Sacred Devil

Chapter 1564

Jiang Hao was the real benefactor of Quchi city when he defeated the strong enemy of tianhaozong. At the moment, he became a thief who stole the most precious treasure of Quchi city. This made Yang Biao and others extremely angry, and their hearts were burning with anger.

"Hum, there is no treasure at all. It's all rumors about Tian haozong's walking. It's ridiculous that you people believe it! Be used like a doll

"Even if there is a so-called treasure, it should be a home of virtue. You clowns don't pee and look at the mirror. What are you, trying to get hold of the treasure?"

"Wu Zhaonan, don't think that I don't know what you're up to. Don't pretend to be high and righteous. If you want to fight, I'll fight. Today I have Yang Biao here, and I will never let you step into the land of seclusion."

Yang Biao said frankly that the siege was quiet, and these originally vicious and clamorous sanxiu were shocked by his huge momentum, such as a guilty heart, even the courage to look at Yang Biao's resolute eyes.

Wu Zhaonan was also subdued by Yang Biao's assertive words. He came here today with so many hands. He didn't intend to really fight. He just wanted to force dayanwu to hand over Jiang Hao and the treasure. Unexpectedly, Yang Biao's attitude was so firm.

"Yang Biao, you have to think clearly, you really want to be the enemy of us!"

Wu Zhaonan's tone is gloomy. He is now in a dilemma. If he does, the Tianjing gang will win, and the price will be extremely heavy. This is not what he wants to see.

"How about being against you?"

Yang Biao's eyes are fierce, Yue Donglai is also a face resolute, left all, at the moment run their own spiritual power, ready to hand at any time.

The people of the sky whale sect are also like facing a big enemy, and the spirit breath comes and goes one after another.

The atmosphere suddenly became extremely severe, the air was full of gunpowder, and only a tiny light of fire could completely detonate both sides.

"Hum! Do you really think you can cover the sky with your hands in the city of Quchi? "

Just as the two sides confronted each other, a very loud voice burst out of the sky, but the spearhead was directed at Yang Biao and others.

Marton on both sides was startled by the sudden appearance of the sound, and looked up one after another.

Between a number of rare animals by the impact of a treasure car appeared in the air, that loud voice is from the treasure car.

The decoration of the treasure car is extremely luxurious, which shows the luxury everywhere. Influenced by several tall and exotic animals that ordinary people almost never heard of, it shows the owner's ostentatious power.

"It's the treasure chariot of Nangong family of Xiuzhen clan! It has a unique symbol of their family

Someone recognized the origin of the chariot and exclaimed.

Nangong family has a great reputation in Quchi City, with profound details. Its strength is not under the influence of Tianjing gang and other big forces. It almost monopolizes the miraculous drug trade in Quchi City, which makes its status in Quchi city more detached and no one is willing to offend them.

"Ha ha ha, it turns out that he is the chief of Nangong clan. I didn't expect to see you here today!"

After a brief period of stupidity, Wu Zhaonan took the lead in speaking and laughing.

In a short period of time, he had already figured out that Nangong, who had stepped in at the moment, was a friend rather than an enemy. At least at the moment, they all had a common opponent, Yang Biao and dayanwu behind him.

As for the ownership of the treasure after the attack of Dayan dock, it is natural that those who can occupy it. Although Nangong family is powerful, he Tianjing Gang is not vegetarian.

At the moment, he can reduce his losses by cooperating with Nangong family to deal with dayanwu. Why should he not?

"Gang leader Wu came to eat this today for the treasure of Dayan dock. Why don't we join hands to wipe out the wild goose dock that eats inside and outside at one stroke. As for the treasure after that, how about everyone's ability?"

Nangong has been the leader of the clan for many years. Naturally, he is one of the elite. He has already thought out the advantages and disadvantages of it and has no hesitation in choosing to join hands with Tianjing Gang to deal with dayanwu.

"Ha ha, that's what I mean!"

Wu Zhaonan laughs extremely brilliantly, the two sides hit it off, collusion, choose to jointly deal with Yang Biao several people.

"Nangong family Nangong Zheng!" When Yang Biao saw the visitor, he was surprised. After watching the cold war, the two forces chose to collude with each other, and his heart sank to the bottom.

Dayanwu may be able to resist a Tianjing sect, but if you add a Nangong family of Xiuzhen, Yang Biao can't stop him in any case.

But there are some things that he knows he can't do, but he has to do them, and some people have to fight to protect them. This is his life creed and the core of his belief. Once he violates it, he will no longer be Yang Biao, just like a walking corpse.

"There is no way to retreat. It seems that there will be a bloody war!"

Yang Biao turned his head to look at the moon Donglai, and found that the other side was looking at himself. He saw a trace of determination in the eyes of the other party. He made unremitting efforts! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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