Sacred Devil

Chapter 1999

Their beloved King abandoned them, but the girl they hated was fighting fiercely among the mutant beasts with two short knives. If they were careless, they would be torn to pieces by those terrible mutant beasts.

"I'm sorry."

Suddenly someone whispered.

Then there were more voices like this, and then, more people began to withdraw and apologize for Alina.

Alina, who is fighting in the mutated fierce herds, obviously heard these voices. She turned her head and looked at the ordinary people who were in an orderly retreat. Her face showed a smile. That smile was enough to be called a great country. Although it was only for a moment, it remained in the hearts of countless ordinary people.

Alina turned her head and looked at the deviant beasts in front of her. Her short knife had become blunt in the fight. This was once a great magic weapon. However, after a long time of fighting and cutting, the light of this magic weapon was lost. She could not support it for long. Maybe in the next second, she would fall down and never stand up again.

However, during the period of her fighting, many people should have been out of danger.

After thinking of this, Alina is also a little relieved.

Although I hate these people, she can't do it if she really sees them die. After all, this is the place where she was born and raised.

"Maybe it's good to die on this land."

Alina looked at the mutant fierce beast holding the sickle in front of her and slowly closed her eyes. Now her spiritual power in her body has been completely exhausted. She can't hide this knife.

Although she knew that she was going to die, there was no fear on Alina's face, but a little relief. At least in the last second, those people knew they were wrong.

As long as they know what they've done is wrong.

While Alina was waiting for death, the sickle did not fall on her body. Alina opened her eyes, but saw a dark figure appeared in front of her. As for the terrible beast with the sickle, it was lying on the ground, its body was divided into two, and it died miserably.

"Ginger Jiang Hao

Alina murmured in disbelief.

Although this person did not turn around, Alina still recognized the identity of the other party at a glance, but the sudden appearance of the other party really shocked her a little.

Everything in front of her is like a dream. Alina even doubts whether she is a god shaking. Everything in front of her will disappear.

"Alina, are you ok?"

Jiang Hao turned and asked Alina.

"No, I'm fine. Why are you here? You and Cao he suddenly disappeared that day. I thought

Alina's words didn't finish, but Jiang Hao understood her meaning and immediately laughed.

"I have given Caohe to the mercenary Association."

"It seems that I have underestimated you a little. What about Xiaochi? Is she OK? "

Without seeing Jiang ChiYan's figure, Alina can't help but worry and ask Jiang Hao.

"She went and opened the other gates."

Jiang Hao replied.

Just as soon as he found out that the city of kasha had been slaughtered by the mutated fierce beast, he had already rushed over with Jiang ChiYan. In addition, the surrounding cities and towns had sent troops and horses to support them. However, the city of kasha was so remote that the army could not make it. However, besides the army, there were also numerous human practitioners Jiang Hao was one of them.

This time, it was too sudden for Jiang Hao to prepare for the attack. If Jiang Hao had not mastered the Shenwen building transmission array, it would not have come so quickly.

Of course, if he came back later, the girl in front of him would have been yanxiaoyu.

"How can you let her do those things alone? Now all the gates of the city are surrounded by mutated fierce beasts. How can you let Xiaochi Yan pass by as a girl? "

After hearing Jiang Hao's words, Alina's face suddenly changed. She even had no time to appreciate the other party's help, so she accused Jiang Hao of reckless behavior!

"Don't worry. With her strength, these little things, you can't do anything about her."

Facing Alina's accusation, Jiang Hao was not angry, but explained.

After all, today's Jiang ChiYan, even he can't see through the real strength of each other. Although these mutant fierce beasts are fierce, the strongest ones are only at the beginning of the fairy period, which is not enough to bring harm to Jiang ChiYan.

"Even if it is, you can't let her go as a girl. I'm all right now. Go and support her."

After hearing what Jiang Hao said, Alina was also a little relieved, but she also urged Jiang Hao to leave to support Jiang ChiYan. After all, the other side was a little girl, and she was really worried! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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