Sacred Devil

Chapter 1734

Said here, the ice emperor's eyes are also a little lonely, into the ice zone is his only hope, but even this hope is also very slim.

If he had made a breakthrough in his strength in the long years, he might still wake up from his long sleep. If he could not break through, he would probably sleep here forever like those ancestors of the ice clan until his body was digested into a part of the ice free zone.

"The fire poison of the nine netherworld finches is so stubborn that there is no other solution except sleeping in the ice free zone?"

Nalanfeng could not help asking.

If the ice emperor really sleeps in the ice free zone, then there will be some reaction of the Lieyang nationality. In addition, the abnormal phenomenon between the Lieyang clan and the Tianshui nationality these days is obviously related.

However, this is only Nalan Feng's guess. How to wait for Jiang Hao to get back to inquire about the news.


The ice emperor shook his head and replied.

He has tried other methods for a long time. In addition, the fire poison of the nine netherworld finches has been like maggots with bones. The only way to completely solve the problem is to break through.

However, it is not easy to break through. To their level, it is no less difficult for him to make a breakthrough. He has been looking for a way to break through these years, but he has also been stuck in the middle of the fairyland period. If he can enter the fairyland period, then the fire poison in his body can be completely solved. In the past, he can only suppress it.

After hearing this, nalanfeng sighed and worried about the future of bingzu.

Today, although it looks peaceful, no one will attack him, but who can know if this is the calm before the storm.


naturally, Jiang Hao was not clear about the conversation between Binghuang and nalanfeng. After he came out of the ice emperor palace, Jiang Hao and Nalan had no intention to continue to participate in the so-called saint's ceremony. As the most popular figure in the ice city, Jiang Hao soon became the center of the party and was surrounded by a group of people, including many outstanding young girls of the ice clan 。

After seeing this scene, Wei cangxuan and Yao bin left with interest, so Jiang Hao felt more like he was in the flowers. However, he didn't have much interest in these ice girls. Besides some problems in practice, Jiang Hao didn't say much about it.

But even so, there are still many girls around him.

As for Nalan unintentionally, it is also surrounded by many people, like the stars supporting the moon. However, every time the new virgin talks to others, her sight will inadvertently scan the place where Jiang Hao is. As the expression on Nalan's unintentional face is always indifferent, others can't see what's different.

Even Jiang Hao himself did not know that he had rarely attended such a party, so he had a big head to deal with. However, in the face of the warm greetings from the younger generation of ice people, although he was a little tired of dealing with them, he was still comprehensive, and no one would be left out of the cold. Wei cangxuan was surprised by his social means.

After all, he is a martial arts maniac. He hates to deal with unfamiliar people. Unless the other party wants to compete with him, his first reaction is to withdraw. Originally, in Wei cangxuan's opinion, Jiang Hao should be a kind of talent with him. However, he didn't expect that the other side could dump him for more than ten blocks when dealing with interpersonal relationship.

The party didn't end until very late. When Jiang Hao returned to his residence, the sky was covered with fish bellies, and he fell asleep in bed.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't sleep all the time, but it's obviously very hard to attend such a party. In addition, Jiang Hao's nerves have been in a tense state a few days ago. Now he is finally relaxed, so the feeling of fatigue directly sweeps his whole body, and he will soon fall asleep.

Due to the reason why he wanted to report to the ice emperor palace today, Jiang Hao did not have a long rest. After sleeping for a while, he woke up from his bed. After a simple wash, he opened the door to meet the ice emperor. To his surprise, Jiang opened the door and saw Nalan standing in the courtyard unintentionally.

After his red dress was faded, Nalan today was still dressed in white and in a white dress as before. Standing in the courtyard was like the orchid in the glacier land. His whole body exuded a faint sense of alienation. Only when he saw Jiang Hao, did he slightly converge.

"Why are you here? No, I mean, how long have you been waiting here? "

Seeing Nalan unintentionally, Jiang Hao was obviously surprised. He did not expect that the saint would come to pick him up in person, and he had not knocked on the door to wake him up. Instead, he had been waiting outside the door. How could Jiang Hao not be surprised.

After all, with the cold nature of the other party, it is totally against the common sense to do so. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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