Sacred Devil

Chapter 2034

Although Alina had different opinions with Liang Feibiao, she even wanted to overthrow each other's rule, but she still respected the patron saint of kasha city. Even though the other party's action more than half a month ago was totally unpopular, Liang Feibiao was still the belief of many people, but no one thought of their king He was the running dog of the void creatures and betrayed all of them.

Alina couldn't even imagine how heartbroken it would be for the people of kasha city to know about it!

"It's just a group of ants. Why should I care what they think?"

In the face of Alina's hysterical questioning, Liang Feibiao's expression on his face is very calm. Obviously, he doesn't think that what he has done is too much. In his opinion, the people in kasha city are just the livestock he keeps in the city.

All these animals can be sacrificed to the ancient gazuns as long as they need them.

"In your opinion, those who regard you as gods are just ants?"

If the just Alina just can't believe and feel betrayed, then now it is turned into full of anger!

She has always had mixed feelings about the city of kasha, but the only thing that can be confirmed is that she loves a town that gave birth to her and raised her. Therefore, when the city of kasha is in crisis, she comes to support regardless of safety. Therefore, when Liang Feibiao insists on building the city wall with fire and rock, she will stand up against it. Unexpectedly, the city of kasha has not If they were captured by those deviant beasts, their lords had sold all of them!

"Yes, but you are not the same. As long as you are willing to submit to the great void creature, I think the gurkas will be happy to accept a disciple like you."

Alina's pain or anger did not affect Liang Feibiao's mood. On the contrary, he looked at the girl in front of her and said unacceptable words.

"I'll never in my life submit to these disgusting insects like you!"

Alina said it almost with her teeth clenched.

The slender jade hand was placed on the bow and arrow, and an ice blue arrow feather appeared. As soon as the arrow feather appeared, it affected the majestic aura of heaven and earth. With the formation of the arrow feather, Alina's mouth also oozed blood. Obviously, this move lost a lot of her spiritual power.

It is obvious that Liang Feibiao's words directly infuriated the girl with a light blue hair.

The arrow feather galloped toward Liang. Although Alina's strength is only in the period of disaster, the damage caused by the arrow feather is infinitely close to the strong one in the fairyland period!

Alina's sudden outburst also made everyone present shine in front of them, especially the gujia Zun, who was staring at the girl in front of her inexplicably, and her eyes flashed a trace of greed.

Although the outbreak of this move is very eye-catching, but for Liang Feibiao, who is really a strong immortal, it is obviously not worth mentioning.

When the arrow feather was about to appear between Liang Feibiao's eyebrows, the other side just raised his hand, and an invisible array was protecting him in front of him, which directly dissipated the energy in the arrow feather and turned it into thousands of brilliance.

After that array appeared, the light and shadow appeared on the ground of the whole city of kasha. Those lights and shadows were composed of countless runes, and the power contained in them was enough to cover the sky and destroy the earth.

"Is this the real power of Zhushen array?"

After seeing this scene, Jiang Hao's face also showed a look of amazement.

Although he has been quietly understanding the Zhushen array these days, this is the first time to see the Zhushen array start, far more powerful than he imagined, and worthy of the word Zhushen!

"I didn't expect it. I didn't know you were a white eyed wolf. The killing God array used to protect the town was used by you to deal with the people who really protected the town, boy! Damn you

Zuoqiu Kaian on one side was almost spitting blood. He and Alina did not expect Liang Feibiao to be the running dog of the void creature. To know that the establishment of the killing God array had his share of credit, but Liang Feibiao used it to deal with them. It was very popular.

After finishing this sentence, Zuo Qiu Kai'an also sped toward Liang Feifei. The other side quickly drove the Zhushen array to form a huge light shield in front of him.

However, no matter how powerful the killing God array is, it is absolutely impossible to stop a strong one in the fairyland. So the seemingly indestructible light shield is directly broken by Zuo Qiu Kai'an's random blow, and at this time, the ancient Buddha is also in front of Liang Feifan.

"Old dog, it seems that I am better this time. Today I will turn the city of kasha into a paradise for monsters in front of you."

Jie Jie, the ancient gazun, laughed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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