Sacred Devil

Chapter 1822

After all, no one has been here, and no one knows what is in it.

However, it is impossible for Chen Qiaoqiao to give up like this. Therefore, after thinking for a while, Chen Qiaoqiao also walked forward a few steps, and then walked in front of Jiang Hao, looked up at the young man in front of him, and put up a brilliant smile on his mouth.

That smile is clean and pure heartache.

"Hey, thank you for sending me here. Let me go alone the next way, but can you wait for me here? I'll be back soon. I... "When I said this, Chen Qiaoqiao's smile on her face was more brilliant." I will come back. "

After hearing this, Jiang Hao did not speak in a hurry. Instead, he looked at the girl in front of him. He sighed in his heart. Then he reached out and touched the soft green silk of the other party in the stunned eyes of the other party.

"I've come here, and I'm curious about the so-called treasure."

"It's hard to scare Jiang Hao away from me. It's too contemptuous of me."

After saying this, Jiang Hao walked into the cliff and the pit. His pace was quite firm, and he could not see any hesitation at all.

"Hey, wait for me."

Chen Qiaoqiao quickly caught up with Jiang Hao's steps, and murmured in his mouth: "well, what's handsome? It's true."

After finishing this sentence, Chen Qiaoqiao finally caught up with Jiang Hao, and then they walked into the cliff pit together.

As soon as he entered the cave, a rotten smell came out. Chen Qiaoqiao put out his hand and fan it in front of his eyes. He noticed that a breeze was blowing on his face, and the bad smell was dispersed a lot.

There are a lot of moonstones in the cave, so there is no difficulty in vision. Chen Qiaoqiao looks inside and finds that although no one has ever mined here, there are still many detection tools left. I think the original owner of the mine should have brought people here, but after a simple detection, he found that there was no useful ore After that, he gave up the place and let the grass grow here.

"Is this?"

Jiang Hao closed his eyes and closed his hand.

"What's the matter? Is there a problem? "

Seeing Jiang Hao like this, Chen Qiaoqiao also asked nervously.

"It's OK."

Jiang Hao shook his head. Although he had a little guess in his heart, he didn't know whether it was true or not, so he didn't say it at all. Instead, he took Chen Qiaoqiao and walked into the deep part of the mine.

Strange to say, there are many infected mutant monsters outside the mine, but inside the mine, there is a mutant monster that has not been seen.

Even Chen Qiaoqiao can't help but be suspicious in his heart. His vigilant nerves are also tensed all the time. He doesn't relax because he is not attacked by a monster.

After all, the lessons learned from the past are in front of us. No one knows whether there is any fatal danger hidden in the mine.

When the two men moved forward cautiously along the way, they finally arrived in front of the huge pit mentioned by Jiang Hao.

"It's amazing that there's a cliff pit in this mine."

Although he had known the existence of this cliff pit for a long time, Chen Qiaoqiao still couldn't help shaking and nature's uncanny craftsmanship when he really saw it.


Jiang Hao nodded, and then he observed the scene. This time, Chen Qiaoqiao did not dare to move around any more. Instead, he followed Jiang Hao and looked pitifully at all these things. Even though she felt that the flowers swaying in the pit were very beautiful, she did not dare to pick them. After all, the Huatian accident just happened, She didn't want to be the meal of these ugly monsters.

"It's really strange here. There's such a thing."

Jiang Hao looked at a green herb in his eyes, and his voice was surprised.


Chen Qiaoqiao curiously asks a way in one side, and then small head also is forward face to probe.

"You go and have a look."

After seeing Chen Qiaoqiao's appearance, Jiang Hao also began to tease, and then encouraged Chen Qiaoqiao to go to have a look.

"Me? Are you sure? "

Chen Qiaoqiao pointed to himself with the slender jade, and her small face was wrinkled into a bitter gourd color in an instant, obviously recalling the bad experience before.

"Are you afraid?"

Seeing Chen Qiaoqiao's appearance, Jiang Hao also tried to resist the smile, and then continued to tease each other.

"No! I'm not afraid! Take a look at it. You are talking about the herb that looks like Bodhi Jiuyan grass in front of you, right

Although he knew that the opponent was using a very low-level provocation, Chen Qiaoqiao was also on fire at the moment, so after being confirmed by Jiang Hao, a man bravely walked towards the herb not far from the pit.From the introduction on the parchment before, Chen Qiaoqiao almost guessed the name of the medicinal plant in front of her eyes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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