Sacred Devil

Chapter 1653

It is estimated that the incident at the auction hall that day was a little big, which led Xiao Longnu to contact Jiang Hao again through the small conch. Jiang Hao also felt that he was a little big headed about it. How could he not know the other party's meaning with his EQ.

However, with such a reminder from the other party, Jiang Hao suddenly thought that these days had passed, and that he had cultivated himself for a long time. Those people in black should remove their sight from themselves.

This is the time to look for the hidden treasures of the Dragon Palace.

Thinking of long Qianqian's transformation and many things that happened before, Jiang Hao also has a sense of urgency. Although he seems to be the strongest in Quchi city now, how can he not know the truth that there are people outside the world who have heaven and earth out of the world? What's more, there is a dark force staring at himself secretly. Only to become stronger is the only way out.

After making up his mind to find the secret treasure, Jiang Hao no longer hesitated, but rushed to a place where he felt something was wrong when he explored the seal of Shenwen.

But after waiting for the place, he found that it was actually a square city. Looking at the dense crowd and stalls in front of him, Jiang Hao was also quite troubled. He never thought that the place where the Shenwen imprint detected something wrong was actually here.

Shouldn't it be in the Dragon Palace?

With such an idea, Jiang Hao had to walk into the square city. Since the mark is here, there must be something wrong.

"The best hemostatic medicine. Don't miss it when you pass by. The lowest price in the whole city!"

"We can't find the magic, but we can't find the magic core."

"Recruit team-mates to save the village, but also need a high-level cultivation to join!"


hearing those strange calls, Jiang Hao couldn't help laughing, but he was quite satisfied with the prosperity of Fangshi. He had been here twice before, but he was far from as prosperous as he is now.

After he ruled Quchi City, the development here is getting better and better.

Jiang Hao is walking on the street. It seems that he is looking around. In fact, the powerful divine power has covered the whole city. No matter what happens here, he will know it clearly.

Shenzhi searched quickly and finally stopped on the ancient wood in the most marginal area of Fangshi.

Jiang Hao took back his divine consciousness, quickened his pace and walked towards the place where the ancient wood was.

It's an old tree that has been growing for many years.

Standing under such an ancient tree, Jiang Hao also felt a rustic breath coming to him.

Although the lush ancient wood in front of him did not reveal the slightest aura of fluctuation, but Jiang Hao knew that the ancient tree in front of him was absolutely not as simple as it seemed.

Sure enough, just as Jiang Hao sank down to comprehend, he noticed a trace of divine sense in the ancient wood. It seemed that it had been a long time ago, as if it had been left on this ancient tree many years ago.

"Well, little brother, are you going to buy something or not? You stand in front of my stall like this and disturb my business

When Jiang Hao was carefully aware of the spirit sense breath on the ancient wood, a rather sharp voice interrupted his thinking.

Jiang Hao frowned, then looked at the peddler who set up a stall beside the ancient wood. Under the latter's frightened eyes, his whole body became transparent and disappeared completely.

"Former... Senior?"

Seeing this scene, the peddler couldn't say anything. Obviously, the seemingly ugly young man was a master of cultivating immortals. However, he yelled at each other. Fortunately, the elder didn't argue with him. Otherwise, he would have died.

"God bless, God bless, fortunately, elder magnanimous."

The peddler put his hands together and worshipped several times, and then he packed up his stall and went home.

Just experienced such a thing, oneself can say is to escape from death, where still have the courage to continue to set up a stall.

But what the peddler didn't know was that Jiang Hao did not leave. Instead, he hid his body shape after he started yelling.

With Jiang Hao's current cultivation, if he wants to hide his body, it is almost impossible for anyone to find out, let alone just an ordinary peddler.

The main reason for Jiang Hao's concealment is that he doesn't want to be harassed. It's easy to kill people. But who can't get along with an ant?

After hiding his body shape, Jiang Hao once again realized the spirit of consciousness in the ancient wood.

It seems that someone left something on it.

After that, Jiang Hao opened his eyes again.

He attached his hand to the ancient wood, and then a drawing flew out of the tree hole out of thin air, and finally fell on Jiang Hao's hand.

Sure enough, the reason why this ancient wood has the spirit of divine sense is that there is this drawing inside. After he takes the drawing to hand, the spirit sense breath on the ancient wood is completely dissipated, and he can no longer feel , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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