Sacred Devil

Chapter 1657

"It's a joke. If I want to sell my own things, I can't sell them if I don't want to sell them. You'd better leave as soon as possible."

After hearing Jiang Hao's words, the old man stopped for a moment, and then he put the map on one of the bookshelves.

"I heard that the owner of your shop has a strange temper. Today I've learned from it. However, I imagine that a master like me is full of pride. I don't want to sell the map to my younger generation. I think it's also because the map is defective. I'd like to thank you very much. Otherwise, if you buy the defective map back, you may die in the iceberg wilderness."

Jiang Hao arched his hands to express his thanks, and then he was ready to turn around and leave.

But before he took two steps, the old man's voice began to ring.

"What a yellow mouth child, no one in the whole city of ice can draw a map that is more accurate than the map drawn by me. Your provocation is of no use to me. I just don't want to sell the map to you!"

Murong de opened his mouth coldly.

Although he knew that Jiang Hao was only using the worst way to motivate the general, murongde still felt a little angry. He had been in this place for decades. He could say that he had gone all over the iceberg wasteland. No one knew the map of the iceberg wasteland better than him.

"Is it a method of encouragement? I think the elder knows better than the younger generation. If the map drawn by the elder is very accurate, why not sell it to the younger generation directly?"

Jiang Hao asked with a smile.

He doesn't believe he can't buy the map today.

"Well, I don't want to sell, of course, I have my reason. But you dare to learn from others in a small concentration period. When adventurers come to the city of ice, you really don't know how to write death words."

Murong de said sarcastically.

Although many adventurers have died in recent years, new adventurers have sprung up like mushrooms.

These people, like the dead locusts, swarmed into the iceberg wasteland, thinking that they could be lucky to get some treasures and attack life.

But in fact, luck never favors the fool, let alone the weak.

At this time, Jiang Hao in murongde's view is that the weak.

I was so stupid that I thought I was adventurous.

"Danger is always accompanied by opportunities. The more dangerous the place is, the more likely it is to encounter great opportunities. I think the elder should understand this truth and go out on the road." Speaking of this, Jiang Hao also moved his wrist, and his breath suddenly soared. Finally, he stopped at the top of the robbery period. "Who will expose his real strength? Am I right, master? "

The young man's warm smile seemed a little inexplicable chill under the light.

With the outbreak of Jiang Hao's strength, the irony on murongde's face also solidified instantly. He did not expect Jiang Hao to hide his own strength in any case. He was not a kid in the concentration period, but a strong man in the robbery period.

Although the period of crossing the heist was not better than Murong De, he was surprised that he could not see the depth of Jiang Hao at first, thinking that the real strength of the other side was just a small concentration period.

If Jiang Hao didn't take the initiative to explode his breath, he might not be able to detect it.

And then combined with the other side just said that, murongde is suddenly a little uncertain about Jiang Hao's real strength.

"I'm not sure, but it's very difficult for the strong to survive in the iceberg wilderness even if they are strong enough to survive. Even if they have maps, they can't avoid all the dangers."

After talking about this, Murong De is also fixed to look at Jiang Hao, and then said.

"I don't know what you're looking for, but there are three Warcraft with perfect ferocity. If you want to go deep, you can't avoid them. I don't want to give you the map for your own good. I just don't want to see people feeding the animals with themselves."

Although murongde's words were not pleasant to listen to, Jiang Hao suddenly understood that the reason why the old man refused to give him the map before was that it was very dangerous. If a person with poor strength got it, it would not be of any use. On the contrary, he might be killed.

The old man is saving him by not giving him a map.

"Thank you for reminding me, but there's something I want there, so I have to go. As for the three wild animals in the period of the robbery, kill them."

Shenyan zhentianji is the most important thing. Naturally, Jiang Hao could not give up because of the three big round wild animals during the robbery period. However fierce the road ahead, he would never move forward.

No strong man's road is smooth.

Jiang Hao always thinks so.

After Jiang Hao finished speaking, murongde was also shocked. He seemed to see the young self in the youth. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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