Sacred Devil

Chapter 1642

Although the girl in front of her still looks simple and lovely, but there is a trace of charm between her eyebrows, but her lips are a little pale. It seems that she will be blown away by the wind at any time.

The last time Jiang Hao saw each other like this, it was when the other party's extremely cold Qi broke out.

He finally cured the other party's stubborn disease, but did not expect to let the other party fall into this realm.

These days, because Jiang Hao has been addicted to the study of Shenwen, he unconsciously asked the other party for too much original Yin Qi. As a result, Li Xingxing's Yin and Yang Qi in his body was directly out of balance at this time. If he did not find a way to remedy it, he might die due to the deficiency of Qi and blood and eventually the loss of original Yin.

"If you're OK."

After hearing Jiang Hao say that he is OK, Li Xingxing's big stone in his chest is finally put down. She thumped her shoulder, and her face shows a tired look. These days, it can be said that she is tired.

Actually, it is because Jiang Haosheng is an immortal. His energy is too strong.

Li Xingxing is really a bit too much to bear.

"It's been hard on you these days."

Seeing Li Xingxing's appearance, Jiang Hao's heart was also quite moved, and then said to the former in a very sincere tone.

"It's enough to save our lives. It's all right for you." After saying that, Li Xingxing quickly waved his hand, and then said: "no, this is not even. Although you have saved my life, I have saved you, but you have taught me a lot of things, so I still owe you."

Li Xingxing explains some clumsy, but also appears that she is more and more lovely.

The reason why she is entangled with this is that she doesn't want to make an even with Jiang Hao, because after that, no one owes anyone. This is not what Li Xingxing would like to see. She would rather owe Jiang Hao than have nothing to do with him.

"You don't owe me."

Jiang Hao corrected the way.

"No, I just owe you. I don't care."

Li Xingxing is like a willful little girl.

"OK, OK, you don't care."

Seeing each other's appearance of this pair of little girls, Jiang Hao was also a little dumbfounded. Naturally, he was able to understand why Li Xingxing said such words, and his heart was even more moved at the moment.

"Jiang Hao, can I ask you something?"

Li Xingxing looked at Jiang Hao and asked, but after she had asked this question, her face became a little shy and red, and it was obviously difficult to speak.

"What's the matter?"

Looking at the other side's expression, Jiang Hao also asked curiously.

"Just what happened the other day, do you remember?" After asking, Li Xingxing seems to be afraid that his description is not accurate enough, and added: "it is something other than cultivation."

After hearing this, Jiang Hao finally understood what the other side was asking.

"I know, so these days hard for you, I didn't mean to, but you can rest assured that I will be responsible."

Jiang Hao said sincerely to Li Xingxing.

Although he was out of control most of the time when he used that thing to the other side, after the seal of divine script was fully penetrated, the memories that had become blurred before were gradually clear.

So Li Xingxing knows exactly what he has done.

Know how much the other party suffered because of his mantra.

"Don't say such words just because you are guilty. The reason why I will help you is that you have saved my life, and more importantly, it is because."

After talking about this, Li Xingxing stopped talking and walked forward until he was in front of Jiang Hao. Finally, he padded up his toes and sent his red lips to the other party's mouth. Then he gently kissed him. When the other party was stiff, he ran away and left Jiang Hao alone.

The girl's boldness was completely beyond Jiang Hao's expectation, so he didn't react to him for a moment. However, what the other side said made him move in his heart. Immediately, a slight arc appeared on his face. Naturally, he could not understand the girl's mind.

After getting along with each other for so many days, Jiang Hao was not a man of iron heart, but was naturally moved by the other side.

Looking at the direction of the disappearance of Qianli's figure, Jiang Hao also caught up with him. Now, yin and Yang in the other party's body are out of harmony. If he allows the other party to run around like this, he is really a little worried.

I don't know when, Li Xingxing's position in Jiang Hao's heart is becoming more and more important.

Even though he knew that the other party was playing with him, he was still worried about the other party's body.

After Jiang Hao walked out of the wooden house, he found that Li Xingxing didn't run far away. Instead, he squatted in the plantation and made a quarrel with Xiaoxiao. From time to time, he picked up a valuable fairy grass and fed it to Xiaoguai.

After getting along with each other these days, the relationship between Xiaoxiao and Li Xingxing has become more and more intimate.Looking at this scene, Jiang Hao was also quite satisfied. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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