Sacred Devil

Chapter 1349

Qingsu grinned bitterly, then pointed to the sky, and pointed to the earth.

Jiang Hao immediately understood that

must be the spirit of this realm.

"We can only see these words, but we can't even say them. Even so, we are still pointed at by the limitation of this heaven and earth." Qing Su said bitterly, "even so, this is the life our ancestors used to give us."

"What do you want to do Jiang Hao immediately understood that this was normal. After all, it is impossible for a creature of other interfaces to survive and multiply on another interface at will, which is also a huge price to pay.

"For three hundred years, there is no monk in the magic palace who has entered the fairyland." Qing Su said in a soft voice, "even if a monk in the concentration period wants to concentrate, it will cost ten times as much as ordinary friars."

"Why is that?" Jiang Hao said in a puzzled way.

Qingsu shook his head and said, "I don't know, when I come to a breakthrough, I will always face many difficulties. And now it's getting more and more difficult. In a few hundred years, I'm afraid it will be very difficult for the monks of the magic palace to build a foundation. "

"Isn't that magic palace..." Jiang Hao startled.

Qingsu nodded and said: "if there is such a day, even if the devil's palace is destroyed, and under the control of the spirit of this world, I'm afraid it won't take a hundred years for the whole Xiuzhen world to have a trace of the devil's palace."

Jiang Hao was speechless, but the fact is that, this is the rule of the interface.

"So we have to get out of here and go back to our hometown!" Qingsu said seriously to Jiang Hao, then suddenly bowed to Jiang Hao and said, "please help us."

Jiang Hao looked at Qingsu, who was really in front of him. He didn't look like a little master of a big sect in the Xiuzhen world, but he was very complicated inside. After all, according to the truth, he was the living creature of the Xiuzhen world. There's no reason to help the creatures of other interfaces.

However, before thinking about himself, whether in the wilderness or in the remnant world, he had received a lot of help as an external creature, and his heart was suddenly complicated.

"Please help the disciples of the whole magic palace!" Qingsu said again, as if he knew what Jiang Hao was thinking. He went on to say: "although the magic palace is called the magic palace, have you ever heard of the evil palace killing ordinary people indiscriminately? Even if it is the ordinary demon clan, the devil's palace is rarely used. "

Jiang Hao shakes his head and smiles, but he doesn't agree. A sect that has a reputation in the whole Xiuzhen world doesn't write about how thunder means to stand, and killing people is just a small matter.

What's more? He glanced at the bottom of the sacrificial platform, the bones of all living creatures piled up like mountains.

Qing Su suddenly said: "even these creatures, the devil's palace has paid a more serious price."

Jiang Shihao no longer cares about this topic. For example, he doesn't care about this topic. For example, he doesn't care about this topic.

"What you said is very good, and I am very moved." Jiang Hao said calmly.

Young Sutton's face was ecstatic.

However, what Jiang Hao said next was like a basin of ice water, which poured directly from his head. Jiang Hao continued: "but I still don't believe it. Young Lord, you should understand that if I leave the sacrificial platform, I will face tens of thousands of disciples in your magic palace, and the array you have managed for hundreds of years, not to mention the masters of the magic palace."

"So if you want me to leave the altar or something, don't say it. I can't help you either."

"But you can't bring anything there." Qingsu said in an urgent voice.

Jiang Hao shook his head and said, "I'm sorry. Please come back. I can't help you."

Jiang Hao said, but also back a few steps, a pair of guard against the appearance of green Su suddenly.

After hearing this, Qingsu stayed for a long time. Seeing Jiang Hao turn to leave, she gave a bitter smile, waved her hand and took Yu Ruyi. Then she said, "in this case, I'll go back and ask the palace master and the elder what they mean. But please rest assured that we do not mean to hurt you

Jiang Hao laughed but did not speak. He turned back to the red light and began to meditate with his knees crossed.

However, this time, he did not refine the power of belief, but carefully thought about what Qingsu said. If what he said was true, he could naturally leave here. After helping the magic palace, it was very easy for him to leave, and even get a lot of benefits.

But if it's just a lie, or if there's a lie in it, once he leaves the sacrificial platform, he will be slaughtered by others, which makes him dare not be careless.

Seeing Jiang Hao's manner, Qingsu stood outside for a long time, then sighed. He also understood Jiang Hao's idea, so he was more helpless.

So he reached out and took out a token and put it on the ground.

Then he said to Jiang Hao in the red light, "this is the Dharma protector. You can hold this token to carry out activities within a hundred miles of the sacrificial platform. This is the core area of the magic palace. If there is no such sect, there will be some accidents. "After that, seeing Jiang Hao ignore him, he turned his head and left. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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