Sacred Devil

Chapter 1649

It turned out that the young man sitting beside her did not blink his eyes, and his face was not much different from that before. Suddenly, Li Xingxing's love became better. As expected, Jiang Hao was different from the men in the hall.

Holding such an idea, Li Xingxing's face also reappeared a smile.

At this time, Jiang Hao just turned his head and saw the other party snickering there. Then he asked curiously, "what are you laughing at?"

"Ah? It's nothing. I suddenly feel that you are different from other men. You are special

After finishing this sentence, Li Xingxing lowered his head and snickered.

Jiang Hao was laughed at some inexplicable, but also did not continue to ask, but focused on the auction, do not know what kind of treasure will appear on this auction.

If there is a fairy medicine spirit grass to replenish the original Yin Qi, I can buy it. After all, Li Xingxing has a very serious loss because he is the original Yin.

But in fact, Jiang Hao obviously thought too much. As early as he needed to replenish the original Yin Qi, almost all the immortal herbs in Quchi city were cut off by Ouyang Wencheng. Therefore, it is impossible for the relevant treasures to appear at this auction.

"The first item we showed was the flame dragon bow..."

with Linda's explanation, a long bow with a very majestic appearance appeared in her hand. Linda then showed it and pulled the bow string to the full moon state.

Seeing this, Jiang Hao raised his eyebrows and became interested. Of course, it was not because of the flame, but because of the strength of the auctioneer named Linda.

At the beginning, he thought that the other party was just an ordinary immortal cultivator who had practiced some enchanting skills. But now it seems that this auctioneer named Linda is obviously a strong person at the level of scattered immortals.

To the strength of the other party to do an auctioneer, it is obviously some talent.

"Linda used to be the gold medal of the largest local auction in beast city. Later, because her family offended the dignitaries, she finally ended up in ruin. She also fled from beast city to wild goose dock, and finally chose to be an auctioneer in Galilee. Although the power GUI is quite authoritative in beast City, compared with wild goose dock, it is just a No It's just a small force. "

After seeing Jiang Hao's suspicious sight, Li Xingxing on one side also helps the other side explain.

"It turns out that the other side is a talent, so you can let Yang Biao focus on training."

After hearing Li Xingxing's explanation, Jiang Hao also nodded and reached a conclusion.

From Linda's mobilization of the scene atmosphere, we can see that this person is implemented by individuals. If we focus on training, it will be of great benefit to the development of dayanwu in the future. However, if such talents want to win over, they will obviously have to pay some attention.

However, it is better to give Yang Biao a headache.

"You cherish talents."

After Li Xingxing finished this sentence, he was suddenly attracted by a commodity displayed on the auction table.

Jiang Hao also looked at the past with each other's eyes.

It looks like a very delicate bracelet. It is made of high-grade spirit stone. It has the function of warming blood vessels and concentrating spirit.

As soon as the bracelet appeared, it got all the people's eyes.

"This is a bracelet made of Xuantian cryolite. It looks exquisite and beautiful, but it has the functions of warming blood vessels and concentrating spirit. It is a treasure that can't be prepared in the cultivation period. Please don't miss it. After all, it's rare to see such a meaningful auxiliary for cultivation. What's more, it looks so exquisite and beautiful. It has no name The owner can name this gorgeous bracelet

Linda is obviously a salesman with high sales skills. A bracelet with the function of warming blood vessels and concentrating attention is said to be the auxiliary treasure in the cultivation period.

With the appearance of this bracelet, all the women in the auction house were excited. Obviously, they all had a mind for this bracelet.

Even Li Xingxing is no exception.

Seeing that the other party was interested in something for the first time, Jiang Hao also decided to take a picture of the bracelet.

Just look at the hot degree of the scene, the price of this bracelet is obviously not low.

Those crazy women will probably fry this bracelet to sky high price.

Many of the onlookers also thought of it.

"The starting price is two million."

It's a good price for Linda.

And just after she finished, the fierce bidding began.

"2.8 million!"

"3.5 million!"

"3.55 million!"

"3.85 million!"


The price rises step by step, and soon it comes to 5 million yuan. At this time, there are fewer people calling for the price. After all, even if this bracelet is used to assist practice, after 5 million yuan, its cost-effectiveness is not so , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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