Sacred Devil

Chapter 1346

"Master of the magic palace!" The Dharma protector of the devil's palace suddenly cried out.

He was about to go on talking when the Lord of the palace stopped him.

However, Jiang Hao just glanced at these people and said, "is it too late to say these things now? If you had said that, maybe I would have agreed

"As for now, it's too late!" With a wave of his sleeve, Jiang Hao turned around and went back to the red light he had just appeared.

"Wait!" Cried the Lord of the palace.

Several large magic shadow directly blocked his step.

Looking at these things that he had worked so hard to collect, the Lord of the devil's palace suddenly got angry and angry, but he had nothing to do. Other people were even more so. He could only watch Jiang Hao sit straight inside and begin to meditate.

After returning to the red light, Jiang Hao directly began to meditate and practice. With so much power of faith, he simply began to practice first. As for how to get out, he would think again. Anyway, these people are much more anxious than himself.

Sure enough, after a while, he saw that these people on the sacrificial platform had to choose to leave. After a while, there was a great cheer from the people under the sacrificial platform. It seemed that they still did not dare to pierce the matter.

So in that case, they can only continue to help Jiang Hao hide.

At this time, the flame on the sacrificial platform was blazing, and several big demons were standing around. A figure was sitting in the red light, which was faintly visible. It was really a picture of a moving son of a demon going to the devil's palace.

In this way, Jiang Hao began his own practice. Since that day, the leader of the magic palace never came to the sacrificial platform. However, as time went on, Jiang Hao found that there was more and more belief around him, which was also the way he could effectively judge his own situation.

It's been more than two months, one day.

A woman in a purple dress, looking only in her twenties, did not wear shoes, just with a few gold rings on her neck, which fell leisurely on the sacrificial platform.

Women born very beautiful, which is a first glance looks impressive, this is certainly a free and easy woman.

"Will you come out and see you?" The woman did not enter directly, but stood not far away, facing Jiang haolang in the red light. Her voice was neither humble nor sonorous, and she did not seem to care about the big magic shadow around her.

"A woman of courage." Jiang Hao glanced at her again, then closed his eyes again and continued to practice. It was impossible for a woman to let himself go down.

Seeing Jiang Hao ignore himself, the woman in purple doesn't speak any more. Instead, she sits down with her knees crossed. Like Jiang Hao, she begins to practice here.

Even Jiang Hao was surprised. He frowned and thought for a while, but he still ignored.

But a day later.

The next day, the woman in purple stood up again, and then repeated the sentence of yesterday to Jiang Hao: "can you come out and see me?" There was no impatience in her voice, as if it had been said for the first time.

Jiang Hao didn't even open his eyes this time.

But the purple dress woman's patience seemed to be excellent. After a while, seeing that Jiang Hao didn't pay attention to her, he began to continue to sit down and practice, as if nothing had happened.

Then the third day, the fourth day, until the ninth day.

"Will you come out and see you?" The woman in purple still stood in the original position and said to Jiang Hao in the red light.

At this time, Zihao's spirit will be deeply damaged if he hears the spirit of refining.

This woman is by no means ordinary.

Jiang Haoxin thought of this, but this time he did not ignore, and then said: "what do you have, you say it."

The woman in purple heard Jiang Hao's reply, but did not show a trace of surprise. She seemed to have expected Jiang Hao to answer herself. She arched her hands and said calmly, "spin Ling in the lower devil's palace."

Jiang Hao stood up, walked out of the red light, and stood opposite the woman in purple. Then he did not intend to continue to go forward, and the big magic shadow around him closely guarded his safety.

In the face of Jiang Hao's cautious manner, Xuanling didn't show any disdain. Instead, he suddenly asked, "do you know what happened in the magic palace these days? A lot of things have happened. "

Jiang Hao did not answer, but quietly looked at her, waiting for her to finish speaking.

Xuan Ling also continued: "you can see that the number of offerings under the sacrificial stage is three times as much as it was at the beginning, and it is still increasing crazily. This is the recent harvest of the magic palace, all of which are spontaneously made by the disciples of the devil's palace."

Jiang Hao raised his eyebrows and then went on: "I have to thank my believers."

For the first time, Xuanling's face showed a trace of anger, but it soon disappeared. She took a deep breath, and then said, "it is in these days that the whole cultivation world does not know how many lives have been killed and injured. Of course, there are more disciples of the devil's Palace.""Don't you feel ashamed about it?" When she finished this sentence, her eyes were fixed on Jiang Hao. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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