Sacred Devil

Chapter 1690

Fortunately, he has killed a lot of salamanders these days, so he has saved a lot of pyroliths, although after the war between him and MO forget and Bai fan, the salamanders here have already run away.

But after all, it's a melting waterfall, and it's very dangerous. Even if Jiang Hao felt that his whole body had lost his strength, he had to keep his spirits up and guard against the dangers around him.

It was not until Jiang Hao absorbed all the power of the fire elements in a piece of pyrolite. He felt that there was more power in his body. Then he stood up and built the Shenwen transmission array, and returned to the lava cave where he had hidden himself before.

Not long after Jiang Hao left, a group of fire generals came to the battlefield of the three men's war. After finding that there was no trace of Jiang Hao, they searched here.


In the cave, Jiang Hao sat cross legged on the stone wall, and the whole person was completely in the state of cultivation, and beside him were several pieces of flaming stones of different sizes.

After the last battle, all the energy in Jiang Hao's body had been exhausted, and even Shenwen had become dim. The whole world in his body showed a sense of destruction, as if it would collapse at any time.

After seeing this scene, Jiang Hao could not help but have a headache. Just as Bai fan did not forget that he would make them so embarrassed, Jiang Hao did not expect that they would force themselves to such an extent. However, it seems that Nalan didn't mean to give him ice Jiao tears. Otherwise, today's affairs really don't know what will happen.

However, at this point, Jiang Hao can only seize all the time to recover his physical strength. After all, after just such a big war, he must have attracted the attention of Emperor Yan. At that time, he will not forget and Bai fan to catch him. It is estimated that even the king and general of the whole Lieyang clan will go out, and at that time he will even have a whole sky It's hard to fly.

Obviously, Jiang Hao's conjecture is correct. When MO forget and Bai fan return to Yan Emperor with serious injuries, they also cause the latter to be furious. Even MO forget and Bai fan are punished one after another, and transfer half of the king generals who were chasing Nalan unintentionally to chase Jiang Hao.

We can imagine how disgusted Emperor Yan was to Jiang Hao.

However, the only thing to be thankful for was that Jiang Hao's immortal body recovered several times faster than that of ordinary people. So after staying in the cave for several hours, Jiang Hao finally got up again. But this time, due to the influence of the flaming arrow, even though the tears of ice Jiao helped Jiang Hao resist most of the attacks, his face was still affected To the influence, the whole person looks a lot older, and before the face has a very different difference, even if Bai fan and MO forget to see Jiang Hao again, they may not be able to recognize each other.

Looking at his appearance, Jiang Hao's heart was touched, but he didn't feel much. As long as he got that half step fairy flame crystal, his appearance would return to normal again.

And at that time, his body's wumingye fire will also evolve again. After the evolution, he may also be able to directly promote himself from the big round of the robbery period to the half step fairy stage.

After touching the threshold of the fairyland period, I can be regarded as a real master in the cultivation.

After thinking of this, Jiang Hao was in a good mood again. He took out the map Nalan unintentionally gave him before, and then studied it carefully. Finally, he rebuilt the divine text transmission array. This time, he directly transferred it to the outer wall of the lava cave, which is the burning city.

This is the Laiyang people's nest.

It's just that outside the city of Yan, there are arrays set by Emperor Yan himself. Only the people of the Lieyang people can enter. Once the foreign people arrive without permission, they will be hanged directly by the array.

At this time, Jiang Hao already had the flavor of the strong Yang nationality, so when facing the examination of the array, Jiang Hao showed a frank manner, and then directly followed the crowd to walk in from the main gate of Yan city.

When the guard saw Jiang Hao, he just glanced at each other, and then his eyes moved away from Jiang Hao. Obviously, he regarded him as a member of the Lieyang clan. Jiang Hao was also relieved. It seems that the flame crystal really has the function of assimilation. Even if he is Yan Emperor, he can't recognize whether he is a member of the Lieyang people.

After entering Yancheng, Jiang Hao went directly to the most prosperous square city in the city. The main reason why he came to Fangshi was that the Fangshi in a city was definitely the source of the latest news of the city, while Jiang Hao needed to get the latest news about the Lieyang people in this city.

For example, Nalan had no intention to mention to him about the massive attack of the family of Tianshui. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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