Sacred Devil

Chapter 1961

"Well, I've broken through the cave here, but the obstacles in it can't be removed. Be careful when you go in."

Jiang Hao nodded and affirmed Jiang ChiYan's conjecture.

"Don't worry, I'm going to take the lead."

After Jiang ChiYan made a sign to refuel, he hopped into the cave.

Even now she has grown into a beautiful woman, but her style is still like a little girl, there is no trace of mature and steady in her body.

Jiang ChiYan is in the front of the road, and Jiang Hao is the rear of the palace. Although he has obtained a lot of information from Bai luoan, however, this is the first time that he has explored the mountains alone. Therefore, he is extremely cautious in his actions. At the same time, Jiang Hao does not forget to stare at Jiang ChiYan, for fear that the other party might accidentally break into any basket.

But this time Jiang ChiYan is still very reliable, after all, xuanming gold sand has a fatal attraction to her, so she has always been naughty at this time has become calm.

As there is no miner's lamp in the cave, both Jiang Hao and Jiang ChiYan hold a Moonstone in their hands for lighting. As they move forward cautiously, a bright light suddenly appears in their eyes. Before Jiang Hao has time to respond, the nearest one to the light is Jiang ChiYan.

As fast as lightning, the red clothes came to the light nearby. The light was just about to fight back, but Jiang ChiYan seized it.

"What is this?"

Jiang ChiYan's face showed a puzzled look. She looked at the light struggling in her hands, and then turned to ask Jiang Hao.

"Let me see."

After hearing this, Jiang Hao also hurriedly stepped forward to see what the light was in his hands.

But it was at this time that the change took place.

The light suddenly exploded, and Jiang ChiYan quickly threw away the light in his hand, but he still suffered some small injuries, and even his sleeve was burnt for a long time.

At the moment when Jiang ChiYan threw away the light, an immortal fire wrapped up the light and then burned it into ashes. There seemed to be something in the ashes. However, Jiang Hao did not pay attention to it. Instead, he quickly stepped forward and stood in front of Jiang ChiYan, and then picked up the jade hand that the other party had just grasped the light After a while, I was relieved to see that the other side was not hurt.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm just a little scared."

Jiang ChiYan quickly waved his hand, saying that he had not been hurt.

She was just taken aback.

"Be careful next time. Don't hold everything in your hand."

Jiang Hao frowned and said to Jiang ChiYan.

"I'll be careful when I know the master."

Jiang ChiYan nodded his head quite a bit unreasonable, saying that he knew that he would not make it again next time.

Seeing Jiang Hao's face softened a little, Jiang ChiYan continued to ask.

"Master, what was that just now? I seem to feel a trace of familiar things in it, but they don't seem to have any intelligence."

At first, Jiang ChiYan thought that the thing was not aggressive, so he grasped it. What he didn't think about was that after he caught it in his hand, the thing would explode on his own initiative. If he hadn't reacted quickly, he might have to pay a lot of money for it. No wonder Jiang Hao was so angry.

"It's a mineral spirit, but it's the lowest one. It hasn't been born yet, but the most powerful one has reached the early stage of the robbery period. Although you are powerful and your physical strength is terrible, if you approach those mineral spirits unprepared, you can't miss your good fruit."

Speaking of the last moment, Jiang Hao's tone was also a bit serious. Obviously, he wanted to teach Jiang ChiYan a lesson, so that the other party would not be so rash in future, but know what is cautious.

"It turns out that this is the spirit of mining. It seems that it is different from what we have seen before. It seems that as long as they are close to strangers, they will automatically explode. In fact, their force is equivalent to that of a strong man who has passed through the robbery period

With Jiang Hao's explanation, Jiang ChiYan understood it in an instant, and suddenly felt some lingering fear.

Fortunately, the mineral spirit that he just caught in his hands is only at the beginning of the robbery period. If the spirit of the spirit of fairyland explodes in front of him, even if she is powerful now, she can't stand it.


Jiang Hao nodded. Seeing that Jiang Chi had a long memory, he put his eyes on the ashes just after the mine spirit explosion. There seemed to be something in there.

After thinking of this, Jiang Hao didn't have any hesitation. He just raised his legs and walked towards the group of ashes, and then squatted down in front of the group of ashes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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