Sacred Devil

Chapter 1668

"Brother Li, are you ok?"

Jiang Hao looked back and asked Li Shuimo.

These people are interesting. They are just a group of concentration period. They dare to recruit such a monster.

"It's just skin injury. Brother Lin, this is a monster at the beginning of the robbery period. You'd better leave as soon as possible. I'll cut off the empress for you."

Li Shuimo stood up unsteadily with his sword.

Although Lin Shiqi has just cut off the tail of the manghuang ice snake, it is also a monster at the beginning of the robbery period. Although Li Shuimo doesn't know how Lin Shiqi did it, he still can't believe that the young man in Xuanyi can fight against such a monster.

So it is also thinking about the end of the line, let Lin seventeen with win tears they leave.

"Brother Li, don't try to be brave. There's no big difference between dealing with this giant snake in your present state and dying. You'd better take good care of your wound."

After saying this, Jiang Hao looked again at the mang wild ice snake in front of him.

The mang Huang ice snake, which was cut off by him, is in a state of madness. The ice trees around him are trampled to the ground by it, and they are rushing towards Jiang Hao with all their strength.

It seems that he wants to tear Jiang Hao into pieces.

Jiang Hao held the heartless knife's manual movement, suddenly dozens of shadows appeared in the air.

"How fast

Li Shuimo on one side couldn't help exclaiming that Lin Shiqi appeared in the air at a very fast speed before, and then cut off one tail of the mang Huang ice body giant snake.

It is because the opponent's speed is too fast, so they did not see exactly how Lin Shiqi made his move, let alone speculate on the other side's real strength.

The crazed mang wild ice snake obviously looks more terrifying. The sharp claw is patted towards Jiang Hao. The moment the claw is waved, there are black traces appearing, which seems to be tearing the space here.


A flame suddenly appeared around Jiang Hao, and then it burned into a raging fire. It wrapped Jiang Hao's whole body and formed a very strong armor.

After arriving at the iceberg wasteland, Jiang Hao also experienced the benefits of owning a fire without a bright future. It can burn all things, and it also happens to conquer the monsters who live in the ice and snow for a long time.

Jiang Hao's body moved, avoiding the savage attack of a huge snake in the mang wilderness ice body. Then he wound the wumingye fire on the top of the heartless sabre. Once the blade comes out, it can cut all things. With the wumingye fire, it is naturally powerful.

With each attack, the blade of the merciless sword falls on the giant snake of mang Huang ice body, and a burst of green smoke will be emitted. At the same time, the powerful and powerful snake of mang wilderness ice body is also bound up.

Instinct also makes it aware of the extraordinary place of the man in front of him. Even if he wants to escape, he doesn't care about his former feud.

However, how could Jiang Hao, the prey to his mouth, let him escape. When the giant snake retreated in the mang desert, Jiang Hao combined his heartless knife into one and directly chopped it on the other side's head.


The blood gushed out like a water column!

The head of the snake directly fell on the ground, smashing a deep hole, and the snake body immediately fell to the ground because of its weakness.

Manghuang ice body snake died.

After seeing this scene, Yang Lili in the distance was almost speechless. She had no idea that the young man who had been wantonly criticized by her in the inn was actually a top expert with hidden strength.

Think of what she said to each other before, Yang Lili only felt a chill on her back and wanted to kill her heart.

But at the moment, it is impossible for her to escape. She can only come forward and lift up her tears. However, when she is ready to help her up, she stands up on her own initiative and takes a step back.

"I'm fine."

Win tears shook her head, the tone is also with a touch of alienation, obviously before the other party refused to leave her scene in the heart of win tears also left a knot in one's heart.

Yang Lili took back her stiff hand in the air, and her expression was quite embarrassed.

However, there is no sense of regret in my heart. I just think that winning tears is too sentimental. In that case, only a fool will continue to stay.

"Senior Lin, thank you for today. If you hadn't appeared, I would have been dead in the iceberg wasteland."

Li Shuimo stepped forward and hugged Lin Shiqi, saying that his appellation for the latter has changed from brother Lin to elder Lin. obviously, after just what happened, he has no way to treat Lin seventeen as before.

Let alone continue to call each other brother Lin.

"It's easy. Since it's all right, I'll leave first."

Jiang Hao did not correct the change of the other party's address. The reason why he would do it was that he was invited to drink a pot of wine in the inn.Moreover, killing the mang Huang ice snake is just a matter of convenience for him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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