Sacred Devil

Chapter 1361

After Jiang Hao's secret order, it can be said that he was very happy. He wandered around the whole palace, and the information of the palace was also read by him. He knew a lot about the secrets of the palace.

But the magic palace is also big. He has been wandering for months, and there are still many places he hasn't gone to. After all, he is looking carefully, not looking at it in a hurry.

Today, he continued to find a random direction, and then continued to move forward.

Soon he found a strange place. In front of him was a small hill. From a distance, he could hear the fall of a waterfall. It seemed to be an ordinary place in the Xiuzhen world. This kind of place is everywhere in the Xiuzhen world.

However, this is a magic palace. The whole building is basically demon wind. Suddenly, there is such a quiet place, which makes Jiang Hao feel a little uncomfortable, but you can also imagine that there must be some different places here.

Jiang Hao carefully walked forward, all his mind was released, and even more released around himself, to ensure that no matter what happened, he could find out for the first time, but he was always at peace.

It's like an ordinary place in the Xiuzhen world, with ordinary aura, ordinary human beings, and ordinary things. But this place is in the magic palace, which is particularly unusual.

Jiang Hao walked forward, and soon he found a strange thing. He saw a man.

She wields Epee sword, chopping around the flowers and plants, and shouting all kinds of pithy formulas in her mouth. It seems that she is also murderous, but it is of no use at all.

At least in Jiang Hao's opinion, he carefully looked at the young girl's swordsmanship several times and was sure that he had not lost sight of it. The girl's sword technique was really ordinary.

This girl is also more ordinary. She has no breath on her body. She is almost a mortal. But seeing the serious expression on her face, it seems to give people a feeling of some flexibility.

Jiang Hao watched from a distance.

After a long time, the girl seemed to be tired of waving. Her face was covered with sweat and her mouth was still mumbling something. Jiang Hao was far away from her and could not hear clearly.

After thinking about it, he cast a spell to let himself hear the girl's words from a distance. This is not very polite. It is easy to be found out and even regarded as a kind of hostility.

However, as expected, Jiang Hao didn't know, and her words to herself fell into Jiang Hao's ears.

"Today's sword technique is further improved. Congratulations!"

"Tree one, what do you think of it?"

"You think so? That's good. "

"What do you ordinary flowers think? Although I can split you with one sword, I've never been a murderer. So give you a chance to speak, and you should cherish it

"Well, good. I got your message."

"What? You don't think so! "

At this time, in Jiang Hao's eyes, the girl's face suddenly began to drum up, as if by that little flower gas to. However, from the beginning to the end, she was speaking by herself. Jiang Hao also carefully felt that those plants were ordinary plants. Although they contained some aura, they did not produce intelligence.

So now the situation is very simple, all these are girls and their own game, this is clearly a second girl. Such a girl is not uncommon outside. Who didn't have a dream when she was young?

But this is the magic palace! How could this girl be an ordinary person in such a unique place in the magic palace? What's more, although it's hard to find excellent people with extremely gifted talents, it's even harder to find people who have no talent at all. Therefore, if girls are really like training, Jiang Hao thinks that girls have no reason to practice.

Then I talked to myself and amused myself here. I looked at the girl just now, but it didn't look like I was playing. It's really a very serious practice. It's very good for a little girl who is almost ordinary.

"Forget it, I'm in a good mood today, I'll let you go!" The girl glared at the white flower fiercely, and then her expression gradually expanded.

"Well, you will leave first, and I will go to another place to practice. The way of cultivation must not be too extreme. I am going to exercise my willpower now

Then she left. Jiang Hao thought about it and followed the girl to leave here. He saw her walking to the waterfall.

Then the girl drew out her epee and began to chop the waterfall seriously.

Jiang Hao is not far away to watch, he did not deliberately hide his body, should be easy to find, but the girl has not noticed, but has been repeating an action.

The water splashed all over the girl's face. She wiped it off and continued. Jiang Hao had to keep looking at it.

The girl is dressed in ordinary clothes, not to mention what kind of treasure, it looks like ordinary clothes of ordinary people. She is simple, and women love beauty, especially at the age of girls, but now it can't be seen here at all.The sun rises and sets.

Until the evening, the girl finally picked up her weapons and walked towards Jiang Hao with her back on her back. This was the place that Jiang Hao had just chosen.

It's a must pass here.

However, the next scene completely shocked Jiang Hao. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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