Sacred Devil

Chapter 1808

Under the explanation of blacksmith Wang, Jiang Hao also had a feeling of sudden relief. In the past, he had no contact with the industry of weapon making, so he didn't know it well.

But after understanding, he did find that his understanding of weapons was also better. If he used the heartless sword in the future, he was afraid it would be more convenient.

Jiang Hao was even more surprised that in the other party's explanation, Jiang Hao seemed to have an epiphany. Before the ancient mirror used the method of returning to dream, he saw the future scene of Zhongzhou, and told him the way to crack it, that is to find the force of the five elements.

Although Jiang Hao has been practicing Shenwen power these days, he has no clue about the legendary five element divine text power. Therefore, even after Jiang Hao transforms the spiritual power into the divine text power, the progress of practicing the divine text power is still at a standstill, and only with the help of external forces, such as holy images and divine crystal stones.

But now, under the explanation of blacksmith Wang, Jiang Hao's heart suddenly brightened up. The reason why he had so decisively transformed spiritual power into divine power was that he felt that if he wanted to break through a higher realm, he could not do it with his original magic power. However, the power of divine literature can make it higher than everyone else Hierarchy.

However, it is not easy to cultivate the full power of Shenwen. We need to practice the foundation of five elements in order to activate the corresponding five elements of Shenwen one by one, so as to achieve the perfection of the five colors of the ancient mirror. The creation of relevant parts is the corresponding metal Shenwen foundation.

After thinking of this, Jiang Hao couldn't help but be happy. It's the so-called mutual dependence of misfortune and fortune. Although he was in prison before, he solved the secret of the ancient mirror. No matter how it was calculated, it was he who made money.

In the observation, time also passed quickly. Soon, blacksmith Wang finished the whole set of sheath and put the Bodhi ancient mirror into it. It was very close to each other in size and in all aspects. It was enough to see the depth of Wang's craftsmanship.

"Young man, you should remember that all things have spirits, especially these weapons and magic weapons. If you treat them well, they will treat your master well. If you don't treat them well and make them dust, some highly spiritual weapons and weapons may even leave alone and look for the next master."

Blacksmith Wang handed the ancient Bodhi mirror to Jiang Hao again, and after the other party had taken the ancient Bodhi mirror, he said earnestly.

"The words of my predecessors must be remembered by the younger generation."

Jiang Hao nodded heavily, apparently listening to the other party's words.

After seeing the other side's modesty, blacksmith Wang patted the other side on the shoulder with satisfaction. Then he turned his back and continued to fight his own iron. Obviously, he did not intend to continue to say anything more.

Jiang Hao also again and again repeatedly thanks, but after seeing that the other party did not want to say more, he left with the Bodhi Ancient Mirror clasping fist.

After he left, blacksmith Wang, who was forging iron, stopped his movements, turned his head and looked at Jiang Hao's direction of leaving, with a thoughtful expression.

"This weapon has the luck of weapons, the heaven and earth have the Qi of heaven and earth, this person has the fortune of people, the world has the Tao, the sage becomes Yan; the world has no way, the sage lives Yan, ah!"

After saying this, blacksmith Wang also sighed, and then he took back his eyes and began to make iron again.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

One more than one!

It's like the situation in the world.


After leaving the iron shop, Jiang Hao did not delay any more. Instead, he asked the shopkeeper where Jishi medicine hall was under the guise of shopping. After knowing the location of Jishi medicine hall, he changed his clothes again and rushed to the place where Jishi medicine hall was located.

During the inquiry, he also learned that the most famous herbal medicine master was sitting in the Jishi medicine hall. If he went late, he might not be able to line up.

Recently, the situation is turbulent outside, and animal injuries happen every day. So when Jiang Hao arrives at Jishi medicine hall, he finds that there are already many patients at the door. Jiang Haohua buys a seat and walks into the medicine hall.

As soon as he went in, Jiang Hao felt something was wrong, because he found out that the famous herbal medicine master who was giving the patient a pulse was actually a woman disguised as a man.

After seeing this scene, Rao was shocked by Jiang Hao's determination.

"Seventeen, Lin seventeen."

Just after Jiang Hao just walked into the medicine hall, the man in charge of fighting for the doctor was shouting.

"I am Lin Shiqi."

After hearing his name, Jiang Hao also stepped forward to the guy and said.

After hearing that Jiang Hao said he was Lin Shiqi, the man didn't think much about it. Instead, he took Lin Shiqi to the waiting room.

"Man, how strong are the doctors here? I'm from other places. I don't know much about the Jufeng city." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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