Sacred Devil

Chapter 1915

"So it is. I thought it was the enemy of some family."

After hearing Jia Feiyu's explanation, Jiang Hao immediately understood why the other party was hiding here.

All of a sudden, he was also a little sad and laughing. Although he did not feel that he was a good man, he was not a big devil who killed everyone. All the people who died in his hands these days started with him first.

Jiang Hao was just protecting himself and eating black by the way.

For the seemingly harmless young man in front of him, he didn't have half a heart to kill, but

"There is one thing I am very curious about. If you want to hide here, I should be able to see through it at a glance. But there seems to be something on you that completely blocks my scanning. Don't be nervous."

As soon as Jiang Hao finished speaking, Jia Feiyu's face showed a look of vigilance. It looked like he would be ready to run away at any time. Jiang Hao was speechless. He didn't want to fight with the other party. But judging from Jia Feiyu's performance, it is estimated that nine out of ten people thought he was trying to kill and win treasure.

Does he look like that bad guy?

Jiang Hao touched his nose and said helplessly.

"I'm just curious. If I really had any bad thoughts on you, I would have done it as early as the first moment you appeared. Where would I talk so much nonsense with you, right?"

Jiang Hao tried to make his expression look kind.

After hearing what Jiang Hao said, Jia Feiyu was also a little more stable, but still with a trace of vigilance in his look. Obviously, he did not fully believe what Jiang Hao said.

"What you've done on the far north plain these days has been spread all over the northern plains. If you're just curious, I can tell you..."

After Jia Feiyu hesitated for a moment, he told Jiang Hao the reason. After all, the latter was right. If the latter really had the intention of killing and seizing treasure, Jiang Hao could have started directly as early as the first moment of his appearance. The later half step of the strength of the fairyland period, he had no right to speak at all.

Under Jia Feiyu's narration, Jiang Hao finally knew the reason. It turned out that the reason why the other party could avoid the scanning of his divine sense was that the silver white cloak on the latter's body.

This silver white cloak is made of the fur of silver snow fox of noble blood. It has the power of isolation, can block other people's investigation, and more importantly, it can even avoid the power of separation.

After hearing this, Jiang Hao was also a little interested. You know, with this cloak, you can freely cross the border between the two countries without being hindered by the force of dividing the border.

"So you should be a messenger, right?"

Jiang Hao said suddenly.

Generally speaking, only messengers have such magic weapons.

And just after Jiang Hao finished asking, the man also nodded.

"You're a messenger, so why are you here?"

Jiang Hao asked curiously. Although this is the border between the two countries, because of the great danger, the monthly messenger will not appear here. So at the beginning, Jiang Hao did not guess it.

"Naturally, I want to seek opportunities, but I didn't expect that since I didn't choose, I almost put my life here."

In the end, Jia Feiyu also had a wry smile.

"As your messenger, there should be very few hands on you."

After all, messengers have become extremely precious since the aura of heaven and earth has been disordered. Killing messengers will be condemned.

"But I can't beat those Guardian animals..."

Jia Feiyu's face was embarrassed.

He thought that his strength in the middle of the robbery period came to this far north plain. Although he was not one of the experts, he should be able to see the past strength. However, he did not expect that even if no one came to trouble him, he would not get the flower of life. After all, the flower of life was surrounded by guardian animals, but it was a pity that he could not beat those Guardian animals.


After hearing this, Jiang Hao was also speechless. Obviously, he did not expect the other party to encounter such an embarrassing situation.

"If I remember correctly, the polar night is coming to an end, right?"

"Well, there are still three days."

Jia Feiyu nodded honestly.

"What did you get from this trip?"

Although Jiang Hao had already guessed the answer, he still couldn't help asking.


Jia Feiyun burst into tears.

He didn't want to be like this, but every time he worked hard to find the whereabouts of the flower of life, he was sad to find out. With his strength, let alone solve the guardian beast, he could not even fight with it.

But in the polar night period, it is even more impossible to be a fisherman, unless he has the strength of Jiang Hao.Therefore, during the period of the polar night, he came to the northern plain for such a long time, but Jia Feiyu did not get anything. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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