Sacred Devil

Chapter 1315

"What do you need me to do?"

the old fisherman and Hunter looked at Jiang Hao and said word by word: "I want you to kill all the people of the Lulin clan until this clan is destroyed. Would you like to exchange them?"

"I'm sorry, I don't have a grudge with the Lulin people. I can't do such things."

after hearing this, the old fisherman and Hunter laughed wildly. After a long time, he replied aloud: "what reason do you need for hatred? Such a powerful divine art, such an ancient inheritance, is the reason. I don't want you to finish it overnight, as long as you swear and do your best."

Jiang Hao thought for a moment, but still shook his head.

he also seriously replied, "I can't do this kind of thing."

the old fisherman and Hunter sneered, and then said, "why, I dare not tell the truth in the face of a dying man. If you want to kill someone, you can kill him. And now there are such treasures in front of your eyes, isn't it enough for you to kill some people? "

instead of saying more, Jiang Hao said to the old fisherman: "I want to see the scenery here. No matter what you want, I advise you to leave here."

"are you threatening me? Don't you think I'm hurt? You can't help it. "

as the old fisherman and Hunter spoke, his face appeared a gray breath, and his eyes were a bit more cold. He seemed to lose consciousness and fall into complete resentment.

Jiang Hao snorted coldly, and a flame appeared in his hand. With a hard grasp, the fire scattered. The gray air on the old fisherman's face was much less, but his breath became weaker.

"even if you're not hurt, do you think you can kill me?"

the old fisherman and Hunter shook his head fiercely. At this time, he looked ferocious and seemed to be doing something to fight.

"get out of here!" The fisherman and Hunter suddenly roared, and a circle of fog broke out.

"I was not me..." Said the old fisherman.

Jiang Hao waved his hand to show that he didn't care.

at this time, the fisherman and Hunter suddenly took out a RUBBINGSTONE and put it on his forehead. There was a flash of light. He seemed to have printed something. Then he took the stone and handed it to Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao frowned, but didn't answer it. Instead, he looked at the fisherman and huntsman in doubt.

with a wry smile, the old fisherman and Hunter said, "this is what I said just now. All of them have been printed on them by me. Please take them away."

"I didn't promise." Jiang Hao said lightly.

at this time, the old fisherman and Hunter seemed very relieved. He said, "whatever you choose, but I tell you, it's sealed by me. Only the blood of the Lulin people can be opened. The more people you kill, the more things you can see. "

"but how you choose is up to you, and I have no choice." The old fisherman and Hunter only put the rubbings at Jiang Hao's feet, and then he continued: "no matter whether it's the inheritance of divine texts or the dark claws, there are few people in this world association. It's estimated that no one will complete them. Only this one is left."

he also stopped looking at Jiang Hao, but walked forward step by step. He murmured: "Lulin people, although I am dead, I still curse your family. I curse your family for a hundred years, and each generation is worse than one generation. Now, let's start with me. "

"when the river is exhausted, it is the day of the extinction of the Lulin clan."

he stood by the Lujiang River and said this sentence aloud, then jumped directly into the Lujiang River!

looking at this scene, Jiang Hao was in a trance. What kind of hatred is this? Even if it is dead, the resentment will never stop. Jiang Hao does not know.

he looked at the Shenwen rubbings placed under his feet, hesitated and took them up. There was a seal on them.

Jiang Hao put away the Shenwen rubbings and stood beside the Lujiang River for a long time, and then he turned to leave. But at this time, a wanton laugh rang out,

at this time, a large number of people of the Lulin people were still searching for the traces of fishermen and hunters outside.

the sky nearby was suddenly a little dark.

"who are you, how dare you break into our Lulin clan?"

several Lulin masters rushed up, but soon there were a few screams and fell to the ground.

"a few wastes dare to challenge us." The voice said coldly.

"Lulin clan, hand over the four boundary stones, as well as the Shenwen wanjian array and the broken empty Shenwen array, otherwise your family will be razed to the ground!" This voice opens a way, instantly Lu Lin people color change.

Jiang Hao's eyebrows wrinkled. He heard the voice and he was the high priest.

recently, when Jiang Hao was doing a task to collect things, the high priest was not idle. Even in order to leave here early, he was even more crazy than Jiang Hao. As long as he heard about which clan had what he needed, all kinds of means, such as threatening to kidnap, or killing and slaughtering the clan, he would take the things.

"only when the elders of the family go out can you be so presumptuous here!" There is the voice of the Lulin people's Congress.

Jiang Hao was not good at heart.  Sure enough, the high priest laughed more wildly. He said in a loud voice, "in that case, how dare you have the courage to speak to me? It's not looking for death. "

"now I'll give you half a cup of tea to think about. Hand over all the four boundary stones, Shenwen wanjian array and pokong Shenwen array. Otherwise, we will start to kill people. First, we will kill young people, then the old and the weak. We will destroy our ancestral temples and cut off our inheritance. You should consider it carefully!"

half a cup of tea was too short for the master of the Lulin clan to catch up with him, and the rest were not the opponents of the high priest at all, so they seemed to have no choice.

Jiang Hao had nothing to say about the high priest. He didn't want to do it himself, but he didn't intend to let the high priest do it. After all, it was his nature to know that the high priest was not a good bird.

The dark world is indeed beautiful, and the cruelty of the Xiuzhen world is hidden under the light, and the dark medium simply uncovers the light. So this man can get into the position of high priest in the dark world, and you can imagine how many people have been killed.

The rest of the Lulin people were angry and angry, but they had no choice but to hand over the three things. Jiang Hao had to say that this method was really good.

However, it is still a big family. According to the information obtained by Jiang Hao before, if the Lulin family is just an ordinary small family, the high priest will not wait for an opportunity to sneak attack, but will be robbed by the front.

"Ha ha ha, thank you so much for the Lulin people. If I need anything in the future, I will come." The high priest laughed wildly and said.

"Well, as long as you dare to come." Lu Lin, a young man left behind, said in a cold voice, obviously pressing down the fire.

"You seem to be dissatisfied..."

The cheap high priest did not mean to be generous at all. The darkness shrouded him in an instant, and then surrounded the young man. In a moment, the man fell. His spirit has been shattered by the high priest.

The atmosphere of the Lulin people became more angry, but no one dared to speak at this time.

"Well, that's good. I'm very satisfied with your expression. If you want to kill me, I can't help it. Ha ha ha. "

The figure of the high priest gradually dissipated, and the darkness gradually disappeared from the Lulin clan. Jiang Hao saw the darkness in front of him and began to condense. He said faintly, "collect the things and meet at the appointed place."

The moving shadow pauses for a moment, then suddenly starts to disperse and disappears completely here.

Jiang Hao had no intention of meeting the high priest. He knew that he should also leave at this time. As for the birthday banquet of the elder of the Lulin clan, he was afraid that it would be completely spoiled. It is estimated that it will not be held today.

The people of the Lulin people are gloomy. Today's great day has become a scar on the hearts of most of them. This is more than a slap in the face. It's like beating the whole Lulin people on the ground, urinating and spitting.

So Jiang Hao didn't stay here any more and quickly left here.

He had one more thing. He wanted to attend the birthday party and then go again. However, since so many things happened, he left early.

The auction of Dihuang city.

This is definitely a great event in the whole remnant world. When Jiang Hao got the news at first, he was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that he could hold an auction in the remnant world.

After having enough time, Jiang Hao drove slowly to Dihuang city. On the way, he met many people who showed panic. Jiang Hao inquired casually and found that it was his companion who did it.

I don't know how many tribes have been destroyed, but Jiang Hao can't do anything about it, so he speeds up his pace, out of sight and out of mind, and soon arrives in Dihuang city.

Compared with Mo City, Dihuang city has a lot of fame. In fact, it is more powerful. It is an independent force. Even the eagle king of the remnant world knows it equally. So the high priest did not dare to make trouble here. After all, there are many experts in the remnant world.

Jiang Hao came to Dihuang City, but there were two days before the auction began, so Jiang Hao just wandered around. He had been to Dihuang city before, but also to do the task in a hurry. Now that I was free, I just strolled around casually, which made David feel all of a sudden.

The development of the remnant world is really too slow. In the Xiuzhen world, not to mention a city, even a square city, is extremely lively. Everything comes from all directions. However, in the remnant areas, places with such lively transactions are extremely rare.

Even Dihuang city is basically the busiest place in the remnant world, but in Jiang Hao's opinion, its trade level is at most comparable to that of Tiandu city. Even if we compare it carefully, it may even be insufficient.

Jiang Hao just strolled here for a day, and then bought a lot of things. The city of Rehmannia has become more and more lively these days. This auction held by Dihuang city has attracted many people. So Jiang Hao also used his ordinary weapon materials to replace a lot of materials needed for cracking.

But the real precious materials are still not available. When the auction comes, there will be precious materials on them. So Jiang Hao returned to the Inn and waited for the auction to begin.When he returned to the Inn and was about to return to his room, he suddenly heard two people arguing.

One is the shopkeeper of the shop. The other seems to be a new comer to the imperial city. He should also come to participate in the auction. He looks quite young and is talking to the shopkeeper.

I don't know why. At the first sight of this man, Jiang Hao felt a sense of familiarity. It seemed that he knew this person, but Jiang Hao felt that he had never seen this person. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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