Sacred Devil

Chapter 1757

After entering the ice zone, Jiang Hao was no longer hesitant to rush to the flower field, but it was obvious that his action was still late. It was originally like the flower field in fairyland on earth. At the moment, he was also ruined. The only remaining flower, which was catalysed by ten thousand years of dark ice, was no longer found. It was obviously stolen by the three robbers.

There is a small tombstone at the bottom of Huatian, which looks like a miniature version of Xumi's tombstone. There is a small hole under the tombstone, with a row of downward steps at the entrance. Obviously, this is the entrance of the relic.

If Jiang Hao remembers correctly, there should be a door of taboo here, and the power on the door of taboo is not sure that it can be opened even with Jiang Hao's all-out effort. However, the bandits opened it easily. I think there should be some magic weapon.

Just as Jiang Hao was about to enter from the entrance, not far from his back, a huge light came out from the ground. At the moment, the majestic atmosphere of the seal of the intermediate ice attribute Shenwen was also completely burst out. Three figures appeared in the air one after another, and then the Guanghua was absorbed by the three people.

The speed was so fast that Jiang Hao didn't even have time to stop it. When he stood in front of the three people, the power in the middle level ice attribute Shenwen mark relics had been swallowed up by the three people in front of him.

Obviously, this time, the three of them have been plotting for a long time, otherwise they would not have acted so quickly.

With the three men swallowing up the power in the seal of the intermediate ice attribute divine script, Jiang Hao also suddenly felt a palpitation. The divine consciousness he left in the iceberg was cut off from his perception. Before being cut off, Jiang Hao saw a scene of hell on earth.

appeared as like as two peas, and gullies, and the walls and houses were swallowed up by the gullies and gullies, and there was an endless breath of breath in that ditch, just as what Jiang Hao saw in the iceberg wasteland.

Jiang Hao's eyes turned red. He even saw many familiar people devoured by the ravines and gullies, eroded by evil spirits, and finally turned into a monster.

As expected, as the ice emperor told him before, once someone has completely absorbed the power of the intermediate ice attribute divine text mark, the whole Bing people will be attacked. However, Jiang Hao never thought that the punishment would be so serious!

And Jiang Hao's appearance also alerted Gabriel. As they have been acting in the dark, they naturally recognized Jiang Hao's identity at a glance. Knowing that this man's strength is in the half step fairyland period, he is also directly relieved.

"Boy, I know you have nothing to do with the ice clan, so don't meddle."

Gabriel looked at Jiang Hao and threatened with a cruel look.

Although Jiang Hao's strength is not enough to be afraid of, it is still the ice free zone. This time, they spent a huge price to sneak in here, and they also had a little chance. Otherwise, they would never have entered this space. Fortunately, there were several famous fairylands of ice clan buried here.

"Although I didn't join the ice clan, the ice clan has a lot of gratitude to me. So, three of you, I advise you to spit things out for me."

In the face of Gabriel's threat, Jiang Hao did not put it in his heart. What he was thinking about now is that the middle level ice attribute divine text mark swallowed by three people. Can you recover it?

Jiang Hao did not want to see the whole ice clan collapse.

"Are you kidding? We have completely absorbed the intermediate ice attribute divine script mark. Have you ever seen any immortal cultivator who can spit out the absorbed energy? "

Gabriel laughed as if he had heard a big joke.

And just after he finished laughing, he also gave a look to Jiahe and gawen. In a moment, they surrounded Jiang Hao with one left and one right, and the three surrounded Jiang Hao in a triangle.

Although the other side and their strength is the same, Gabriel and others are lurking in the dark, so they still have some understanding of Jiang Hao's behavior, and they don't want to make the mistake that Bai fan and MO forget before.

Since the two sides are on each other, it is natural to go all out.

Surrounded by three people in the middle, Jiang Hao didn't feel a bit flustered. He still took out a heartless knife. Before these people had a thorough grasp of the power of the intermediate divine script, he still had a chance to kill them. If these three people were allowed to return to the mountains, even Jiang Hao would have a headache in the future.

Just as these people are bent on killing Jiang Hao, Jiang Hao also holds such an idea.

"Since there is no way to spit it out, stay in the ice forever."

There was a sneer at Jiang Hao's mouth. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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