Sacred Devil

Chapter 1484

Long Kong Zi takes a look at Jiang Hao. In this case, there is nothing to be polite about.

Dozens of people jumped out.

Everyone was carrying a dagger, which was obviously organized and planned.

The other side didn't talk nonsense and started to do it directly. This also more confirms Jiang Hao's view that the other side is indeed prepared, and it is definitely not like those people who said something before.

"It seems that the other party is not greedy for your treasure." Jiang HAOGE blocked off a few short knives, and then said to the dragon.

Long Kong Zi is very good-looking when he dances with his sword. He is as graceful as a dragon and a snake.

"And killed a few people." Long Kong Zi said.

Jiang Hao sighed and said, "go ahead, their leader will be in trouble for a while."

"Form a five square array." It seemed to realize that they couldn't cope with the two men, one of them whispered.

Jiang Hao nodded his head, then dashed forward, crushed the man's throat directly, then threw his body to one side, and said, "what are you shouting at the battle? Are we afraid we will kill you first?"

Sure enough, this man should be the leader of these people. As Jiang Hao killed this man, the so-called five square array was not formed. Of course, Jiang Hao also paid some price for it. Four short knives were inserted into his body.

However, Jiang Hao is also used to some injuries in exchange for some bigger victories, which in his opinion is very worthwhile.

The spirit power pours out, force these knives out.

Long Kong Zi also took the opportunity to wave his sword and cut off the heads of several people.

The battle came to an end soon. Most of them were killed and the rest were seriously injured.

"Let's go. It's not suitable to drag on." Jiang Hao said.

Long Kongzi nodded and let go of the opportunity to mend the knife. It's good to leave some vigilance for the other side.

They walked forward, but suddenly stopped.

Jiang Hao frowned: "something's wrong. How did those people find us? According to reason, we've been so far away that these people shouldn't be able to find us. "

Hearing Jiang Hao say so, long Kong Zi also realized this, two people's eyebrows can't help wrinkling up.

"It's the rune." After a while, the two said it almost at the same time.

"At that time, those people saw that piece of divine script." Long Kong Zi said.

Jiang Hao nodded and took out the dark divine text. He released his power of divine consciousness and examined it carefully. As expected, he found some strange places.

"That's why they want to come and trace you." Jiang Hao said, and then began to remove these forces.

"Strange." Jiang Hao frowned. The strength was so tough and mysterious that he could not get rid of it. After several attempts, Jiang Hao had to give up.

Then he handed it to longkongzi, who used the power of sword Qi and tried several times to shake his head.

"It's far from where you're going. Those people will surely come after you, and the accomplishments of those who come will only become stronger and stronger." Jiang Hao looked at the distance and said to long Kong Zi.

"There's only one way to do it now." Longkongzi said helplessly.

Jiang Hao sighed, nodded and said, "it's true. We have no choice."

Dragon Kongzi dropped this dark divine text.

Then almost without hesitation, Jiang Hao flew over directly and quickly, catching the dark divine text. Then he looked at the Dragon Kongzi in a daze and said in a loud voice, "what are you doing?"

Dragon Kong son also a face of doubt, way: "what are you doing?"

"That's the only way you've come up with?" Jiang Hao felt a little broken down.

Long Kong Zi hesitated for a moment and said, "what do you mean?"

Jiang Hao sighed. Sure enough, it's hard for two strangers to have a good heart.

"I'll take this thing with me, and then I'll lead those people away. That'll help you." Jiang Hao said, "our promise is still valid."

Long Kong Zi nodded and said, "naturally so."

Jiang Hao is pleased to smile, the other side also acknowledge the account, such a big master owes his favor, its value can't be simply measured, so he is more satisfied.

"But you're not going to die?" Longkongzi couldn't help saying.

Jiang Hao held the dark divine text tightly, and his eyes showed a burst of appreciation. He shook his head.

"Take care, then." Long Kongzi is not a nonsense person. Seeing Jiang Hao like this, he directly arched his hand and said, "I hope I have a chance to repay you."

Jiang Hao said with a smile, "of course." Then he threw a storage ring and continued: "take it, find a city, go directly to the largest business, you can easily exchange for two million Amethyst."

Long Kong Zi took over the storage ring, and then nodded, looking for a direction to leave quickly.Jiang Hao looked at the back of long Kongzi's leaving, holding this dark divine text, and felt more and more how precious this treasure is. He gritted his teeth in secret. He vowed that he would never abandon it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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