Sacred Devil

Chapter 1494

"Say it clearly." Liu continued.

The leader of the dalongmen sect swallowed and spat and said: "it's actually very simple. I've found several ordinary sects in private, which are basically on the same level as this dayanwu, and let them form a temporary alliance in private. Then it's very simple. We secretly provide some magic weapons, pills and other things, so that these forces can attack separately.

Because they are of the same rank as dayanwu, others will not pay more attention to them. Even if they are eliminated, they can only say that they are not strong enough. And even if they find out what we've done, they can't say it even if they want to speak out. After all, as long as they are a gang, they have to face their faces. "

"And in the end I just disbanded these gangs and let them join us. Everything was fine." The leader of the big dragon gate couldn't help laughing and then looked at elder martial brother Liu.

Elder martial brother Liu just nodded and said faintly, "it's so simple."

The leader of dalongmen has resisted the idea of saying clearly. It is so simple to say, but it is not easy to say how many intrigues and bargaining are involved. However, it is defined by such a light and floating sentence.

"Drink and drink." Elder Wei suddenly yelled. The leader of the Dragon Gate suddenly woke up, raised his glass with a smile and began to drink.

Elder Wei stood next to him and said in a low voice, "don't provoke this one. This time, it seems that I was led by an elder. In fact, it's useless. This elder martial brother Liu's words are much better than mine. Most of these disciples are of the same generation with him, and they are also for him. I can only control myself. "

With a bitter smile, the leader of the dragon's gate said, "I thought it was brother Wei who came here, which made me happy for several days. Now I didn't expect that there was a living master above. How can I serve you well?"

Elder Wei coughed gently and said, "I am an elder at least. In name, I have to listen to me. Elder martial brother Liu doesn't like to be in charge of affairs, and he's just on his way here. So long as you don't offend more, even if there's no accident, he will be the next elder of the penalty hall."

The leader of the Dragon Gate took a breath and said, "such a big man."

Elder Wei laughed and said, "this is also a recognition of your performance for so many years. But don't talk nonsense. It seems that senior brother Liu is not willing to be the elder

The leader of the Dragon Gate suddenly showed a puzzled look and said, "why is this?"

Elder Wei shook his head and said, "the Dragon Palace is no bigger than the dragon gate. There are always many twists and turns in it. This is not what you can think clearly. What's more, if you are young enough to have such accomplishments, can you easily guess? When you go to the Dragon Palace, you must be careful and don't bring the habits of this small place there. "

The leader of the big dragon's gate quickly nodded and said, "at that time, we should ask elder Wei to give more advice." Then his voice suddenly became smaller and said, "those small gifts will be sent to your room later."

Elder Wei nodded with satisfaction, and then he returned to his seat.

The leader of the dragon's gate sect also sat back and began to seriously wait for him to return to the super first-class sect dragon palace. What kind of life should it be?

But just as he was intoxicated, a voice came.

There was a shrill howl outside.

"There are enemies!" Someone yelled.

Then the disciples of the dragon gate, who are responsible for guarding the banquet, jumped out one after another to block a white light rushing in. This ray of light near here but suddenly scattered, and then into a shining silver needle.

Almost in the blink of an eye, these disciples fell to the ground one after another.

Five people came in.

"How brave you are At this time, the leader of the big dragon's gate woke up completely from his wake-up. Seeing that his party was going to be destroyed in this way, he jumped out with a roar, and there were more magic weapons in his hands.

Zhao Xun was in front, Murong Chongshan was in the back, and then Jiang Hao and the other two disciples of dayanwu.

"You are the leader of the dragon's gate." Jiang Hao said.

The leader of dragon's gate grinned grimly. He clearly recognized Murong Chongshan and said, "this is your Dayan dock. How dare you provoke dalongmen on your own initiative. No one can save you now!"

Murong Chongshan looked at this man with disdain and killed him all the way. He was no longer the leader of dayanwu Hall who was chased away.

"Do you think I don't know you're behind it? Those forces are all assigned by you. " Murong Chongshan said, "I came here today to settle accounts with you."

"What if it's me, what if it's not me." The leader of the big dragon's gate sneered, "how come these two people are your dependence? You're not ashamed."

"Let me introduce you." Murong Chongshan is not angry at all. This feeling of winning makes him have a good temper.

"Don't talk nonsense. Who cares who the dead are? Let me die!" The leader of the dragon's gate sneered and said that he was going to make a move.

But at this time, there was a voice behind him, "listen to him finish, you should listen well, or I'm afraid there will be no chance in the future." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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