Sacred Devil

Chapter 1610

"I said your sister also sent it. Why don't you go away yourself?"

Ouyang Wencheng glanced at Li Wenhao calmly and asked.

At this time, Li Xingxing has been sent to the wing room, so the two people dare to speak so unscrupulously. Generally speaking, when the former is there, both of them will pay more attention to the image, but as soon as Li Xingxing disappears, they will no longer have any scruples. In case of mutual damage, you come and go, and you can't stop.

Because Jiang Hao is still in the closed door, Li Xingxing can only temporarily live in Jiang Hao's home, waiting for Jiang Hao to withdraw from the closed state before he can deal with it.

"I came to see you, and you let me go? What a cruel man

In the face of Ouyang Wencheng's indifference, Li Wenhao is more playful.

"Speak to me normally. It's easy for me to beat you up like this."

Ouyang Wencheng was disgusted and said in a hurry.

"You want to beat me up just like you are now? You don't seem to be awake, brother

Li Wenhao disdains to take a look at Ouyang Wencheng, who is lying on the cane chair at the moment, and seems to have no attack power at all.

"But I will have a good day. When I'm good, your death will come. Do you believe it?"

Ouyang Wen sincerely went back.

"Believe it, believe it. I believe everything you say." Li Wenhao opened the folding fan in his hand, and then said, "but what's the use of that? Anyway, you can't hit it right now."

"It's the first time I've seen someone so eager to be beaten."

Ouyang Wencheng was directly laughed at by the other party.

And just when the two of you came to fight with each other, Li Xingxing, who had already packed his luggage, came over and asked in doubt, "brother, brother Wen Cheng, what are you talking about?"

Li Xingxing's arrival is like two seals, which seal Li Wenhao and Ouyang Wencheng. They were still fighting with each other. As soon as Li Xingxing came, they immediately became brothers. It seems that as much brotherly affection as possible, there is more brotherly love between them.

"We're talking about your condition."

Li Wenhao quickly made up a white lie.

"Yes, that's right. We're talking about your condition."

Ouyang Wencheng on one side quickly nodded, his chin almost hit on the cane chair.

After hearing this, Li Xingxing's face is also a little gloomy, and then a face of guilt said: "if only I had not been sick, these years really added too much trouble to everyone."

"What nonsense, silly girl! You are not a trouble. You are the daughter of our Li family, a little princess who needs to be cared for in the palm of your hand. "

Li Wenhao hastily made a voice to comfort a way.

Originally, his sister was a very lively person, but due to the suffering of illness, she has become more and more reticent in recent years, and even has a trend towards the development of iceberg goddess.

Li Wenhao doesn't want to see his sister become a girl who is as silent as ice.

"That's right. You know that you are the cultivation genius of your family. If it's not the torture of illness, your talent in cultivation will be a little less than that of my eldest brother."

Ouyang Wencheng is also quickly followed by comfort, the other side is he grew up looking at from childhood, so kind and lovely a girl, he doesn't want to see the other party is tortured by self blame.

What's more, they are different from the ordinary people who can't practice. The latter is a real immortal cultivator, and also the first person in the Li family who has been the strongest in cultivating talents for so many years.

If there was no suffering from the disease, she might have become a strong one now. For her age, this cultivation talent can't be described as evil.

But God likes to play tricks on people. Besides giving Li Xingxing such a strong cultivation talent, it also gives the other party the stubborn disease that others hear.

"Thank you."

Li Xingxing's face is bright and beautiful a bit, but the ray of black gas between the eyebrows is still rich.

It's a little palpitation.

"Thank you with my brothers?"

Li Wenhao stepped forward and touched each other's small head placidly, but Li Xingxing couldn't help but step back two steps, then raised his head, some unnatural said: "brother, I'm not a child."

Although the two are of the same mother.

However, for so many years, both of them regard themselves as brothers and sisters, and there is no estrangement at all.

"OK, OK. I know that our little girl has grown up."

Li Wenhao picked up his hand and didn't know which bastard would be so lucky to marry his sister. But that bastard must be very strong. Otherwise, he would never give his sister to others.You know, his sister is the kindest, cutest, gentlest and most beautiful girl in the world! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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