Sacred Devil

Chapter 1902

But because he was not familiar with the place of life in the city of hope, he bought many maps, but not many of them were useful.

Many vendors sold him maps, but after Jiang Hao looked for it, he found nothing.

In the next two days, Jiang Hao had no harvest. If he had not made a good start, he would have been depressed.

He also ruled out a place marked on the map that there might be flowers of life. Jiang Hao took out a new map from the storage ring.

The map looks a little shabby. The peddler said it was sold to him by the leader of an adventurer team. It is said that there are many flowers of life in the place marked on the map. However, due to the protection of a large number of fierce animals there, the adventurer team also encountered Waterloo and suffered heavy casualties. Finally, only the captain survived Come down.

The team leader of the surviving adventurer team obviously lost all courage in this adventure. He did not dare to go into the Northern Plains to find the flower of life, so he chose to sell the map.

Jiang Hao is naturally skeptical about such stories, because almost every map he buys contains such stories, and the plots are similar. However, there are always practitioners like Jiang Hao who are willing to spend a lot of money to buy them. There is no other reason, because if one of the stories is true, then Jiang Hao will make a lot of money.

After all, the flower of life is not so easy to find. Even in the polar night, it is still very difficult to find the flower of life. After all, the far north plain is so vast that ordinary practitioners can't go all over the place even if they spend their whole life.

That's why maps are so precious.

After Jiang Hao took out the map and recorded it in his mind, Jiang Hao again rushed to the place marked on the map. When he arrived, he found that there were many practitioners gathered together. Obviously, they all had the map in his hand.

After realizing this, Jiang Hao stopped staying and went to look for the next place on the map.

After all, there are so many cultivators here. If there were a lot of flowers of life, those Guardian animals would have been disturbed. Now the guardian animals have not been disturbed. On the contrary, there are many practitioners fighting. Obviously, there is nothing here.

After realizing this, Jiang Hao would not continue to stay. After all, time is precious, and the polar night period is only one month. He must seize this time to find a large number of flowers of life and help Bodhi Ancient Mirror breed new spirits.

In the city of hope, Jiang Hao didn't think about buying flowers of life at first. But after looking at his wallet, Jiang Hao immediately calmed down. After he came out of the primeval forest, he was still a rich man, but after purchasing the flower of life in the city of Trent, he had already emptied his wallet, so he came to hope After the city, his only hope was to stay in the far north plain.

A few days later, Jiang Hao's map has been left. Except for the first map which is useful, the flowers of life marked on the other maps either do not exist or have been preempted. This discovery also makes Jiang Hao very depressed, but he is still patient to continue to look for the existence of the flower of life.

This time, the location marked on the map was in a valley to the north of the far north plain. The mark on the map was very large, which meant that the area was very large. It was also a very difficult thing for Jiang Hao to search.

But these days, he is obviously used to it.

When he got to the valley, Jiang Hao sat cross legged and spread out his divine consciousness. He searched the place carefully. Soon, his face showed a look of ecstasy.

Originally he did not have much hope for here, but he just searched for half an hour and found the whereabouts of the flower of life!

But in his divinity exploration, besides the flower of life, he also explored the existence of other practitioners. However, the practitioner was still a long way from the flower of life. Obviously, he had not found the flower of life, and was still searching like him.

After thinking of this, Jiang Hao was no longer hesitant, and rushed to the direction of the flower of life.

At this time, a place not far away from Jiang Hao, a man with a heavy sword, his face also showed a color of joy, and then looked to the south, where the flower of life is located.

The light red luster is so dazzling in the endless darkness.

Every flower of life is extremely beautiful. If it was not for its strong breath of life, it would be fatal to practitioners. Some practitioners would not be able to pick it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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