Sacred Devil

Chapter 1647

My mother's man is also you can speak disrespectfully?

Li Mingyan is full of pride and arrogance.

Just after she had said this, the atmosphere of the whole hall was stagnant and obviously suppressed.

"Good, good." The Deacon Zhang even laughed angrily, then clapped his hands to applaud Li Xingxing's words. However, from his face, we can see that the Deacon Zhang was really angry. "Originally, today is the day of our Galilee auction, and I don't want to argue with you, so I gave you a way to live. As a result, there is a way for you in heaven. If you don't go, there is no way to hell..."

"Let Yang Biao come out."

Deacon Zhang's cruel words have not finished, it is Li Xingxing to interrupt.

"Who do you think you are? Do you want to see sect leader Yang

Deacon Zhang is in a hurry at the moment. Otherwise, with his usual tact, he will realize that something is wrong.

"You say the Li family and Li Xingxing are looking for him."

Li Xingxing is not interested in continuing to argue with the present person. As for the action, it is unnecessary.

If you start with someone like this, you'll get your hands dirty.

Just after Li Xingxing finished this sentence, the whole audience was in uproar again. No one thought that this beautiful girl was actually the Taoist friend of Jiang Hao, the most powerful person in Quchi city.

Wait, if she is Li Xingxing, is the person beside him Jiang Hao?

Some quick thinking people in the guess of Xuanyi man's real identity, are inverted a breath of cool.

No one thought that this seemingly ordinary man in Xuanyi was the man in Megatron Quchi city!

"Li Li Xingxing? "

After hearing the name, the legs of Deacon Zhang couldn't help trembling. There was no more arrogant appearance before. Naturally, he knew that the girl in front of him could not cheat him. After all, Yang Biao was in the auction room at the moment.

If gang leader Yang knew that he had treated Li's daughter like this, he would not have enough life to die.

As for the identity of Xuanyi youth, he did not dare to guess. If it was not good, if it was, the back of Deacon Zhang couldn't help getting cold.

"Big Big My Lord. " Deacon Zhang knelt down on his knees with a soft leg, and then said to Li Xingxing: "today's affairs are all small, not long eyes, small eyes don't know Mount Tai. If there are places that offend the two adults, please two adults have more forgiveness!"

After asking for mercy, Deacon Zhang quickly continued.

"The auction is about to start. There's no need for two adults to waste time on me. I'll arrange the most comfortable box for them right now, and I won't disturb their elegant interest!"

Although this deacon is a bit short-sighted, his ability to steer in the wind is amazing.

Especially after knowing Li Xingxing's identity, he immediately changed his attitude and used the fastest way to calm them down. This skill is also quite admirable.

Although most people feel a little disdain and even ridicule because of Deacon Zhang's behavior, after all, the other side is also a strong man at the level of scattered immortals. How can he be so spineless.

But on second thought, if it fell to their own heads, they would admit their mistakes faster than the Deacon Zhang. After all, the man next to Li Xingxing was probably Jiang Hao himself.

"After you have arranged your position, you can get the penalty yourself."

Li Xingxing is naturally too lazy to spend too much time with such people. After leaving such a sentence, he looks at Jiang Hao again. His cold face turns to be softer, and his starlike eyes are now shining again.

Even if the other side didn't speak, Jiang Hao still understood the meaning of the other party, that is, "how do you think I handled it?"

No matter how aloof and aloof Li Xingxing is said to be in the outside world, he does not eat people's fireworks, but he always looks like a little child in front of Jiang Hao. Occasionally, he has a strange spirit, which makes people like it very much.

Jiang Hao nodded, which was the default of the result. After all, they came here today, but they came specially to participate in the auction. There is no need to tangle in this matter all the time. After all, the auction hall is his own.

"Those two adults, please go inside."

Seeing that Jiang Hao's face was better than before, Deacon Zhang quickly came forward to entertain him, his face full of flattery.

As for Jiang Hao, he didn't even look at him. He took Li Xingxing into the auction hall, and the farce finally came to an end.

But everyone knows that this matter will not end so easily. Even if the Deacon Zhang has saved his life today, he will be tortured to death when he is punished in the future.

Who called this person even a little basic vision, leaving him in the auction hall will only , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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