Sacred Devil

Chapter 1737

A powerful and pure force of ice elements entered Jiang Hao's body with his absorption. Soon, Jiang Hao's body was covered with a layer of ice, as if he had become a small world of ice.

Jiang Hao shivered all over his body, even his teeth collided with each other. The feeling of being cold to his bones was enough to destroy anyone's will.

In the face of such cold invasion, Jiang Hao also tried to calm his mind, ignored the pain in his body, and increased the absorption of the source of ice. After the ice force of the whole petal was absorbed into the body, Jiang Hao's hair became gray at the moment, just like getting old in an instant.

And Jiang Hao's body is not so good at the moment, every time the spiritual power operation is very difficult.

It's no wonder that so many amazing and gorgeous talents of the ice clan have not succeeded in cultivating this kind of ice. After all, in addition to its harsh cultivation conditions, it is also very difficult to condense this kind of ice.

After all, when the body has been frozen by ice, it is almost impossible to condense ice seeds with the help of mental method.

Only in the face of such difficulties, Jiang Hao did not choose to give up. Instead, he forced to endure the sharp pain and melt the ice Qi in his body with spiritual power, and then gathered them together. During this period, Jiang Hao also had to restrain the breath of the sun clan in his body and the gradually boiling unprofessional fire that threatened him. Once these things appeared in the In front of the source gas of ice, the two forces are bound to pull each other because they cannot be integrated.

At that time, Jiang Hao's body will look good, even if it will not be directly turned into waste, but it will be almost.

In the case of Jiang Hao's two purposes, time also blinked, and Nalan Feng also came twice during this period, only to see that Jiang Hao had not condensed into ice seeds, and then he left.

For what happened outside, Jiang Hao naturally did not know. At this time, all his mind and spirit were put on the condensed ice seed. Under the condition that he kept absorbing and compressing, a small snow-white seed finally agglomerated in his body. With the success of the condensation of the small snow-white seed, those ice source Qi power attached to Jiang Hao's five viscera Just like a child who finds a home, he runs towards the seed actively.

After seeing this scene, Jiang Hao was finally relieved. If he went on like this, he was not sure that he would be able to condense the ice seeds successfully, but fortunately he did it himself.

After absorbing all the source gas of ice into the ice seeds, Jiang Hao also took out the tears of ice Jiao, and then began to accelerate the speed of absorbing the force of ice elements between heaven and earth.

After doing this well, Jiang Hao also spread out his divine consciousness and came to the front of the flower field all the way.

At the moment, the flower field is a bit darker than before, obviously because Jiang Hao took away a light blue flower condensed by the source of ice.

Looking at the flower field in front of him, Jiang Hao also began to use his divine sense to perceive it. The familiar divine power was more obvious at the moment.

Just as Jiang Hao had predicted before, there is indeed a trace of intermediate ice attribute divine script mark under the flower field. What's more, Jiang Hao is surprised to find a familiar breath in this intermediate ice attribute Shenwen mark trace!

And it is precisely because of the feeling of this breath, Jiang Hao's many doubts before now are all found the answer.

So it is!

He said why Wei cangxuan tried to test him in the process of martial arts competition with him that day. It turned out that the other side also felt the spirit of divine literature in him, only to confirm, so he used some means.

Nalanfeng obviously knew the secret of the divine seal on his body from the first sight, so he took good care of him, even the ice emperor.

And the reason why Jiang Hao suddenly found these is that he found the secret of the ice clan under this flower field!

The reason why he felt that the breath was a little familiar was that all the skills practiced by the people of the Bing nationality were the dissipated energy obtained from the relics of the intermediate ice attribute Shenwen mark!

Because of the same power of Shenwen seal, when Wei cangxuan saw himself for the first time, he must have guessed, so he put forward the requirements of martial arts competition to confirm these ideas.

After connecting all the things before, many parts that Jiang Hao felt confused at the beginning became clear at the moment.

After trying to understand these things, Jiang Hao once again focused on the middle-level ice attribute Shenwen mark relics. Now he is in the state that the cultivation of low-level Shenwen has already overflowed. When the official bottleneck comes, he urgently needs to improve the cultivation of intermediate Shenwen, or it will be backward.

Therefore, for Jiang Hao, this intermediate ice attribute divine mark remains is a timely rain. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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