Sacred Devil

Chapter 2018

At the end of the day, there was an expression of expectation on the face of the gurga venerable.

"The last time I met such a pure soul was 30 years ago. I really miss it."

The smile on gujia Zun's face became more and more strange, even the surrounding air was a bit dark.

Liang Feibiao on one side saw the expression of gujia Zun, and his face became delicate. He seemed to think of something bad.

"I don't care what means you use, at most one month. After a month, there will be no city of kasha on the ice and snow fields."

Gu jiazun looked at Liang Feibiao and said word by word.

"This! Does venerable mean to really kill the city this time? Don't you leave those dogs and pigs as kindling

After hearing this, Liang Feibiao was also stunned, and then he asked in a hurry.

Obviously, in his opinion, the people who love and respect him are just pigs and dogs who are regarded as kindling, even ordinary people are inferior.

"It's been more than 30 years. It's time for them to play their due value. Why? Are you soft hearted? Don't do it to the same kind? "

Gu Jia Zun looked at Liang Feibiao sarcastically and then asked.

"Of course that's impossible, and they're not my kind. They don't deserve it."

Liang Feibiao also showed a cruel smile on his face, and his words also showed his position.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, if they know you say so, the expression on their face will be very interesting."

Gujia Zun laughed, and the expression on his face was very interesting.

"The reason why I don't agree with Zun's action now is that Jiang Hao is still in the city. I don't think he will leave for a while. However, if he really wants to drive those deviant beasts to kill the city, it should be difficult to achieve results. After all, Jiang Hao's strength is a little terrifying. It is clear that his realm is just a great perfection in the immortal period, but it is a real outbreak This is not the strength of the fairyland. If he is there, even the most careful plan is prone to change. "

Liang Feibiao did not praise Jiang Hao. It was precisely because he knew the strength of the latter that he came to see the gujiazun for the sake of insurance.

If only relying on those mutated fierce beasts and his power, then it is almost impossible to do the city slaughtering under Jiang Hao's eyes.

"No matter how powerful it is, the realm is only full of fairyland. If I hadn't been trapped now, in my opinion, with his strength, he was just an ant that could be crushed to death at any time."

The ancient gazuns obviously despised Jiang Hao.

If he was not trapped now, Jiang Hao's strength would be just a clown in front of him.

"However small ants, placed in a key position, can also play a huge role. To be on the safe side, gujiazun, do you want to wait until Jiang Hao leaves?"

Liang Feibiao dissuades the way.

"If I want to act, I have to depend on an ant whose strength is only fairyland."

After hearing this, a mocking smile appeared on his face.

"You just do what I say, Jiang Hao. I will solve it."

"Yes, Lord!"

After hearing that all the gujiazuns said so, Liang Feibiao was also slightly relieved. After all, there was an opponent. Even if Jiang Hao had three heads and six arms, he could not be the opponent of the other party.

After all, the gap between the two is not a gully, but a real natural moat!

After discussing the plan for the next massacre, the spirit of the ancient Buddha disappeared in the chamber of secrets. Until the breath of the ancient Buddha disappeared completely, Liang Feibiao raised his head. He looked at the bell hanging on the ceiling, and his face was very secretive.

Jiang Hao on the other side also followed the other party's eyes and looked at the bells with sky flower boards. Although he didn't know the meaning of these things, it was not difficult to find out that these people should be ice practitioners who died under the conspiracy of the two men 30 years ago through the conversation.

Among them, perhaps there is the dead wife of Zhang Wuhan. Perhaps the soul pure character mentioned by the ancient Buddha is the dead wife of Zhang Wuhan.

After thinking about it, Jiang Hao couldn't help but sigh. It turned out that 30 years ago, it was a huge injustice, and the initiator of all this was the king who was deeply loved by the people of kasha city.

Just as Jiang Hao looked at the bells on the ceiling, Liang Feibiao also turned around to leave. Jiang Hao also kept up with each other's pace, followed him all the way, and finally left the chamber of secrets.

Jiang Hao didn't choose to fight Liang Feibiao directly. After all, in addition to one liang Feibiao, there will be tens of thousands of Liang Feibiao. The real source of disaster is still the empty creature named gujiazun. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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