Sacred Devil

Chapter 1415

Jiang Hao looked up at the moon. It was a dark month.

Just as he was watching, a dark cloud came up and covered the moon. It's a good time to kill and set fire to others. Everything bad will be hidden by the moonlight.

The array outside is broken, and the opponent's means are very skillful. Obviously, it's not directly relying on cultivation.

"How long will it take?" Some of the teenagers can't wait to ask the old man in front of him.

From time to time, the old man played a rune, and then Jiang Hao was not worth the array, and then there were enough flaws for two people to walk in.

"People who have so many amethysts are not mortals. We'd better be cautious." The old man said that he remembered the speed at which Jiang Hao arranged the array today, and he soon arranged it.

In fact, this is a flaw that Jiang Hao did not intend to show, but the old man didn't think much about it. Maybe it's useless for him to think too much. She is very clear about the youth's temperament, and telling him will only make him more excited.

"It's just a nouveau riche. There's nothing to be cautious about. The people who are your opponents in this magic Palace are just a few." Young arrogant said, obviously do not think.

Two people's speed is very fast, in the mid day of the month, they finally walked in.

They saw Jiang Hao, who was sitting cross legged.

Just as they walked in, Jiang Hao opened his eyes and knew what he meant without talking.

Waiting for a long time.

This is exactly what Jiang Hao wants to express. He has been waiting for a long time.

"Kill him." The boy growled.

The old man has already jumped on it.

Jiang Hao clapped his hands on the ground, and flames came out of the ground. He turned into a flame giant and roared up to the sky to stop the old man's steps.

Jiang Hao stood up in no hurry. The old man's attack was very fierce and his cultivation was very strong. Even Jiang Hao had no certainty of winning. Therefore, according to the normal playing method, if he wanted to escape, Jiang Hao could not stop him.

Therefore, he must not be given the chance to escape, or even let him have this idea.

Young but a face of indifference, boxing in the distance, obviously believe this old man.

"Thousand handprints." The old man roared, and the red shadow appeared behind him. Then one arm came out. The arm was very long, but the hands on it were beautiful and slender.

Of course, if you see these beautiful people, they will not feel terrible.

Countless hands wound around the flame giant, and the old man took the opportunity to rush to Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao had already stood up and jumped to hide in the distance. The cave behind him was directly destroyed by the fist style of this fist. It can be imagined that if it was hit on Jiang Hao, how powerful it would be.

The old man used to be a monk who was cultivating his body and soul. One blow did not succeed, and the old man followed with another.

The speed was so fast that he didn't cast a spell at all, but he left a trail of shadows. This was because of the speed, which made the physique monk's terror.

Jiang Hao no longer evades. He is also a monk of half physique. Naturally, he knows that he can never hide from such a monk. Otherwise, if the general situation has become, he will surely lose.

The two punch each other.

Jiang Hao only felt the breath rolling in his body.

However, the old man just snorted coldly, and then stepped on the ground, turned into an arrow, and continued to hit Jiang Hao, but there was not even a footprint in the place where he exerted his strength.

The heartless knife turns into a hand blade, and Jiang Hao wears it in his hand.

"Good boy, it's not easy to have such accomplishments at your age." The old man said in a low voice, but the attack did not stop. His hand turned into a blade and split it.

Jiang Hao sidestepped and took the opportunity to hit the old man's Dantian with a knee.

However, when the old man stepped out of his leg, he kicked Jiang Hao's leg bend. Jiang Hao's strength in his leg was lost. However, the old man accumulated strength in a short distance. One foot hit Jiang Hao's shoulder, and Jiang Hao was kicked directly.

Not only the bones, but also the meridians were all broken by the old man's kick.

Jiang Hao did not worry to stand up, but lay on the ground.

The old man is not in a hurry to attack. Killing Jiang Hao is like eating a big meal. He always wants to taste it slowly. The old man fell on the ground, looked at Jiang Hao calmly and said, "how did you give up? I think you can hold on for a while

Jiang Hao grinned and said, "I'm not embarrassed to bully my younger generation at such an old age. What's more, I'm not a physical monk."

The old man sneered and said, "how can you practice to such an extent that you have delusions about these things? You are young. I wish you were born late. What's the matter if you don't cultivate your physique?"

Jiang Hao sighed and said, "I just feel sorry. You are a master of the generation. It's a pity that you have become a slave of a child who is still in infancy."

Before the old man spoke, the young man called out and said in a loud voice, "kill him. Take out his bones and channels. I want to see how strong it is."Jiang Hao sneered and said, "it's better to die earlier than to be so vicious at a young age, so as to save my parents headache." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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