was hatred in his eyes.

The fog on his body became more and more intense, and Jiang Hao suddenly understood what it was. He had absorbed a lot of inspiration, and there was no lack of such fog. However, because the number was scarce, he did not think of it at once.

But now I remember, this is the gas of resentment!

But how can a person have such a big resentment? Jiang Hao was suspicious in his heart.

But at this time, the sudden change rose abruptly and got up. The old man with blood all over his body, the fisherman and the hunter, opened his mouth. It seems to be saying something, but no one can hear it clearly.

At this time, the second master hesitated. He didn't expect that this man would survive under the Shenwen wanjian array. So he didn't know what to do. After all, all the strong killing moves were put forward. Would he want to find a sword to stab this man to death? That's kind of weird.


Gusts of cold wind blew.

The fog began to materialize.

Jiang Hao was more alert.

The old fisherman and Hunter suddenly jumped up, just like a normal person. If he didn't have so much blood on him, no one would have thought that he was hurt. At this time, he suddenly laughed.

But the smile was very insidious to all.

"Survived." A young man of the Lulin clan came out at this time. Jiang Hao noticed that this man seemed to be a more outstanding young man under the second master's hand. If we compare Lu's accomplishments with Lu's, his accomplishments are much higher than Lu's.

"Then I'll kill you once."

He grabbed a long knife in his hand and danced with it for a few times. Then he stepped up abruptly, rushed directly to the fisherman and hunted him down.

After the battle, the old fisherman and hunter had already exhausted his strength, and he was hit by the Shenwen wanjian array. No one thought that he had the strength to resist.

But at this time, Jiang Hao suddenly felt uneasy.

The knife fell down, but it was frozen in the air, because there was an extra hand in the young man's chest. The hand of the old fisherman and Hunter pierced the young man's chest.

A foggy hand.

The old fisherman and hunting man looked cold. At this time, with a gentle grasp of his hand, the young man flopped down and the knife fell down. The old fisherman and hunter took it down with his other hand.

Then stabbed in the young man's neck, a large amount of blood flow out.

The old fisherman and Hunter held the young man's heart in his hand. He had just crushed it. At this time, he swallowed it, and then chewed it with a big mouthful. While eating, he called out: "ha ha ha, the meat of Lulin people is delicious!"

Boom! The surrounding environment exploded.

Just now, all the people around were shocked by the old fisherman's behavior. Then they regained their composure, and all of a sudden they were afraid of the old man one by one.

The old fisherman and Hunter did not look at these people, but looked down at his left hand and murmured, "how can you train the Youming claws? No wonder no one in Houshan can practice it..."

The second master's canthus were about to crack. At this time, he growled and said, "good devil, I will not kill you here!"

The old fisherman looked at him askew, and suddenly put out his tongue and licked his lips. There was still blood on it. He said, "come on, let me see what you look like to see what you look like in your heart and see if it's delicious."

Many people shudder at the news.

Jiang Hao took a deep breath. Now the old fisherman and hunter has become his so-called dark claw. His strength has greatly increased, and the whole person has become afraid. Jiang Hao can see this more clearly. He knows that the old fisherman and hunter is crazy now. To be exact, his mind has been covered with resentment. Now he just wants to do one thing, that is to kill people! Kill all the Lulin people!

Moreover, his strength has also greatly increased. In Jiang Hao's opinion, there are some more frightened second Masters in his heart. They may not be the opponents of the fishermen and hunters at this time. However, this is the Lulin clan after all, and there are still many masters among them.

The old fisherman and Hunter suddenly waved his hand, and a huge gray claw was formed in the air and photographed some of the Lulin people."Not good!"

The covered Lulin disciples suddenly changed their faces, and then part of them fled around, while the other part used the power of divine literature to fight back.

None of them can't feel the power. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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