Sacred Devil

Chapter 1555

"Ha ha, old man, you are a big wishful thinking. Yes, in this high-level array, with your strength in the middle of concentration state, you can compete with a person who is full of concentration state."

"But you are still negligent."

Jiang Hao shook his head, which was a pity.

"You neglect my strength, because I am far more than that."

With that, the breath that had stabilized on Jiang Hao's body rose wildly.

Jiang Hao's realm, also from the concentration state of great perfection, with a single effort, rushed to the crossing Jiejing!

"What? You have the strength to cross the robbing immortal! "

Elder Taishang was extremely shocked. He could not have imagined that the young boy in front of him had the strength to survive the robbery period.

Moreover, the smell of Jiang Hao's body is still flowing upward.

It seems that this is not his ultimate strength yet.

"Crossing, crossing robbery Perfect? " When Jiang Hao showed all his strength, the supreme elder was completely astonished. He thought that the strength of the young people in front of him was the limit.

I didn't expect that, but it was far from it.

And the actions of the youth, also in time, refresh his three views.

"Is it not that it is only one step away from flying into the fairyland and becoming a true immortal?" The elder master murmured.

He was a strong breath, also decadent retrogression, soon knelt down on the ground, to Ye Li beg for mercy: "master, I have eyes, do not know Mount Tai, offended the elder, but also hope that the elder don't care."

The supreme elder is extremely pious, and totally ignores the previous events.

Because in the Xiuzhen world, strength is everything. Now, Jiang Hao has the strength beyond everything. Naturally, he can't be stupid enough to be the enemy of Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao, however, gave a cold smile and said, "I can not kill you. After all, you are not long dead."

Elder Taishang was shocked, but he was not surprised. The other side was a strong man in crossing the road. Naturally, he could see his physical condition.

"But I have to take away your grandson's life." Jiang Hao's words were understated and sentenced to death, just like making decisions about what to eat for lunch.

Elder Taishang was shocked again. He pondered for a moment and then said, "master, Shao Jie is still young. You'd better let him go."

"Ha ha."

Jiang Hao gave a sneer. To the elder, it was as painful as the winter.

"If I hadn't had the strength, I'm afraid we would have been killed today." Jiang Hao's voice was heavy and cold. Looking at the elder, he seemed to be waiting for his reply.

"Besides, do you really think I'm such a good talker?"

"Don't kill you, I said, not because I'm kind, but because you don't have much time."

"Tell me not to kill Shao Jie?"

"I'm sorry, I have no reason not to kill him. In addition to him, all the people in haotianzong who are trying to fight against dayanwu will die today."

Jiang Hao said faintly, but the voice suddenly became bright, containing a strong aura. The voice soon echoed among the mountains of haotianzong.

As long as you are here, whether you are practicing or not, you will hear this sentence.

Suddenly, many people got up in a hurry and kowtowed to Haotian hall and said, "please forgive me, sir. We don't dare to make the idea of dayanwu any more!"

Jiang Hao nodded with satisfaction.

Then, he turned to look at elder Yang and said to him, "I have some Baidu heart controlling pills here. Take them and give them to all the immortals of haotianzong."


Yang Changlao hesitated. Naturally, he knew what the google Kangxin pill was. If he ate it, he would live as a slave of Jiang Hao for almost all his life.

Unless, can one day, the strength surpasses Jiang Hao.

"Elder Yang, don't you do what the elder said?" Elder Taishang laughed bitterly.

He knew that Shao Jie could not be saved today. As for haotianzong, he would be trapped in a quagmire in the future. I'm afraid he does not know how long it will take to get rid of control.

However, the best result is to protect haotianzong first.

"I see."

Elder Yang was indifferent. With his courage, he did not dare to resist Jiang Hao, so he filled one of the google control pills into his stomach in front of his face.

After that, he fled and left Haotian hall.

"Master, what else can I do for you?" Elder Taishang wiped the sweat on his forehead. He was already a man who was going to the earth. He did not have much time. However, he had to encounter all this before he died. It was really unfortunate in his later years.

"Don't worry, I won't kill all of them. The reason why I do this is to ensure that you haotianzong will not commit any evil intention to dayanwu."

Jiang Hao seemed to see the worry of the supreme elder, and then said, "as long as you don't invade, I can guarantee that the google Kangxin pills in their bodies will never work.""You haotianzong is still an independent sect." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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