Sacred Devil

Chapter 1329

Seeing the black dragon running away like this, Jiang Hao was a little discontented. You can't say that the fight will start and the end will be over. Who do you think I am? Jiang Hao was not able to spare Jiaolong.

So he simply continued his work style, and then jumped into the well and chased after him all the way. The well water tried to stop him, but he pushed away layer by layer.

Jiang Hao's speed is also very fast, but he quickly stopped, he found a place.

It was under the well, but there was no water here. Jiang Hao looked up and found that the water was on his head, but it was very dry here.

What's more strange is that there are a lot of gold and silver treasures here, including the Jinsha sacrificed by the people of Huacun village in the desert just now. The whole bottom of the water is filled with treasures. All kinds of rare foreign objects, or agate and jade, are thrown at random. It seems that no one has ever been here to take care of it.

Of course, the ground also pushed a thick layer of jewelry, ignored, flashing light. The treasures collected by those ordinary people who paid their efforts and lives outside were thrown here at will.

Jiang Hao's heart also suddenly flashed doubts, this holy land collects so many so-called gold and silver jewelry, but it is only stored here. What is this for? Is this their treasure house?

No. Jiang Hao suddenly thought of one thing, what can gold and silver jewelry do? At first glance, this may seem like a silly question, but it's not right to think about it carefully.

Amethyst as a friar circulation of things, because it can help practice, it itself is a need to consume things. However, gold and silver are different, but they are only ordinary metals, and their function is not as good as iron.

However, its value is very valuable, which means that they can buy things. However, in this desert world, Jiang Hao has also seen many places, but he can hardly see places where things can be bought and sold. The main function of gold and silver here is to sacrifice and then change water.

So what's the use of this so-called holy land? If you can't buy things, the gold and silver are useless.

It was at this time that Jiang Hao suddenly felt that he might be wrong.

All of a sudden, there was a tumbling sound, and then it quickly disappeared. But this naturally can not escape Jiang Hao's ears, he already knew where the black dragon was hiding.

"Come out, let's talk." Jiang Hao said.

It was quiet around.

Jiang Hao's eyes were fixed on a pile of gold and silver not far away.

After a long time, the gold and silver suddenly trembled, a hole appeared, the Black Dragon flew out, and roared angrily, "you're not finished, I've all given up, you still chase me to my house!"

"Your home?" Jiang Hao was stunned for a moment and asked.

Although the black dragon was very angry, he also knew that the people in front of him could not be provoked. Therefore, although he seemed to have a bad attitude, when Jiang Hao asked him, he still replied honestly: "this is my nest. No one in the Holy Land likes to be with those shining things. So I live here. This is my nest."

Hearing this, Jiang Hao was more silent. He felt that he might have done something wrong. He asked, "where is the saint?"? I want to see her. If there is a desert God here, I'd like to see it, too

The Black Dragon flew into the air and said to Jiang Hao, "I don't know if there is a god of the desert, but the saint will never show it to you, you alien!"

Jiang Hao didn't get angry and didn't start. Instead, he sincerely said to the black dragon, "I don't mean any harm. I just want to ask her a few questions and answer my doubts. I hope you can help me introduce you."

The black dragon, however, was obviously incredulous, flying around the bottom of the well, but refused to answer.

At this time, Jiang Hao was filled with doubts. What he was thinking now was not only the problems here, but also many of his doubts before, such as the so-called good, the so-called evil, the so-called human.

This is his way, and he needs constant training. At this time, Jiang Hao also vaguely understood the intention of Pingbo. The so-called perception may be these.

Every world has its rules, which are about all kinds of elements and all kinds of people.

Compared with the rules of simple elements, the most common people are the most complex rules. Jiang Hao now felt that there was a layer of window paper in front of him, but he didn't know how to open it or whether it was the time to open it.

"I really don't mean anything. I hope you can think about it carefully. Although I won't kill you now, I will catch you and read your memory forcibly. I think you won't want to."

Jiang Hao said seriously.

Hearing this, the black dragon shivered, especially looking at Jiang Hao's serious face. He was even more afraid, so he roared: "you said you didn't mean anything, you want to kill me!"

"Kill me, you kill me, and I won't show you to the virgin!"

Jiang Hao sighed, then said a sorry, in the face of the black dragon, since the truth can not be understood, then he intends to , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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