Sacred Devil

Chapter 1447

The monsters dissipated and the stones turned to dust.

In the face of such a strange means, the robbers actually feel a little uncomfortable, but it is still over. Obviously, the other side can't control these strange and powerful means for a long time. It's shocking enough that a foundation period can suppress so many people's attacks for a while.

If you can still hold on to it, it will be unreasonable. It's all the people who have been killed by the Xiuzhen world. These common sense all know.

The robbers take a breath and attack while you are weak. This is a good opportunity, but when they rush past, they think of another person.

Jiang Hao patted off the red stone in the green pheasant's hand, praised it first, and said, "you don't need to carry the basket on your back in the future. You can do other training."

Then he looked up at the other people, and the aura rolled around, full of murders.

Jiang Hao's hand is very simple, controlling the aura of heaven and earth, all pressed down. The powerful power of divine consciousness swept around the aura, not only destroyed the magic of these people, but also brought them destruction. Almost in the blink of an eye, these people fell to the ground.

There were only three people standing around.

Jiang Hao, green pheasant and young man in white.

Jiang Hao found that the young man in white had a strange expression. There was no anger, no anger, no fear. Instead, he looked at himself with joy.

"Why don't you kill them? These bandits are full of evil. People who come and go don't know how many have been intercepted by them. Even if you don't care about their offenses, you should kill them when you think about their actions."

Jiang Hao gave a smile and said, "dissatisfied with this Taoist friend, I like to kill people in order, from top to bottom. Even if it is to kill, it will start from you."

The young man in white took a step back and said in a loud voice, "you have misunderstood me. I am not their leader. I am a poor man who has been tied up."

"I just couldn't beat them in charge, and then they caught me and became the leader." Said the young man in white, with a sudden frown.

A subtle Rune appears.

"You see, sir, that's what he put on me. I was forced to see it."

Jiang Hao's eyes narrowed slightly. For the young man in white, a trace of interest suddenly arose in his heart. He believed what the young man in White said. Of course, it didn't matter whether he believed it or not.

What's important is that the so-called charm can be easily caught by the young man. What's the use of such control?

"If you have anything useful, you'd better say it quickly. Otherwise, I'll think you're farting. It's none of my business how you are in charge. That's how I kill people. "

The young man in white swallowed two mouthfuls of daub, and extended his big thumb in admiration. As expected, he was not as reasonable as this man.

At this time, some of the robbers around were relieved. They knew that Jiang Hao could not be provoked. Some of them were seriously injured or fainted. Only some of them were still active. They cooperated with each other and helped each other to stand up.

This is the opportunity that the leader gives himself these people, but we should cherish it. Although we don't know what they are talking about.

The young man in white glanced at Jiang Hao and the Green Pheasant. He found that the two men were indifferent, so he sighed and opened his fan.

He knocked on the fan.

Two goldfish fell from the fan. Look at the fan. There are two fish missing.

What's more important is the other party's means. Jiang Hao found the elements of Shenwen in it. Although it was different from his own, there were still some similarities. Jiang Hao immediately took on a bit of seriousness.

Noticing Jiang Hao's eyes, the young man in white smiles and says, "yes, that's why I stay here because I found a big secret. But I can't swallow the secret on my own. Fortunately, I'm waiting for you

Two goldfish, wandering in front of these robbers, and then continue to wander, as if nothing through the past, through their bodies, through their spirits.

But it left them dead.

Jiang Hao did not speak. He did not say a word when he looked at the style of the young man in white.

Seeing Jiang Hao, he didn't ask any questions. The young man in white felt embarrassed. He coughed twice and then continued: "it's a dark blood door, which can only be opened by your apprentice's special strength just now. Of course, she is not qualified enough.

I can't open it by myself. Of course, if I can open it, I won't be here, but I think I can be sure if I have you. And these robbers are the open offerings. "

"Now I want to ask you whether to go or not. If you go, let's have a good discussion. If you don't, we'll go to one side of the road, OK?"

"Go." Jiang Hao said without thinking, "go now."

At this time, the young man in white was surprised and said, "don't you think about it any more?"Jiang Hao shook his head and said with a smile, "no need." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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