Sacred Devil

Chapter 1932

If it was someone else, he and Jiang ChiYan would be thrown away directly, but Gregory did not.

Hearing Jiang Hao's question, Gregory agreed to come down boldly, and then opened his luggage.

Soon, a wide range of commodities appeared in front of Jiang Hao and xiaoluoli. Seeing the edible herbs, xiaoluoli immediately sprawled up with her eyes shining. She picked up one of the medicinal materials with a shape similar to a mushroom, and ate it directly.

"My chunyanggan! That's a good product for tens of thousands of years

Just after xiaoluoli put the mushroom like medicine directly into her mouth, Gregory's shrill scream also sounded, which made Jiang Hao almost deaf.

"Can't this be eaten?"

The little Lori, who had chewed on it, also took the mushroom out of her mouth. Then she looked at Gregory timidly, staring at the latter with her big bright and innocent eyes, and then asked.

"This is edible, but..."

By the little Lori with such eyes to stare, Gregory to the mouth of the refusal is also swallow down, no one can refuse such a little Lori's request, but.

"It's just a medicinal herb. It's very ferocious. If you eat it like this, it's easy to cause aura confusion..."

At the end of the speech, Gregory's voice was also weaker. It was obvious that little Lori could not be compared with ordinary people.

Even if he chews on the pure Yang stem directly, it will cause a lot of aura in her body, and even cause certain harm. However, little Lori has no side effects since she took one bite. It is obvious that the cute little girl in front of her is stronger than her rough man.

After thinking of this, Gregory also has the impulse of tears.

"Brother Gregory, I'm sorry. My sister is not good at this point. She likes to eat too much. What are you doing? It should be sold? In that case, I'll pay you. "

At this time, Jiang Hao on one side also hastily stepped forward to prepare for the end of the battle. After all, xiaoluoli ate other people's medicinal materials, and he should make compensation.

"Yes, my brother has money. I'll take this, this and this as well as this."

After hearing what Jiang Hao said. Xiaoluoli also once again raised a smile, but this time she did not directly rush up like before, holding the herbs and gnawing, but cleverly stood aside to watch Jiang Hao and Gregory said.

One side of Gregory also directly intended to say that the medicinal materials were given to xiaoluoli as a thank-you gift. When she saw that she pointed to several other precious medicinal plants, her words to her mouth were also hard to swallow.

If these medicinal materials like family treasures are given to xiaoluoli in this way, he, as a businessman, will go bankrupt.

"Brother Gregory, please wrap all the herbs my sister just mentioned."

After seeing the herbs mentioned by Jiang ChiYan, Jiang Hao couldn't help but smoke at the corners of his mouth. He could think of those herbs with his hair, which must be very precious.

After all, little Lori's mouth is very tricky, ordinary herbs can not enter her eyes, and from the side of Gregory's reaction can also see this.

Thinking of his wallet and bleeding again, Jiang Hao could not help but feel some pain, but soon he adjusted his mind and could not help it. Who called him the master of little Lori.

"Are you sure you want all of them?"

After hearing Jiang Hao said so, Gregory on one side was also stunned for a while, and then confirmed again and again.

"Well, wrap it all up."

Jiang Hao nodded.


After seeing Jiang Hao nodding, Gregory also stopped asking, but directly wrapped up the herbs. Just as Gregory wrapped up the herbs, the little Lori on the side couldn't help cheering a few times, obviously very happy.

Xiao Luoli's joy also infected Jiang Hao and Gregory, especially Jiang Hao. Originally, after his wallet was bleeding heavily, he still had some pain in his flesh. But seeing how happy xiaoluoli was, he suddenly felt it was worth it.

After Gregory wrapped up the medicinal materials, Jiang Hao did not rush to pay the bill, but chose from the next commodities.

As a businessman, Gregory collected a lot of good goods. Even Jiang Hao couldn't help but be moved.

After picking and picking on the commodities, Jiang Hao also bought some rare materials on the market, most of which were wild animal bones and skins.

After selecting all the goods he needed, Jiang Hao also used the power of Bodhi ancient mirror to convert the element of wood into a part of spiritual grass seeds as the payment money. In addition, Jiang Hao also used a lot of good things on his body to pay for the bills. Only then did he pay off the several medicinal plants xiaoluoli had taken before. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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