Sacred Devil

Chapter 1321

The two men did not speak next. Instead, they drank several jars. Jiang Hao felt the tremendous spiritual power in his body, and he was dizzy in his spirit. He did not expel him any more. Instead, he had a good feeling. This feeling was especially comfortable.

It's not easy to fix ten. So Jiang Hao is very careful most of the time, so he feels tired. Here, Jiang Hao is completely released. Anyway, he is not his opponent.

After several rounds of drinking, the two finally stopped drinking and leaned on a big tree.

At this time, the young man finally said, "you want to go back to the Xiuzhen world and take this thing back for me." With a wave of his hand, he threw it over.

Jiang Hao casually took it over, and then he was stunned for a moment, and his wine was subconsciously dispelled a lot. What the young man threw over was a storage ring, which was obviously the dark ice silk material that the young man had just auctioned at the auction house. Of course, there are many other materials. "

"Drink, don't wake up so soon." The young man didn't rush to explain, instead, he raised the wine jar, lifted it to Jiang Hao and drank it.

Seeing this, Jiang Hao also grabbed a wine jar and drank up the wine in the jar.

"To whom!" Jiang Hao didn't want to talk nonsense with him. He asked directly. Anyway, he had no reason to refuse, so he had to agree.

But this time, the cheerful young man did not open his mouth to answer, but frequently began to drink wine.

He said: "don't miss the mood when drinking. It's all collected by me in the past hundred years. Even in the cultivation world, it's rare. You should drink more quickly."

Jiang Hao didn't ask any more questions when he heard about it. He also began to drink wine. He knew that this person would always answer.

Sure enough, after some time, the young man suddenly opened his mouth, and he said slowly, "hundred flowers palace, ChiYan fairy."

Although Jiang Hao was drunk, his consciousness was still there. Hearing this, he asked subconsciously, "who is the ChiYan fairy? I don't seem to have heard of this man

"She should be the leader of the hundred flowers palace now, or the Lord of the supreme palace."

"Isn't it a red hot old way?" Jiang Hao was stunned for a moment and subconsciously replied.

The young man was drinking. When he heard this, he suddenly burst out a mouthful of wine, and then he burst into laughter. He looked so happy that his tears almost burst out.

Jiang Hao didn't know why he was so happy, so he had to drink with him.

For a long time, the young talent stopped laughing and said, "when you give this thing to her, don't yell like this, just call her red flame fairy, or I'm afraid she will kill you directly. She is afraid that others say her age is like a girl in the world..."

Speaking of this, young ran suddenly laughed, as if thinking of something happy.

At this time, Jiang Hao could understand the relationship between the two men without asking, so he said casually: "no, master ChiYan's temper is famous in the cultivation world." ,

"is that so?" Young but Leng for a moment, and then slowly said: "it seems that she is really grown up, worthy of being a master of the door, also know to pay attention to their own image."

Jiang Hao couldn't help but ask, "who are you? Even if I send things, I have to know who you are, or I may not be able to contact master ChiYan. "

"My name." The young man quickly cleared up the strange mood, holding the wine jar in his hand, slowly spinning, as if thinking about what his name was.

"Let's say it's from Pingbo." The young man seemed to suddenly think of it and said, "as long as she hears the name, she will definitely meet you."

Jiang Hao repeated the name, always felt a little familiar. He seemed to have heard it there, but he couldn't remember it for a moment. However, he was not easy to ask. He could only drink while thinking.

However, young people seem quite happy, as if they have completed a very important thing.

"Why me?" Jiang Hao didn't think of who the young people were, but he asked another question that he was concerned about. How do young people know that they are from the cultivation world, how do they know what they want to leave, and know that they have the ability to leave here.

Naturally, the young man understood Jiang Hao's meaning and replied, "of course, it was the spirit of this world who told me."

"The spirit of the world?" Jiang Hao was shocked. It is said that there is a spirit in every realm, but few people have ever seen it, and those who can communicate with it are rare.

Even the high priest made countless vows, and then he was noticed by the spirit. Even so, he did not know what the result was. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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