Sacred Devil

Chapter 1323

"That's how you came?" Jiang Hao asked subconsciously.

Pingbo nodded, but he seemed to think about it for a while, and then he said, "I can't say that it's coming. I found some people who are good at divination and let them find the coordinates of the world. Then I came."

Jiang Hao was speechless immediately after listening to it. As expected, he decided to act according to his strength.

Jiang Hao took a deep breath and said, "well, I promise, but I will leave soon. Do you want to join us?"

This is the second time Jiang Hao asked this question, but this time he was sincere.

Pingbo held the wine jar in his hand and seemed to be thinking about something. After a long time, he replied, "if I could go, I would have gone. Who can stop me here? I can't leave."

"Because it's still trapped here." Pingbo pointed to his heart and said.

In this case, Jiang Hao didn't say much. When the wine was finished, he stood up and prepared to leave.

But at this time, Pingbo stopped him and said with a smile, "don't leave in a hurry. There's no reason for you to help in vain. Come here."

Jiang Hao shook his head and said, "it's just a little busy. What's more, there are such fine wines."

Pingbo took the wine jar in one hand, went to Jiang Hao with the other hand, and whispered, "this is not a little busy. It's a heavy business for me. This crack has been in my heart for a long time, and it is finally made up here today. "

"This is what I found when I came to this world and went through the void, and if you can feel it, it will do you no limit."

"Let go of your divinity."

Jiang Hao simply did as he heard. Pingbo held out one hand and put it on his shoulder. The other hand was still holding the wine jar to drink. This was the last picture Jiang Hao saw here.

The suppressed divine consciousness was magnified countless times at this time, and Jiang Hao suddenly got the feeling of endless freedom. Soon he saw many places, grasslands, rivers, mountains, families and even the whole remnant world.

But this was just the beginning, and soon it began to spread. Jiang Hao saw the vast void again.

One light spot drifted away. Jiang Hao had traveled once before and could recognize all kinds of worlds. However, compared with the last time, this time was quite different. The last time was a macro floating of the whole universe, but this time it was a subtle observation.

The light spots spread quickly in Jiang Hao's eyes. In his eyes, there were many threads, including mountains, rivers, and city walls. But soon these disappeared, and only a large desert appeared

Where is this? This doubt flashed through Jiang Hao's mind, but soon he understood that this should be a place similar to the remnant world, but it looked smaller and more broken.

"Whatever you want." All of a sudden, the flat wave sounds, and then it dissipates faster.

Jiang Haoping understood what he meant by the best advice. A monk like him is more dependent on the power of perception, just like his perception in the spiritual world in the mortal city.

However, compared with the perception of the whole world, that kind of perception is really too small. From this point of view, Pingbo's reward to Jiang Hao is a very thick reward.

Jiang Hao does not know what image he is, like an eye, also like a ray of light, a gust of wind, he has no form, but can float freely in this world.

But he can personally feel the characteristics of the world. For example, when Jiang Hao thought about it, he felt the spiritual power here, which seemed to be extremely barren. He wanted to feel the temperature of the ground as if he had stepped on the beach.

This is Jiang Hao's current state, very mysterious.

Jiang Hao thought, it was hundreds of miles away, and soon he came to a village. The village is also in the desert. There are many holes around the house, and then small boards are covered around it. You can choose to put it down or cover it up.

Jiang Hao knew that. He had seen such houses in the mortal world of Huangsha city in the Xiuzhen kingdom before. It seemed that it was for ventilation and other functions, so that the daytime was not so hot and the night was not too cold.

As for the reason, Jiang Hao does not know, but I think it is also because of the desert climate.

Jiang Hao looked into the village and found that people gathered under a house.

This house is different from other houses. It is made of ordinary bricks and tiles. There are a lot of green and yellow desert plants on it. It seems strange. But Jiang Hao felt inside and found that it was too cool inside.

At this time, the villagers gathered here and seemed to be arguing about something.

Jiang Hao wanted to know, so he came to these villagers and listened to them.

"We have nothing to contribute to that woman in Shamu village!" A middle-aged man, dressed in a black gauze robe, stood under the house and called out to the villagers below.

"But if we don't give something to the desert virgin, she won't give us water. We'll die of thirst." There was an old man on crutches, , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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