Sacred Devil

Chapter 1526

"They Jingtao Gang, even if we don't know who we are. Why don't they even know the Lord of Murong Shao?" Finally, someone could not hold the doubts in his heart and opened his mouth.

As soon as he said this, the rest of the people said, "yes, this Quchi city is also the world of dayanwu."

With that, he forgot that Murong Chongshan was sitting near them.

Murong Chongshan's face was even more embarrassed. He coldly attacked these humanitarians: "if you still want to participate, just sit down and don't talk much. If you want to go, go immediately. I'm determined not to stop you!"

These people are all old foxes who have been living in the Xiuzhen world for many years. Naturally, they know that they can't go on. Otherwise, Murong Chongshan will have a serious attack, and they will not feel well.

Today, this area is still respected by Quchi city. They have to be careful around Quchi city.

If you offend him because of this, it's not worth the loss.

In fact, they came to Quchi city for two purposes. First, it was for an auction. If they could get some pills or a magic weapon, their clan power would rise.

Second, they came to explore the virtual and real situation of Quchi City, and whether Murong Chongshan intended to invade the surrounding territory. Of course, only professional spies can do this, so they came here only to try a little bit.

However, for the moment, they have not found Murong Chongshan's belligerent tendency. On the contrary, they are very polite and considerate.

It's about today It's really weird. Murong Chongshan can't be blamed. It's the Jingtao Gang's way. It's too wild.

"But then again, the Jingtao Gang's means are really not small, and they can really cooperate with the legendary Tian Sheng chamber of Commerce."

Instead of discussing whether Jingtao Gang is respectful to Murong Chongshan, these friars turn their attention to other places.

Murong Chung Shan sneered at this question. If you have a pile of top-quality pills and several magic weapons for auction, which chamber of commerce is not willing to cooperate?

Even if Tian Sheng chamber of Commerce has a higher status than those ordinary chambers of Commerce, in the final analysis, he is just a chamber of commerce with the purpose of making profits. If you make money, you will naturally make money.

"I really don't know what means the Dark Dragon King got so many materials for auction by Jingtao gang."

"However, such means are very powerful."

Murong Chongshan sneered, a pair of cold eyes, but also burst out the fierce light of his people.

But when he turned to look at the people with him, his eyes became very gentle and polite.

"I'm sorry, everyone. I was in a bad mood just now. If there is something wrong, you must bear with me." Murong is a good seller.

"Ha ha, the little city Lord Murong is very serious. It was actually our problem just now. I hope the little city Lord doesn't blame him." One of them, an old man with a white beard, arched his hand at Murong Chongshan, representing others.

Murong Chongshan waved his hand to show that he didn't care.

But the heart is a way: "ha ha, you are all going to die, why should I blame you?"

At the thought of the next plan, Murong Chongshan's face was dignified. He looked at the platform used in front of the auction hall and kept silent.

However, after a while, he suddenly felt a chill on his back and turned his head to see the Dark Dragon King with the same cold face in the VIP seat.

They looked at each other for only a moment, and then they both looked away from each other.

"Hum, Murong Chongshan, the boy, said it had nothing to do with it? His presence here already shows that he has a ghost in his heart and colludes with Jingtao gang. " The Dark Dragon King snorted coldly, which was extremely disdainful.

As for Murong Chongshan, he was secretly surprised. He said to himself, "if the dark dragon king died here, I'm afraid we can't put the black pot on the head of the dark dragon club."

"Wait, we have to find a way to cheat him out together But if you go out with him, won't you be suspected again? "

Thinking of this, Murong Chongshan was also in a state of confusion for a while, because he thought that according to the cautious character of the Dark Dragon King, others would not appear on this occasion.

But now it seems that there is a slip in his mind.

"It can only be a step by step."

Murong Chongshan sighed. The matter has come to an end. Even if he is anxious, it will not help. It is better to see if there is a chance to cheat the dark dragon king out. If not, the plan will be cancelled. Next time, there will be opportunities to clean up the dark dragon club.

Soon, the auction hall was full of people, all kinds of people gathered here.

The auction began with almost no empty seats.

First of all, a beautiful and enchanting woman boarded the exhibition stand, and then a car was pushed up with a jade box on , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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