Sacred Devil

Chapter 1742

The moonlight poured down like water and shrouded the earth. A line of Lieyang patrolmen were patrolling here. It was time to take a break and change shifts. Kang Liming yawned, patted the young man in Xuanyi who was almost asleep beside him, and then muttered.

"Patrol well. Don't fall asleep. Lin Shiqi is a murderer. If you don't find out his existence at the first time, maybe our whole team will be planted here."

This is not a joke. Although the boy named Lin Shiqi has evaporated in the world these days and has never appeared again, no one knows whether he is still in the iceberg wilderness, but whether he is or not, he is not wrong.

Therefore, after seeing that the patrol guard at this point fell asleep, Kang Liming also hastened to remind him that he didn't want to cause the tragedy because of the neglect of duty of the patrolman in front of him.

And after Kang Liming finished, the young man in Xuanyi, who looked very sleepy, nodded quickly.

"This time, even the second king's hall has been dispatched. Even if Lin Shiqi has the extraordinary ability, he will never appear again!"

Xuanyi young man rubbed his eyes, then showed a harmless face of human and animal, and replied to Kang Liming.

"That's for sure. After all, even if Lin Shiqi is so cunning, he has to kneel down in front of absolute strength. But even then, we still need to be careful. Don't you forget that the patrol team where you were last found the opportunity because they were not careful enough. In the end, the whole team did not survive except you."

When talking about the second king's hall, Kang Liming's face also showed a touch of worship, which was obviously very destructive to the so-called two king hall.

"Yes, if only the hall of the two kings had arrived earlier. In this way, they might have been saved."

Smell speech, that Xuanyi youth also can't help but raise a head, and then looked to the distance, the vision complex said.

After Xuanyi youth finished, Kang Liming thought it was his own words, which made him recall the bad things happened in the past few days. He immediately patted Lin Shiqi on the shoulder with some guilt, and then said.

"Your Highness will avenge you."

In addition, Kang Liming doesn't know what he can say. They are not opponents of Lin Shiqi. At present, only the fire will send them out to win Lin Shiqi.

These people can only be used as vanguard sentinels to monitor the environment. If the strength of a team like them meets Lin Lin 17, there will be no survival rate at all. At most, they can inform the surrounding teams. After calling those people over, they can inform their royal highness. As for whether they can survive, it depends on the demon forest 10 Seven's mood.

"I'm really looking forward to that."

The young man in Xuanyi nodded heavily. If anyone knew him before, he would surely cry out in shock when he saw this scene. Because the young man in Xuanyi was Jiang Hao himself, Lin 17, who stirred up the fear of the Lieyang people these days!

Since the appearance of the two king's palace, Jiang Hao has become honest. After all, it is not difficult to find the strength of the former from his divine perception, and he has already stepped into a half step fairyland. In addition to the two king's palace, Bai fan Mo forgets that they are also there, although they can no longer cause him such a great crisis as they did at the beginning, Even after meeting Bai fan and MO forget, Jiang Hao is sure to erase their vitality in a moment.

But the iceberg wasteland has been completely occupied by the people of the Lieyang nationality and the Tianshui people. Once Jiang Hao really hands on, both the ER Wang palace and these patrol soldiers will immediately call the source of constant help. Once he is trapped, the next person in trouble will be him.

What's more important is that these days, although Jiang Hao is constantly hunting for the existence of pyroxene from their storage bags, those low-level pyroxenes have been completely useless to Jiang Hao.

If Jiang Hao wants to further upgrade the rank of wumingye fire, he has to absorb pyrolite of the same grade as the flame lizard he met in the lava cave before.

Obviously, with the strength of these patrolmen, it is impossible to contact the pyroxene of that level, so Jiang Hao simply let them go and successfully mixed into a patrol team in the next massacre.

In order to get close to the so-called "Er Wang Dian", and then he went all the way from the Lieyang people to the iceberg wasteland to find his own trouble. Naturally, Jiang Hao couldn't let the other party down. He had to give him a big gift. Otherwise, he could not live up to his royal highness. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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