Sacred Devil

Chapter 1352

But what does it have to do with yourself? Jiang Hao would not simply think that Qingsu said so much to himself just to introduce the strange lotus.

Sure enough, Qingsu quickly said, "in fact, there are many young monks in our spiritual world who are boiling with blood or sad for the beauty in their hearts."

"I don't know what you think?" Suddenly, he turned to Jiang Hao and asked.

Jiang Hao frowned, and then said, "I think it's normal. Most monks are human beings. They don't have time for training. Most of them still have passion and lust. They always meet the women they like. It's nothing to be rash when you're young. "

Hearing this, Qing sutun's eyes brightened, and her jade Ruyi was heavily placed on her hand, and then said, "yes, I think so. If you are young, you will get a beautiful woman and form a couple of monks. You will also have a companion in the cultivation road

"It's true, but the Taoist couple just has to be careful." Jiang Hao was not polite and said his opinions directly. He was always alert to strangers, not to mention the Taoist couple who lived together day and night, which was always his point of view.

After hearing this, Qingsu laughed and said, "I think so too. First of all, we have to look at the cultivation qualification. Otherwise, one person can practice smoothly, and the other person is stagnant. After a hundred years, the green hair and white hair are really not beautiful."

"Secondly, it depends on the family background. If you are a person from a small gate in the mountains, even if he has good qualifications, he has little knowledge and can pass the cultivation barrier, but he can't resist the dangers of the cultivation world. It's easy to cause disaster for him."

Jiang Hao took a look at Qingsu. Seeing that the other side was still talking in high spirits, and he was not easy to interrupt, he motioned him to go on, and he agreed with these views very much.

"Finally, there is the problem of mind and nature. If you are a vicious person, it is easy for you to have a different heart. If you don't take precautions at that time, I'm afraid something will happen. Therefore, the mind is equally important, and one of the three is indispensable. "

"Yes, that's why it's hard to find Taoist partners." Jiang Hao nodded. It is true. There are too few couples who are really like mortals in the cultivation world. Because the mortal couple will make do with it for a hundred years, but for a monk, it is hundreds of years, thousands of years!

In addition, there are too many factors to consider, so few friars find Taoist partners. Of course, many are because they are immersed in the cultivation Road, which will not be needed over time.

"However, although it is difficult to find this couple, once found, it will be a great blessing. Two people build the road together, the success of God and fairy couple, very beautiful. Of course, in addition to the above three points of certainty, the couple's appearance should not be too bad. "

Qingsu waved Yu Ruyi and said to Jiang Hao.

Then he suddenly turned to Jiang Hao and said with a smile: "I don't know if you have ever had this good luck. You meet a beautiful couple like a flower, and become a couple?"

Jiang Hao shakes his head. Although he has met many women along the way, none of them are really moved. Moreover, he is more interested in cultivation and has no concern about it.

Seeing Jiang Hao shaking his head, Qingsu was more happy. He said casually: "I don't know how the purple woman you met a few days ago is called Xuanling."

Hearing Qingsu say so, Jiang Hao thought for a moment, then said: "yes, that kind of heart is not common among ordinary friars, and her nature is also good."

Other natural things include appearance. Of course, what impressed Jiang Hao most was Xuanling's heart. Jiang Hao still remembers that the woman's anger was not because he pretended to be the son of a demon, nor was he angry because he stood on the sacrificial platform.

It is only because he can't bear to see that he doesn't care about the life of ordinary creatures, so he is very angry. With Jiang Hao's experience of looking at people for so many years, he is confident that he will not be wrong, which is quite strange.

You know, this Xuanling is a member of the devil's palace, and his status is not low. The evil palace is famous for his ruthlessness and likes killing. So it's really strange to have such a person.

Hearing Jiang Hao's words, Qingsu also laughed. Feeling Yu Ruyi in his hand, he felt more comfortable. He continued: "Xuanling's talent is excellent, which is also good in the whole cultivation world."

"Moreover, this woman has amazing understanding and is valued by the supreme elder and accepted as a disciple of her own." Qing Su said with a smile, "what's more surprising is that she is still kind. When she was walking in the spiritual world, she punished the evil and promoted the good. Of course, the girl's mind was not bad. She was not blindly defined as good or bad, but according to her own standards. "

Jiang Hao nodded, which was in line with a sentence.

At this time, Qingsu suddenly said, "how about betrothing her to your excellency?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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