Sacred Devil

Chapter 1769

Although because of the seal, Jiang Hao's current strength is limited and greatly reduced, but at least his own strength is also half a step immortal period. At this moment, the momentum is completely burst out, and it is also an instant to suppress Wang Er Shao and Yang Shao.

Although they were born in a good family, they never saw this kind of posture. Even the adventurers who lick blood on the tip of their swords in daily life, they are all flattering when facing them, and they can not see the momentum that an adventurer should have.

"No, no, No Brother, can we have a good discussion about everything? You should take the knife first. No, no, we just put forward a good suggestion There's no need to make the atmosphere so stiff... "

Yang Shao on one side said in a hurry, but his words had just finished. Jiang Hao's other heartless knife was on his neck.

"Do you think this suggestion is necessary?"

Jiang Hao turned his head and looked at the other side coldly. With only one eye, Yang Shao shut his mouth completely. He could even feel that if he said more nonsense, the man with double knives in front of him would probably kill him directly.

This discovery also made him angry and afraid. As a dandy in the city of ice, when was he treated like this?

"It's the little ones who can't speak. Brother Lin, oh no, brother Lin, you'd better put away these swords first. Although you are powerful, this is a city of ice. If you really do something to us two." Wang Er Shao swallowed and salivated, trying to make his face look less scared. "You can't stay in the cold city, can you?"

"Are you threatening me?"

Jiang Hao's sneer at the corner of his mouth was even more cruel. Before seeing these two people, they were all full of strength in a concentrated period. He thought that they would have some strength. As a result, they were just a group of rubbish who would cry when they saw a knife.

"How dare to threaten you? Today, brother Yang and I don't have long eyes. Your adult treats us as a fart. I promise that I will never come to you with brother Yang in the future."

Seeing the sneer at the corner of Jiang Hao's mouth, Wang Er Shao also hastily opened his mouth to testify.

At this time, he did not dare to continue to discuss terms with the other party.

Who knows if the other party will do it directly.

Although they usually domineering in the ice city, they are not stupid people. As early as the moment Jiang Hao started, they smelled a trace of bloodthirsty from each other's breath, which is the breath of people who are used to licking blood on the tip of a knife.

Naturally, Wang Er Shao and Yang Shao are not stupid enough to offend such people.

"It's better. Otherwise, even if I forgive you, the knife in my hand will not forgive you."

Jiang Hao glared at them fiercely, and then he put them away.

Just as these two people said, this is a city of ice. If he really does harm to these two dandies, someone will surely come to take revenge for them. At that time, troubles will surely come one after another. What Jiang Hao hates most is such troubles, especially when his strength is limited.

So it's best to let the two people back in front of them.

It's just the last intention.

Just after Jiang Hao took back the double swords, Wang Er Shao and that Yang Shao also looked at each other. Without saying a word, they turned their heads and ran away. Obviously, Jiang Hao had just broken his courage.

After the two men completely disappeared in front of him, Jiang Hao waited for a while. Seeing that no one came to ask for trouble again this time, he re entered the house, and then arranged a series of complicated arrays next to the cottage.

Although today's strength is limited, some higher-level arrays can't be arranged, but in the case of borrowing some foreign objects, he can still arrange some arrays to resist the enemy and cut off the perception.

After doing these things well, Jiang Hao took out the small round bead which contained the seal of the intermediate ice attribute divine script, and then carefully realized the beauty of the intermediate divine script seal.

During this period, Jiang Hao's understanding of the intermediate divine texts became more and more profound. With his more insights, the seal in his body became more and more loose. The strength that had been suppressed to the full and full concentration period was once again entering the robbery period, and the breath was still climbing.

At this time, Jiang Hao suddenly realized that his array near the hut had been attacked by unknown forces, and even the surrounding arrays had been cracked by brute force.

After realizing this scene, Jiang Hao also stood up straight. At this moment, a gust of wind came from the door and blew the door in directly.

Jiang Hao frowned, then waved his hand, and the wind disappeared out of thin air. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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