Sacred Devil

Chapter 1398

It seems to be to give Jiang Hao time to think. After saying this, Xiao Fei's remnant thoughts did not continue to speak. Of course, it may be that Xiao Fei was also thinking and recalling at the last time.

It's easy to guess that this man is definitely a man with legendary experience. At least Jiang Hao has never heard of Xiao Fei's name in the Xiuzhen world. However, those who can master these two skills, whether from the dragon palace or from the devil's palace, can not be of unknown origin.

Then there is only one possibility. Both of them have a bad origin.

Sure enough, after a while, Xiao Fei's last thought continued to say: "later people, in order to let you know what you will get, I will first briefly describe my experience, which is also your mission, you listen carefully."

"My name is Xiao Fei. I was born and raised in Zhongzhou. I worked with my parents for a living. Although I was poor, it was peaceful. Until I was 13 years old, I ran into a casual monk."

"This person is my guide. She found that my roots are extraordinary, and now I am dead, so it's not a show off. My roots are nothing in a thousand years, and there are few people in the Xiuzhen world within a thousand years."

"So he took me as a disciple. At that time, I was still young, and I was very envious of his magic. So he left the house with him. Of course, later, I felt that this was the most wrong thing I had ever done."

"Of course, I killed this man later, which is also a price for what he did. Do you think I am a snake in the stomach, do you think this man is my master?" Xiao Fei's remnant thought said here and sent out a sneer.

Even though it was hundreds of years later, Jiang Hao still felt the disdain of Xiao Fei's remnant thoughts or his anger after being washed away by years.

Xiao Fei's last thoughts recovered, and then said, "this man took me as my disciple. At that time, I worshipped him as my teacher. He passed on my magic and refined pills for me. It seemed like a good master, but actually he wanted to take me away. He took a fancy to my physique, of course I didn't know at the time

"However, my qualifications are really excellent. My accomplishments are moving rapidly. I didn't expect to see my accomplishments getting higher and higher. His preparations for taking over the house are not ready. In order to suppress my cultivation, I can slow down my cultivation."

"Naturally, I didn't listen when I was young. Of course, it was because I didn't listen that way that I had a future. Although he is not instructing me, and no longer refining pills for me, I began to think about it myself in order to practice, and then created the second part according to the upper part of the skills he passed on to me

"At that time, he had three disciples. One was my elder martial brother and the other was my younger sister. All three of us were the objects he planned to take over. Of course, because I became better and better, the two of them were gradually abandoned."

"Until one day, he found out that my cultivation had reached Yuanying. You should know that he was just a hole void, even a hole void with little vitality. He was very afraid at that time, but still scolded me not to practice."

"Then a few days later, he called the younger martial sister to his cave. I thought he was going to teach her the Dharma quietly, so I wanted to eavesdrop. But one accidentally heard his secret, he let me get along with the younger martial sister to me, seriously injured me

"According to his plan, I'm naturally unprepared for my junior sister, but I'm sorry. I heard that, so when the junior sister bit her teeth and gave me a hand, she seemed to want to say sorry

"But she didn't have a chance. I said her sorry. When she did, I counterattacked, so she died in my hands. I was exposed, and I wanted to be cleaned up. The elder martial brother tried to stop me. I told him the truth, but he didn't believe it. So I abandoned his cultivation and killed the master. "

"I just want to tell you what kind of temperament I am. Once unfaithful, everything is invalid." Xiao Fei's last thought said coldly, with his expression appears very cold.

Jiang Hao was a bit dazed. It was not because he killed his master. Jiang Hao had done similar things. Even in the practice world, he had seen many of them. He was curious about what happened later that made the boy who came out of the rural village into such an extreme character.

"After that, I was in great pain, and then I was wandering in the Xiuzhen world, and I had never been a teacher. I've never practiced deliberately. Only when I was very lonely, I thought about something about cultivation. "

"But even if I am like this, my cultivation is still getting higher and higher. I use very common skills, but I have no magic weapon, but my fame is growing. Until one day, I met her

Xiao Fei's expression suddenly softened, and just as cold as heaven. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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