Sacred Devil

Chapter 2030

Wind, everywhere.

Jiang Hao's body is running wildly in the narrow space. His speed has reached the peak, and he is still speeding up, surpassing the limit, and there is no sign of stopping, because he knows that once he stops and is entangled by those violent winds, then the huge force will directly tear his body, just like tearing his body apart.

"Don't you have a hard mouth? Don't you look down on my strength? Is it not that I have made a fool of me and run around in this space like a mouse? "

Seeing Jiang Hao's embarrassed figure, gulani was also proud to laugh.

Isn't the other side looking down on his power? Now is not he despised by the power to make such a mess?

In the world of practitioners, strength is always regarded as the most important thing. It's really disdainful to talk to him about his moral heart. However, it's also good to let the other person die under the power that he or she can't look down on, and let the other side enjoy his own achievements.

"When you become a virtual creature, do you think you can become a real strong man? No, at that time, you will only become a mouse even more embarrassed than me, and then you will be wanted by all human practitioners in Zhongzhou

Jiang Hao ran away crazily while fighting with his mouth.

It's no problem if you can't beat the other party and die in the other party's strong wind. But if you want him to abandon his original intention and bow down to the throne, it's absolutely impossible. He has nothing but these three and two proud bones, not to mention the fairyland. Even if the stronger people of higher realm pass by, they will never break it!

This is also the pride of Jiang Hao!

"It's time to die. I'm not ashamed! Well, I've had enough of this cat and mouse game. Now let me take you on the road

After hearing this, gulani's smile stopped abruptly. His eyes were glumly staring at Jiang Hao. Obviously, he had given up using language to find superiority in each other.

Since the other party wants to die so much, you can send the other party to the road directly.

The violent wind suddenly dissipated with the sound of gulani's voice. Jiang Hao, who was originally embarrassed by the wind, stopped at the same place, and then stared at gulani in disbelief, trying to see what the other side was doing.

Under the gaze of the other party, gulani's hands also bear a strange mark, and this mark Jiang Hao is not strange. He saw it once on the mysterious man a long time ago. At that time, the other party also made such a strange mark, and then a huge eye will appear behind the other party.

Sure enough, as Jiang Hao expected, after gulani formed his mark, the space behind the other side was also torn open. Unexpectedly, a huge eye appeared behind gulani. The eye was very evil and was composed of countless small insects. Although those insects had no entity, they were just virtual shadows, but only those virtual shadows It's scary enough.

Jiang Hao turned his head and refused to let himself look at the eye. He knew that once he saw it, he would be engulfed by the endless darkness. Whether he could come out of the absolute darkness, even Jiang Hao was not sure.

After all, the man in front of him was not the mysterious man he met that day. At this time, the strength of this man had reached the level of fairyland, and the means used by the strong people of fairyland were absolutely not comparable to those of ordinary fairyland.

But fortunately, these are only the strength borrowed by gulani, so the breath is also very unstable. Otherwise, if only this eye appears in the heaven and earth, even if Jiang Hao doesn't look at that eye, he will be directly swallowed up by that eye, and he will be wandering in the dark land without day.

"Feel the temptation of emptiness?"

Seeing that Jiang Hao turned his head and didn't look at the huge eye behind him, gulani's face once again showed a proud smile. Compared with Jiang Hao's fear, the appearance of this evil and huge eye made him feel very happy.

This is the power he craves!

Once they really have this power, what are the human practitioners in fairyland? He is much better than those hypocritical human practitioners.

"Submit to absolute power."

With the sound of gulani's voice, the eye behind him gradually became huge, as if to occupy the whole narrow space.

At the moment, Jiang Hao is unavoidable. Under the cover of this huge eye, he is like an ordinary human without the power to bind a chicken. Even if it is not the first time to face this eye, he still has ripples in his heart when he sees this eye again.

Even though he was selected by Bodhi's ancient mirror and killed many deviant beasts and human practitioners who sold their souls to void creatures, his heart of Tao was still shaken in the face of the void giant eyes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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