Sacred Devil

Chapter 1327

At last, the group of women came to pick up the water.

They knelt down respectfully and spoke praises to the well.

Then, just like other villages, they put the sands they picked into the well water, but compared with other villages, they brought too little sands, so the next water should be less.

At this time, Jiang Hao was beside him. He had a form, but these people couldn't see it. He also looked at the water. He also found that the water given to the village was extremely low.

"There's too little water." A woman whispered.

The water was not even full of what they had brought, which was far from enough for the normal use of water in a village. However, the well water had been calm, and the guards in the distance were looking at the people in the distance, and they were ready to fight at any time.

"Let's go." The older woman murmured.

"Desert flower village, don't come next year." A man in white came out with a few bodyguards behind him. He was obviously a big man in the holy land.

"What do you mean, my lord?" The woman faltered and asked in disbelief, "will the desert God abandon his people?"

The man in white frowned. Obviously, he didn't want to get in touch with the man, so he replied impatiently, "there are few men in your village. What else do you do in the desert? The water just now is not for you. It's for you to drink on the road. Please find another village as soon as possible. "

The women were immediately angry, the leading woman wanted to rush up, but was stopped by the swords of several bodyguards.

Other villages also stood up to this thing, suddenly burst into laughter.

"Come to our village. There are still some young men in our village who are not matched. We will take you with mercy."

"Come to our Huashi village, the fattest woman, and tell you that my grandfather likes you like this. Come and follow me, and you won't worry about drinking water for a year."

"A village full of women even came here to exchange water. How can you live on? You can't make a baby by yourself!"

All kinds of words become more and more offensive to the ear. These women are trembling with anger, but there is nothing they can do. Their threat is still too weak for these people.

"Shut up!" The man in white suddenly snorted, and the bodyguard next to him pulled out his sword and sword. A piercing sound sounded, and people around him suddenly became quiet.

The man in white snorted coldly and said to the women, "I just passed on the words of the saint to you. A village with only women and children can't survive in the desert. You can do it yourself. In short, next year, you are not welcome here. Qu River will not give you a drop of water. "

"My Lord!" The leading woman fell to her knees and said, "please be kind. There are still men in our village. They can grow up in less than ten years! Desert flower village or desert flower village! We have consecrated the God of the desert for generations. How can he do this to us

The man in white looked at her faintly, and then said, "this is the will of the God of the desert. If she does not want to give you water, you will not have it."

Then he turned and left, with several bodyguards following him.

Women fall on the ground, looking at each other, from each other's eyes to see despair and helplessness.

A ray of light flashed in Jiang Hao's eyes, the God of the desert? If the depth of the desert is not willing to manage it, he is not unable to replace it. He goes directly to the well and slaps his hand.

The well is boiling.

Boom! In the eyes of everyone who couldn't believe it, there was a large amount of water, filled with these people's utensils, but the water still came out crazily, and all the villages were crazy.

"The God of the desert!"

"It's the God of the desert

"Ah, thank the God of the desert, who also protects her people."

They took out their appliances and went crazy with the water. The guards of the holy land want to stop, but they don't know how to stop them. They can only look at the scene in shock.

There was panic in the eyes of the man in white. He yelled to stop them, but the guards around him looked at it and didn't know what to do, because the village roads of those who saw them were completely crazy, and anyone who dared to stop them would be killed without hesitation.

Jiang Hao also turned his head and looked at the well.

He saw a black creature swimming up fast. Jiang Hao didn't leave. He was here, waiting for it to come. This was Jiang Hao's idea.


A roar, a Black Dragon flew out of the well, rose into the air, roared, and then sucked hard. The well water that had been constantly emerging stopped.

Jiang Hao looks at Jiaolong, and Jiaolong also stares at Jiang Hao.

It can see itself. Jiang Hao is not surprised by this. He is now incarnated here by Pingbo's terrible divine consciousness and perception. It is not difficult for those who have cultivated divine knowledge to find themselves.The Dragon suddenly opened his mouth and spat out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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