Sacred Devil

Chapter 1712

However, as Jiang Hao stretched his muscles and bones, a wave of extreme terror came from his body. Even Nalan Feng could not help being surprised when he felt the wave.

This is the breath of half step fairy!

In this month's time, Jiang Hao not only successfully removed the flame mark planted in his body by Emperor Yan, but also promoted to the half step fairy stage. This is really incredible! But it also helps to understand why the other person is spending more than twice as much time as he expected.

Because in the rest of the time, Jiang Hao is trying to sprint half step fairy period!

When eroded by the ancient will, he can still think of the realm of ascension, which is not necessarily what nalanfeng himself can do.

This son must have a bright future!

"If you look like this, you must have gained a lot in closing this time, right? There should be something else to be gained except for the half way to the fairyland? "

Although he couldn't help shaking, nalanfeng didn't show it. He didn't want to make Jiang Hao complacent because of his praise. So nalanfeng was only slightly satisfied with Jiang Hao's promotion to the half step fairyland stage on the surface.

"Well." Jiang Hao nodded, and then replied, "thank you for this opportunity. In addition to being promoted to the half step fairyland period, I also have some of my own insights into the legendary fairyland period. In the future, it should be of great help to break through to the legendary realm."

This is not that he is exaggerating, but in these days, he has suffered a lot. In addition to the physical double torture, he is also suffering from mental torture. He has experienced what his predecessors have experienced, as if he had completely become another person. He has experienced the birth and death of that person, the brilliance and downfall he has experienced Some experiences are all his own experiences. He can't tell the difference between memory and reality.

In that endless samsara, it is as if I was infinitely returned to zero, and then enlarged again, and finally turned into zero.

Until one day, Jiang Hao suddenly realized from the endless reincarnation, and finally remembered who he was. Then he woke up from his deep sleep and finally became the most real self.

"It seems that you are not only determined in mind, but also gifted. Although I have seen many people wake up in this endless cycle, I haven't seen many people like you. You have not only made great progress in strength, but also gained the understanding of our ancestors."

Originally decided not to praise each other's Nalan Feng, after hearing Jiang Hao said these words, also can't help but praise a.

The other party does not know that he has an extraordinary nature, and even the power of understanding is not low compared with the outstanding generation of the ice clan.

"Thank you for the opportunity. If not, I still have a long time to go to reach the half step fairy phase."

Jiang Hao's words are not to compliment each other, but to reach his level, he has to pay a huge price for every further attempt. If he does not have this reincarnation experience, he still does not know how long it will take to achieve the legendary half step fairyland period.

However, this time, he was promoted to the stage of half step fairyland. His own strength was the great completion of the robbery period. After several chances, he had already reached the edge of breakthrough, and this time his understanding of reincarnation happened to be an opportunity for him.

"This is what I should do. After all, you have done a great good deed for our ice clan. Since the flame mark in your body has been removed, let me go."

Nalanfeng touched his white beard and said to Jiang Hao happily.

"Where to go?"

Jiang Hao also asked in some inexplicable way.

"Of course, I'll take you to my ice clan. You are my ice clan's noble guest, and these days it's a great ceremony that Nalan didn't intend to make that little girl a formal saint. As her benefactor, shouldn't you go and have a look?"

Nalan Feng explained.

Since that day, Nalan unintentionally brought back the treasure of their ice clan inheritance, and she was respected by the whole Bing people. As for Nalan, her unintentional parents were released. As for Nalan unintentionally, she became a quasi saint. In two days, it would be the other party's canonization banquet.

To be a saint is to become the successor of the next ice emperor. It can be imagined that Nalan has no intention of how high his status in the ice clan is at this time.

What's more, Nalan Feng has not said that he has stayed in this ice free zone all these years, and he has not been out for a long time. This time, he took this opportunity to go back and have a look.

"Miss Nalan has finally become a saint? Naturally, I want to go and have a look. For the ice clan, the younger generation can be said to have admired the reputation for a long time. "

Anyway, he is also a person who has visited the Lieyang people. Jiang Hao is also very curious about the legendary ice clan, and more importantly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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