Sacred Devil

Chapter 1490

With a wave of his hand, a talisman on the wall floated up and burned fiercely. Soon the flame went out, leaving only a mass of black ash in the air. Then the young man with scar lit the kettle beside the stove, and a column of water appeared from the teapot and rushed in.

"Drink it." Scar youth light says.

The rest of the people are still hesitant, but the leader of these people swallowed directly, and then immediately turned red.

The two people holding him also felt a sense of flame, and could not help but release their hands. So the leader of these people directly fell to the ground, and then spat out blood.

"Big brother!" Someone yelled.

When the rest of the people looked at scar youth again, their killing intention had not been concealed. "What did you do to my elder brother?"

At this critical moment, if the leaders of these people say a word later, there will be more bodies on the ground. There is no accident at all. There is absolutely no suspense.

"Thank you for your help Although the leaders of these people look weaker, their spirits are much better. These people also feel that their elder brother's breath has become stronger.

So there was no anger in the eyes of the scar youth and the dumb youth, but awe.

Is this how the green ash poison was solved? It seems that there is no material of Tiancai Dibao, and there is not even any operation of martial arts. It seems like picking a talisman on the wall and adding water to cure it.

These people can't help but look around. There are lots of talismans everywhere. There are countless talismans like the one just now. If all of them have the effect of the talisman just now, how much Amethyst are these talismans worth?

However, the young man with scar didn't think so. He didn't look at the salute of the leaders of these people. He just said with a smile: "brother Jiang, the effect of your talisman looks very good."

So the dumb youth raised his head and said faintly, "the casual painting has never had a chance to test it. Now it seems that the effect is really good."

The face of the leaders of these people who had been grateful suddenly stiffened. So did the rest of them.

But people are not stupid people, also more and more understand one thing, the strength of the two people in front of them may really exceed their imagination.

Especially for the leaders of these people, he thought for a second that if they had the help of these two people, their information could be easily transmitted back. His face suddenly showed a color of joy, and then said in a loud voice: "we are from dayanwu, we are in Murong mountain."

But the two people on the opposite side didn't even look at the man.

This is a very disdainful performance, but Murong Chongshan is not angry at all, or he feels that he is looked down upon. This is the master style. If these two people suddenly have a pleasant attitude with themselves, he will be a little flustered and worry about the conspiracy of the other party.

But this attitude is normal.

You are a monk who can be saved easily. Talking to you looks up to you. If you don't speak to you, that's the best thing to do. You should thank you and leave.

Murong Chongshan is certainly very knowledgeable, but he did not leave. Of course, this is not because he likes to be looked down upon, but because he thinks more. These two masters are obviously living in seclusion here. If they can be brought back to dayanwu, even if they are worshipped only with Amethyst but not working, it will definitely be a lot of benefits.

So he cleared his throat and said with a smile: "maybe you are new to Quchi and don't know much about it. Let me say a few more words. Dayanwu is one of the famous forces in Quchi. Of course, there are many similar forces. I won't exaggerate this point.

However, in terms of its fame and reputation, dayanwu is absolutely second to none. The guild rule of dayanwu is that although they dare not punish evil, they must promote good

Murong Chongshan thought that his performance when he just came here may be the reason why he saved himself, so he emphasized this point. In fact, most friars, no matter what their virtue, generally like some just sects. After all, not many people like to fight with each other all the time or do evil things everywhere.

That's why Murong Chongshan said this.

"I know that my cultivation is shallow and I dare not invite you. I just hope you can let me know if you are free. I'm sure I'll greet you with great ceremony. You'll go to Dayan Wu for a tour. Of course, I don't think we'll be able to get to me by then. Even our guild leader can't help welcoming me in person. "

After that, Murong Chongshan stopped talking, and then he bowed his hands again. The rest of the people did the same.

Murong Chongshan turns around and leaves here.

"Brother Jiang, I can guarantee that if we continue to develop in this way, this small Gang called dayanwu will lead Quchi in the future without any accident, and can maintain its status for at least 100 years." Scar youth laughs.

The mute youth, also known as Jiang Hao, gazed at the stove. He felt as if he had just realized something, so he didn't care much about other things. He said casually, "then you can have a good chat with them and let them know how a super Gang grew up."Several people in Murong Chongshan suddenly stopped, and their hands were shaking. In their eyes, the happiness came a little too suddenly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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