Sacred Devil

Chapter 1945

With Jiang Hao's current strength, these tasks are obviously not very challenging for him. Soon, he accumulated a large number of xuanming gold sands. After these xuanming gold sands got to hand, Jiang Hao did not hesitate to give them all to Bodhi ancient mirror, but he himself did not absorb more than half of the points.

And Jiang Hao's action obviously achieved some results. The dazzling cracks on the surface of the ancient Bodhi mirror have finally dissipated. It seems that after a period of time, the ancient Bodhi mirror will be able to restore its original appearance and reunite.

After thinking about this, Jiang Hao became tired because of his long-term task, and his mood was finally improved. During this period, Jiang Hao also tried to enter the space in the ancient Bodhi mirror, but he failed every time, but he still did not give up trying.

After he fed the xuanming gold sand to the ancient Bodhi mirror again, Jiang Hao settled down and forced the divine power into the ancient Bodhi mirror again. This time, the ancient Bodhi mirror did not produce any resistance or no response as before, but absorbed it bit by bit. After seeing this scene, the expression on Jiang Hao's face also changed As long as the Bodhi ancient mirror can absorb the power of divine culture, then Jiang ChiYan may be revived!

It was not until the Bodhi mirror no longer absorbed the power of divine culture that Jiang Hao stopped instilling. At this time, he was already sweating, but his face was wearing a comforting smile.

At last, everything was developing in a good direction. Jiang Hao seemed to untie the knot, and the whole person became refreshed.

Just find enough xuanming gold sand.

After thinking of this place, Jiang Hao no longer hesitated, and began to go to the next town. Previously, he had taken the task card of xuanming Jinsha mission in that town. Now she has to go to a new town to accept the mission.

After a short journey, Jiang Hao also came to the nearest town. The name of this town is very nice. It is called the city of guduohua. From the name, it is not difficult to see that this town is surrounded by flowers. There are beautiful flowers everywhere. Girls here will have a fresh flower pinned on their hair Outsiders are distinguished.

After Jiang Hao entered the town, a fragrance came to his face. He smelled it deeply, but he found that the spiritual power here was extremely abundant, and it was not polluted by the virtual creatures. After realizing this, Jiang Hao might be surprised, but soon recovered to normal.

Long before he came to guduohua City, Jiang Hao had bought a map of the town, so as soon as he entered the town, his first thing was to find the mission card.

It was a mission card issued by the army composed of the major continents. Each town had its own mission. Most of the tasks were related to the virtual creatures. Recently, Jiang Hao took on the most difficult task, which was to find the trace of the virtual creatures. You should know that those virtual creatures have their own magical powers and are cunning in nature, which usually drive the mutated fierce beasts to come out Evil, where can be easily found by human practitioners, even if they find these empty creatures, it is a very difficult thing to survive safely from their hands.

After a search, Jiang Hao didn't even see the face of the void creature, but fortunately, the task required him to find the trace of the void creature, that is, the general whereabouts. Otherwise, Jiang Hao would not be able to complete the task.

However, the reward for this task was huge, so Jiang Hao got a lot of xuanming gold sand, accounting for almost half of all his tasks.

However, this kind of mission is usually not given out. Even if it is given out, the difficulty is the highest level, and the reward is also very rich. Therefore, after each award, countless human practitioners will scramble to take over the task.

There has never been a shortage of adventurers on this continent who believe that both gain and danger go hand in hand.

The reason why Jiang Hao was able to suppress all the heroes and receive the task was completely because of his extremely terrible strength. When he stood in the lobby and his momentum spread out, no one dared to compete with him again.

Of course, this kind of behavior of Jiang Hao is quite incompatible with his usual style, but it is precisely because of his behavior that his name has spread throughout the mercenary class of the whole red earth continent in a short time. The word "Jiang Hao" has become a legendary existence in the last town.

Although the other party took all kinds of tasks, the discerning eye could see that Jiang Hao was aiming at the xuanming Jinsha at a glance, but there were not many people who disagreed with it. After all, the xuanming gold sand is of great benefit to the practitioners. The reason why many people take on the tasks of adventurers is to obtain more xuanming gold sand.

This thing has long been under the control of the major armies. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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