Sacred Devil

Chapter 1843

Just because he knew this, even if those fierce beasts provoked Jiang Hao so much, Jiang Hao didn't rush to move. His target was always on the top of the mountain.

Since these fierce beasts have obstructed themselves so much, the chance to come to the top of the mountain must be considerable.

It was with such an idea that Jiang Hao was able to stick to his original intention and not be overwhelmed by the provocation of these fierce beasts. Instead, he regarded it as a challenge to hone his fighting instinct.

After all, most of these fierce beasts suddenly attack when they are not being attacked. The test is the reaction ability of the practitioners themselves. Jiang Hao, as a practitioner who has experienced countless battles of life and death, naturally will not be afraid of such challenges. In addition, he has the ancient Bodhi mirror to protect his body, which makes it easier for Jiang Hao to discover the existence of those fierce beasts In, be able to dodge ahead of time.

All the way, Jiang Hao finally got to the top of the mountain. When he got here, the number of fierce beasts decreased, but the vigorous wind became stronger and stronger.

If a strong man who had been in full swing during the robbery period was involved in these vigorous winds, it was estimated that the spirits and spirits would be directly crushed. We can imagine how violent these vigorous winds are.

If Jiang Hao had not tempered the wood attribute divinity in advance, his wood armor would never have been maintained. Once the armor was broken, even if he had the Bodhi ancient mirror, he would have been seriously injured.

But even so, Jiang Hao's Wooden armor also has the feeling that it will dissipate at any time.

Jiang Hao took a deep breath and looked at the fierce vigorous wind in front of him. Then he ran quickly. He rushed to the top of the mountain with a breath of breath. When he got to the top of the mountain, the strong vigorous wind disappeared in an instant, replaced by the spring breeze of Hexi, and even the wind and snow dissipated together.

On the top of the mountain, it is as beautiful as a paradise. The wild flowers are bright and the trees are prosperous. There are even many small animals running. It seems that the half mountainside with snow and vigorous wind is two extreme pictures.

Even Jiang Hao didn't feel the existence of fierce animals on it.

Jiang Hao stood on it, the sun on his body, lazy, the whole person is instantly relaxed.

Of course, it's just the surface.

Naturally, Jiang Hao could not easily believe that the top of the mountain was as quiet as it showed. The so-called relaxation was just a cover up.

Sure enough, when Jiang Hao was relaxing and enjoying the sunshine, a dangerous breath came quietly.

Jiang Hao was in the position of the ground, suddenly drilled out a sharp thorn, the thorn came very suddenly, fast enough to make people hard to react, even Jiang Hao was stunned for a moment, that is, the whole body was directly penetrated by the persistence of several meters, and the dead look was extremely ugly.

After that, the turtle's body was pierced by a long rock.

Obviously, it has just been lurking here, waiting for Jiang Hao to lay down his guard, and suddenly attack in order to achieve unexpected results.

After seeing this cunning human being killed by himself, the spinel rock turtle also gave out a laugh, but the laughter didn't last long, it was choked in the throat, because the human who should have been killed by it actually appeared in front of it alive and didn't seem to be hurt at all.

At the moment of Jiang Hao's appearance, the corpse of the spinel rock turtle has become a wisp of smoke. Obviously, the corpse just now is just a cover up.

It is just that the screen method displayed by the ancient Bodhi mirror is very real, and this mirror split body has helped Jiang Hao achieve two unexpected combat results. Even if it is the mutated monster whose strength has reached the immortal stage, there is no way to distinguish the hypocrisy of mirror separation.

So he was cheated by Jiang Hao.

However, Jiang Hao was also surprised. He didn't expect that the spinel rock turtle could hide so well. With his divine sense, after careful observation, he did not find the existence of the spinel rock turtle. If it was not for the use of mirror separation under vigilance, what had just been penetrated through the body was his noumenon.

Being stabbed through his body by such a monster, Rao Shijiang Hao had an immortal body and was seriously injured. However, if he was seriously injured in such a place, the result was no different from that of falling down directly.

"Cunning human beings!"

The spinel rock turtle made a sharp sound. Although its voice was very thick, there was a trace of sharpness in the thick, which made people's ears uncomfortable.

At this level, the mutated monsters can basically speak, and have a certain degree of intelligence. Just like the young girl Jiang Hao met in the depths of the original forest, the latter can be transformed into human form. If it was not cheated by his mirror, it would be almost impossible for Jiang Hao to capture the other party. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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