Sacred Devil

Chapter 1529

However, Murong Chongshan is not stupid enough to be seriously injured in the explosion. In fact, he has carried the magic weapon to defend the rune bomb.

As long as there is this magic weapon, he can only suffer some minor injuries, and he will not die on the spot like others.

As for the reason, it is also very easy to make up. After all, as the young leader of Dayan Wu, it seems normal for him to carry such a defense magic weapon with him.

No one will question him, because almost all of them are dead.

For this, Murong Chongshan still has absolute confidence.

"Ha ha, next, wait for the good play to start." Murong Chongshan gave a faint smile, because his face was hidden in the dark, so no one noticed the subtle change of his expression.

Murong Chongshan's entourage has already walked out of the meeting hall and arrived at the place where he had been under the tongue. His face was crazy, because he knew how shocking it would be to do so.

Maybe it's the same as what Huayu girl said just now. Today is a day to witness history.

It is from today that Quchi city unified this large area.

With this in mind, the retinue is ready to activate the lead.

However, just as he stretched out his hand, a sharp shrill cry suddenly rang out in his ear.

Is it an animal call?

In doubt, the follower suddenly saw a large area of cold light flashing in front of his eyes.

No mistake. It's a sword. It's a very reserved sword. It's full of cold light.

Why is there a sword here? Shouldn't he be the only one here?

Who is it? Is it from the dark dragon king?

Thinking of this, he suddenly became nervous, but the development of things, or beyond his expectations.

He suddenly felt a warm fluid running down his neck.

For some reason, he felt the liquid warm, perhaps because his body was getting colder.

"What's the matter? Who the hell are you? " The attendant asked aloud.

After the sword, a figure finally appeared, but he was a very handsome young man with a natural good will. But now, his followers dare not be careless.

Because it's often the things that don't seem to hurt that are the most lethal.

"You don't have to know who I am because you're a dead man." The young man's voice was very confident. Even his followers almost believed that he was going to die. However, he could still feel the vitality in his body. He was not dead, but he did not know why. Some of his body was cold.

"Who are you, boy? I don't have the patience to play with you

"If you don't say it again, I'll have to kill you."

The retinue grinned and sneered. He was never a weak man, and decisiveness was his pronoun. Otherwise, he would not be the follower of Murong Chongshan. He has incomparable confidence in killing people.

Especially in front of this teenager, looks very thin, seems to be very good to kill.

But the teenager didn't seem to be afraid. Instead, he sighed and said, "it's really sad that you don't know you're dead to a fraction of the time. You'd better look down at your neck. Later on, your subject will flow clean."

"So, if you have any last words, just say them."

The retinue was stunned. He didn't know what the youth's words meant?

What is the blood on the neck fast flow clean?

He didn't feel his neck hurt at all!

However, he lowered his head suspiciously. Sure enough, he saw a large amount of blood red in front of his chest, which was all flowing from a terrible wound on his neck.

"Well, when is this..."

The follower's face was unbelievable. Although he didn't want to believe it, the fact was in front of him. His throat was cut open by a sharp weapon. At the moment, her artery had been completely broken and was continuously spraying blood.

At this rate, his life has not been long.

"What the hell is going on?" Although he was dying, his entourage continued to ask the young man in front of him, as if he would die with his eyes closed if he didn't understand the matter.

"Hehe, it's very simple. My knife is too fast, but you're too slow to react. You didn't see my knife at all. It's really sad. I'm afraid that people of cultivation like you will soon become the body of scattered immortals."

"I really didn't expect to die in such a place?"

"You work for Murong Chongshan to become a Sanxian one day, and Murong Chongshan has promised you that as long as you complete this work, he will reward you with a ascending immortal pill. As long as you have that pill, you will have the hope to break through the bottleneck and become a Sanxian."

"But now it's all in vain."The boy said, regretfully shaking his head.

"Ha ha, are you sent by the dark dragon king?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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