Sacred Devil

Chapter 1890

The moment this evil smell appeared, it made Jiang Hao feel very uncomfortable. He took the black scale of the palm of his hand, but suddenly a touch of fire came out, and then the black scale was directly burned into ashes and disappeared between heaven and earth.

The occurrence of this scene made Jiang Hao himself unexpected, and even Liu tie on the side was very surprised. Obviously, he didn't know what had happened. Although in his perception, the black scale made him very uncomfortable, but he had not yet reached the point where Jiang Hao wanted to be destroyed by spiritual power. So he was surprised to see Jiang Hao's practice "Brother Lin, you!" the different one called softly

Liu Tie's startling voice made Jiang Hao come back to his mind. He looked at his palm in a daze. He should have laid a black scale there, but now the black scale was burned to ashes by the ice. Just now, he didn't even control his own breath. Obviously, the power in his body was very resistant to the dark breath The one under control burned the black scales directly. After realizing the background, Jiang Hao took back his hand and said to Liu tie.

"I'm sorry, brother Liu, I did something like this just because I didn't resist it. The black scales..."

before Jiang Hao finished his words, liu Tie continued his words.

"This black scale is not a big thing, but brother Lin, you have nothing to do with it? I don't think you look very good just now. What's wrong with this scale

After hearing liu Tie's doubts, Jiang Hao also replied.

"I'm fine, but the evil smell in the black scales may have some effect on me, so I can't resist destroying it."

Although there are some loopholes in Jiang Hao's explanation for Liu tie, liu Tie did not continue to investigate. After all, he met Jiang Hao in the same situation when he perceived the black scale before, so he could understand the performance of the other party. But at the same time, liu Tie also looked down on Jiang Hao and thought that the self-control of the latter was too poor.

However, after thinking that the other party is a very important part of his future plan, liu Tie thinks that poor self-control is sometimes regarded as an advantage.

"You said it was all that Cui gang had? In that case, I think Cui gang has really become a half human and half ghost monster. "

Jiang Hao brought the topic back to Cui gang.

"That's right, it's true. It's the only way to make a practitioner change from a full-fledged one in three months to a strong one in the period of plundering."

After talking about this, liu Tie also showed a trace of envy in his eyes. Obviously, he was envious of the other party's ability to improve his strength so quickly. However, when he thought of the price Cui gang had paid, the envy disappeared in an instant. No one was willing to pay such a price to get a strong strength, even Liu tie was not willing to do so.

"This method is too cruel. It will not be tolerated by the world of immortal practitioners. I think even if Cui gang has achieved great strength improvement in a short time, it will not last long."

Jiang Hao's conjecture is reasonable. After all, this method is too cruel, even some of the practitioners can't do it.

"I don't know, but I think brother Lin's guess may be right, but for us, this time you and I need to work together to deal with a monster, so I hope brother Lin can go all out. After all, I can't deal with this monster by my own strength."

Liu tie then said.

It seemed that he had given great hope to Jiang Hao. If someone else might have provoked him because of the other party's words, but for Jiang Hao, he just nodded, and his look was very plain.

After saying something about Cui Gang, they set foot on the transmission array together and went to the plain fog mountain area.

As soon as he arrived at the plain fog mountain area, Jiang Hao was aware of some unusual places. The fog here seemed to be bigger than when he came last time, and the blocking effect on divine consciousness also became more severe. With Jiang Hao's divine consciousness strength, he could not detect places too far away.

"Here is the plain fog mountain. It is said that Cui Gang is hiding here. But he is extremely crafty. He always appears and disappears. It is not easy to find his present position."

Looking at the plain fog mountain area which seems to be open but actually obstructed by fog, liu Tie also said with emotion.

"Brother Liu seems to have a way to deal with this for a long time?"

Seeing that Liu tie was not worried, Jiang Hao asked curiously.

"Although I may be inferior to brother Lin in terms of strength, I will definitely be better than you in terms of homework." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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