Sacred Devil

Chapter 1373

Jiang Hao also quickly said goodbye to the immortal Xie Guo, and then continued to move forward.

His target this time is the temple of gods and demons.

Ordinary people are not allowed to enter one of the core halls of this magic palace. However, Jiang Hao, relying on his own token, can enter naturally. Naturally, he still has some expectations.

"Sir, please wait." The guard at the door stopped Jiang Hao.

Two rows of bodyguards in armor. The castle built by the pure black Yaosheng stone in the distance exudes a sense of majesty and is full of the charm of the devil's palace.

Jiang Hao took out his token and the bodyguard took it and examined it carefully.

Then he said, "elder Jiang."

Jiang Hao nodded and said, "can I go in now?"

The bodyguard said, "of course, you are qualified to enter the temple of gods and demons. Do you need me to find the Deacon elder here and report your arrival?"

"No need." Jiang Hao said with a smile.

Like all the great sects in the Xiuzhen world, a place as huge as the devil's palace naturally has to be divided into many different halls, and the temple of gods and demons is one of them. That's why the bodyguard asked.

"You'd better not go alone if you want to." The bodyguard suddenly said mysteriously.

"Why is that?" A trace of curiosity appeared on Jiang Hao's face and asked.

The bodyguard looked around and seemed to be guarding against someone. When he saw that there was no one around, he whispered to Jiang Hao: "do you know what happened at the sacrificial platform? I heard that the son of the devil has come."

Jiang Hao listened, quite a bit embarrassed touched his nose, there is more than his own clear about this matter? So he nodded and said, "I know, what does this have to do with that?"

"You don't know. The temple of gods and Demons was originally supported by the sacrificial platform, but now it is occupied by the sons of demons. How can you feel comfortable? As the saying goes, good people fight for breath, while gods and Demons fight for incense."

"Then something happened in the temple of gods and demons in recent days. Recently, there are always some strange sounds coming from the children of gods and demons."

"How can such a thing happen? What does the Deacon elder here say?" Jiang Hao naturally did not believe it.

Seeing Jiang Hao's expression, the bodyguard said in a quick voice: "it's all true. Many monks have died in the core area of Shenmo Dian, many of them are core disciples of the magic hall! It is said that one of them was one of several core descendants of the temple of gods and demons, but there was no movement of death at all. Isn't it the son of the devil who is angry? "

"It's strange that you say so." Jiang Hao's heart suddenly raised a thick doubt.

"So, elder, you have to be careful." The guard added, "it's better to come another day."

Jiang Hao shook his head and said, "since I'm here, there's a reason why I can't get in. I'll take a look first. I'll be careful."

Seeing that Jiang Hao had made up his mind, the bodyguard did not say much, but said, "please come here. There are still people who will guide you."

After thanking the guards, Jiang Hao went to the temple of gods and demons. The closer he got to the temple, the more uneasy he felt, as if he had been watched by a wild beast.

The closer he was to the temple of the gods and demons, the fewer people Jiang Hao met, and the general mood of the people in the devil's palace was not nosy, so no one paid any attention to Jiang Hao.

Finally came to the door of the temple of gods and demons.

Jiang Hao finally saw one of the symbols of the palace, but the gate was several feet high, and at this time it was open.

Except for the time of sacrifice, the door of the temple of gods and demons is always open, but there is no one inside. According to Jiang Hao's information, there are sculptures of gods and demons inside, which is one of the best places to practice. Of course, the main reason is that the array is carved below. It is good to stabilize the mind and gather aura.

Jiang Hao walked in, and immediately felt incomparably dazzling.

There is not too much light inside, just burning a few big flame just, will not let the life come out, this is very bright and dazzling feeling.

There are complicated runes carved in it. For people in the magic palace, these are just some patterns handed down by ancestors, which can be regarded as one of the characteristics of the magic palace. However, in Jiang Hao's eyes, these are all divine scripts.

The whole huge palace is full of such inscriptions. Although most of them are low-level scripts, even so, because of their large number, they are also shocking.

Jiang Hao cleared up his emotions and suppressed his own perception of divine culture. Instead, he looked at the past with his ordinary eyes.

However, after being worshipped for a long time, these Shenwen created a kind of emotion. They felt the same kind of smell on Jiang Hao, but they were very strange. So they sent out their own power according to their nature, which seemed to be declaring their sovereignty.

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