Sacred Devil

Chapter 1583

After long Qianqian left, the scene inside the stone chamber also changed suddenly.

originally an empty stone chamber, it suddenly changed into a scene in the plantation.

in the lush and lush plantation, shenwenling grass is growing well. Xiaoxiao stays aside quietly. After seeing Jiang Hao appear, he makes a whoop, and then walks towards Jiang Hao with four small hooves. Only this time, Jiang Hao doesn't look at Xiaoxiao at his feet, but walks into the plantation.

ignored by the owner, Xiaoxiao shook her head in anger and then spread her hooves. She ran to one side and began to eat Shenwen Xiancao. It was estimated that she wanted to punish Jiang Hao for not paying attention to him. Xiaoxiao's voice of eating Shenwen Xiancao was very loud, which was somewhat abrupt in the plantation.

with the deepening of Jiang Hao, Xiao Longnu's figure also suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. The latter was sitting among them playing with the flowers on her hands. After seeing Jiang Hao looking over, she showed a brilliant smile. Her eyes were bent like a crescent hook. From a distance, it was beautiful and not real enough.

"Jiang Hao, are you here?"

the little dragon girl said faintly that she was beautiful in pink.

"small skills."

the scene in front of Jiang Hao didn't make Jiang Hao feel a bit excited. At this time, the heartless knife, which was tightly held in his hand, was suddenly scabbard and then chopped in the air. The originally real picture in front of him suddenly had a distorted feeling, and then was cut off with a knife. The whole picture collapsed directly, and the empty stone chamber appeared again in front of Jiang Hao.

it's really an illusion.

but the technology content of this illusion is too low.

what appeared was too fake. He just wanted to pretend to be ignorant and was too embarrassed to pretend.

but soon Jiang Hao realized that something was wrong. He quickly went to the secret door and tried to open the door like before. However, this time, his divine script did not work, or maybe he accidentally touched some mechanism in the stone chamber. Now, there is no breath of Shenwen on the secret door, and his seal of divine script is on it It didn't cause any waves.

according to the truth, it should be easy to open the stone gate with the strength of Jiang Hao. However, this time, the hidden door seemed to be heavy. No matter how Jiang Hao attacked, there was no reaction.

even the huge energy fluctuation seems to be swallowed by the secret door. After seeing this scene, Jiang Hao's face became a little gloomy.

he finally knew why he had hallucinations after triggering the mechanism, because the hallucination was not to deceive him, but to delay time.

as for what procrastination is for, the answer is already on the horizon.

it seems that it is impossible for him to break through through brute force today. Although Jiang Hao is angry at long Qianqian's betrayal, judging from the words and performance of the other party before, the latter seems to have his own helpless.

but anyway, they were teammates and long Qianqian betrayed him.

according to Jiang Hao's personality, he must find long Qianqian to settle accounts after going out, but he has to put all his attention on the dark door.

if you want to get revenge or ask questions, you have to wait until you go out.

fortunately, before he came, he set up a one-time transmission array outside, and now it's time for that one-time transmission array to work.

after thinking about this, Jiang Hao no longer hesitated, but directly started the one-time transmission array, but this time the result was unexpected.

the transmission array was interrupted without warning.

the stone chamber seems to want to cut off all contact with the outside world.

Jiang Hao even took out the small conch, but it still had no effect.

even if the people who built this stone chamber did not know the Shenwen skill, they must have a close relationship with Shenwen.

Jiang Hao looked at the stone chamber in front of him, and his divine sense searched every inch of the stone chamber with carpet like search. When Jiang Hao's divine sense scanned the stone trough used to hold the treasure box again, Jiang Hao suddenly realized that there was something wrong.

walking forward, Jiang Hao carefully observed the stone trough in front of him. On this, he seemed to feel the existence of divine culture breath again. However, the breath was too weak. If it was not for Jiang Hao's cultivation of Shenwen skills and his superior perception, he would not have noticed it in any case.

looking at the strange stone trough in front of him, Jiang Hao put away the heartless knife, and then started the Shenwen skill. Finally, the next time the divine consciousness sensed it, he changed one hand into a palm and directly cleaved it on the stone trough.

the seemingly fragile stone trough did not waver at all because of Jiang Hao's all-out strike, and Jiang Hao was not discouraged. Just as he was about to continue his next strike, a strange vision appeared again, and a stone gate suddenly appeared on the right side of the stone chamber. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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